
Hobgoblins generally live closely with goblins and bugbears in Balor. They are the most civilized of the three races, and while they aren't common, they are the most common to be seen in general populations amongst the three.   Most commonly, hobgoblins have orange or red skin, but they can also tend towards brown or yellow. They are slightly taller than humans, on average, and are bulky, usually having a stockier build. Their hair is dark black or brown, but they go gray early on in their lives. They share their long ears with their goblin cousins and have striking yellow eyes.

Physical Traits

Prevalence Uncommon
Average Height: 6'1" - 6'5"
Average Weight: 190 lb. - 240 lb.
Ability Scores +2 Con, +2 Int or Cha
Size Medium
Speed 6 squares
Vision Low-light
Languages Common, Goblin
Related Locations


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