Circle of Sildur Organization in Deabros | World Anvil

Circle of Sildur

A druidic circle that is comprised of previous circles. This circle exists out of a need to survive the world that is changing around it. It can be found in the Friendship Woods.  


The Circle of Sildur was founded after Dagda, a fairy druid, successfully united the druid circles of Roven Naur, Glaad, and Ithil. This unification came at a time of great upheaval, where the combined strengths and knowledge of each circle were necessary to address a looming threat that endangered the balance of nature across the continent of Eandor.  

Way of Life

Members of the Circle of Sildur embrace a way of life that balances the fiery renewal of wildfire, the nurturing guidance of the shepherd, and the deep, mystical connections of the moon and spores. They believe in the cyclical nature of life, where destruction leads to rebirth, guidance fosters growth, and the unseen forces of the world drive the visible changes in nature. Guests among the Circle of Sildur would find themselves at home. Embraced by a communalistic and open society of individuals at peace with each other and within themselves (for the most part).  

Organizations Within It

  The Verdant Guardians
  • Focus: Regenerative agriculture and permaculture
  • Activities: Developing and implementing sustainable farming techniques, creating educational workshops on permaculture practices, and running a seed library to preserve biodiversity.
  • Organization: Operates through regular open meetings where members plan projects, share knowledge, and coordinate with other groups on resource sharing and mutual aid. Decisions are made through consensus, and leadership roles rotate based on expertise and project needs.
The Woven Threads
  • Focus: Textile and clothing production using sustainable materials
  • Activities: Harvesting and processing natural fibers, experimenting with natural dyes, conducting sewing and weaving workshops, and promoting clothing swaps within the community.
  • Organization: Organized in collectives based on skill sets (weavers, dyers, tailors), with members freely joining based on interest. Collectives meet regularly to discuss projects and collaborate with environmental groups to ensure materials are sourced sustainably.
The Luminary Collective
  • Focus: Renewable energy and ecological building
  • Activities: Designing and constructing low-impact living spaces, developing community-based renewable energy projects, and sharing knowledge on ecological construction techniques.
  • Organization: Utilizes task-oriented teams for specific projects, with a rotating coordinator to ensure communication and collaboration among teams. Teams engage the community in participatory design processes and hands-on building workshops.
The Mycelium Network
  • Focus: Fungal cultivation and ecological restoration
  • Activities: Cultivating edible and medicinal mushrooms, researching mycoremediation techniques to clean contaminated land, and running educational programs on the benefits of fungi in ecosystems.
  • Organization: Functions as a decentralized network of growers and researchers, sharing findings and techniques through an open-access repository. Projects are initiated based on community interest and environmental need, with leadership emerging organically from within the group.
The Crystal Stream Syndicate
  • Focus: Water conservation and purification
  • Activities: Implementing rainwater harvesting systems, developing natural water purification methods, and educating the community on water conservation practices.
  • Organization: Comprised of smaller teams focused on research, education, and implementation, with coordination handled by a fluid leadership structure that adapts to the syndicate's ongoing projects. Engages with the community through workshops and participatory project design.
The Harmony Enclave
  • Focus: Community health and wellness
  • Activities: Providing holistic health services (including herbal medicine, therapy, and physical wellness programs), creating spaces for mental health support, and fostering a culture of care and self-awareness.
  • Organization: Operates as a collective of health practitioners and volunteers, coordinating care through community-based clinics and wellness centers. Decisions on services and programs are made collectively, with an emphasis on meeting the diverse health needs of the community.
The Echoes of Insight
  • Focus: Education and knowledge sharing
  • Activities: Running a community library, organizing educational workshops on a wide range of topics (from druidic practices to practical skills), and facilitating mentorship and skill-sharing opportunities.
  • Organization: Governed by an assembly of educators, librarians, and learners, prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity in education. Projects and programs are proposed and decided upon through participatory planning sessions.

Bodies of Government

  • Flat Hierarchies: The Circle eschews traditional hierarchical structures in favor of flat, decentralized forms of governance. Leadership roles, if they exist, are rotational and based on specific tasks or projects, with leaders accountable to the community and subject to recall.
  • Direct Action: Political change and community defense are achieved through direct action rather than reliance on representative governance or military might. This includes environmental stewardship, restoration projects, and peaceful resistance against external threats.
  • Autonomous Collectives: The Circle is organized into autonomous collectives, each focused on specific areas such as agriculture, education, or environmental protection. These collectives coordinate their efforts through open assemblies and shared platforms, ensuring a unified approach to achieving the Circle's goals.
  • Community Assemblies: The foundational decision-making body, open to all members of the community. Assemblies discuss and decide on matters affecting the community, from resource allocation to conflict resolution and project planning. Decisions are reached through consensus or, if necessary, through forms of decision-making that aim to respect minority opinions.
  • Coordination Council: A rotating, recallable council made up of representatives from each working group and community assembly. Its role is to facilitate communication and coordination among the different parts of the Circle, ensuring that efforts are aligned and resources are efficiently distributed. The council does not make decisions for the community but serves as a platform for sharing information and best practices.


  1. Decentralization: The Circle is organized into a network of autonomous communities, each self-managed and operating independently while sharing common values and objectives. This structure prevents the concentration of power and fosters resilience, as each community can adapt to its specific circumstances.
  2. Direct Democracy: Decisions are made through assemblies where every member has an equal voice. These assemblies can be regular or convened as needed, ensuring that decision-making is participatory and reflective of the collective will.
  3. Fluid Roles: Instead of fixed positions of authority, roles within the community are based on tasks, projects, or specific areas of expertise. Individuals take on roles based on their skills, interests, and the community's needs, with the understanding that these roles are temporary and subject to change.


The Circle of Sildur fosters a culture of respect for all aspects of nature, embracing diversity and the strength it brings. Their rituals and ceremonies incorporate elements from each founding circle, celebrating the unity and the distinct contributions of each.
  • Communal Living: Members of the Circle live in communal settings where resources, responsibilities, and knowledge are shared equally among all members. This fosters a strong sense of community and ensures that the needs of every individual are met through collective effort.
  • Consensus Decision-Making: Decisions are made collectively, with each member having an equal voice in the process. This method emphasizes discussion, deliberation, and consensus over majority rule, ensuring that decisions reflect the collective will and respect minority opinions.
  • Voluntary Association: Membership and roles within the Circle are based on voluntary association and self-identification with tasks and responsibilities. Individuals are free to contribute according to their abilities and interests, promoting a sense of autonomy and fulfillment.

Public Agenda

To protect the natural balance of Eandor, foster understanding and cooperation between the different realms of nature, and guide the continent through periods of change and renewal.


  • The Sanctum of Sildur: A central hub for meetings, rituals, and educational gatherings, built with sustainable materials and practices, embodying the circle's connection to nature.
  • Gardens of Nix: These areas are dedicated to permaculture and regenerative agriculture, providing food for the community and serving as educational grounds for sustainable farming techniques.
  • Demography and Population

    The Circle of Sildur is diverse, comprising Kalashtar, Fey, and members from various backgrounds drawn to the circle's inclusive philosophy.


    The Circle does not have a traditional standing military.

    Military Organization

    • Wardens of the Wild: A dedicated group of warriors and spellcasters trained to protect the Circle and its interests. They would be skilled in guerrilla warfare, using the terrain to their advantage, and blending into natural surroundings for surveillance and stealth attacks.
    • Elemental Sentinels: Specialists within the military who harness elemental powers for defense and offense. This could include summoning fire to create barriers, calling forth water to flood or hinder enemies, or shaping earth and air to alter the battlefield.
    • Beastmasters: Individuals with the ability to communicate and command the wildlife within their territory. They would use this ability to gather intelligence, perform reconnaissance, and in some cases, direct animals to assist in defensive actions.
    • Druidic Enchanters: Druids focusing on enchantment and illusion magic to confuse, misdirect, and weaken opponents. They could create illusions to make their forces seem larger, hide their movements, or even turn enemies against each other.

    Defense Strategies

    • Living Barriers: Utilizing druidic magic to grow and manipulate vegetation to create barriers, obstruct paths, or ensnare invaders. These barriers can be mobilized quickly and adapted to the specific threat, making it difficult for enemies to advance.
    • Sanctuaries and Safe Havens: Designing hidden or magically protected retreats within their territory where civilians can take refuge during attacks. These sanctuaries would be fortified with both natural and magical defenses.
    • Biological and Environmental Warfare: Using their deep knowledge of nature to unleash natural diseases, control weather patterns to disadvantage enemies, or invoke natural disasters in extreme cases.

    Offensive Tactics

    • Surgical Strikes: Preferring to avoid large-scale conflicts, the Circle would employ targeted attacks against key figures or infrastructure to destabilize and demoralize their enemies. These strikes would be carried out by elite units skilled in stealth and infiltration.
    • Magical Sabotage: Using magic to disrupt enemy supply lines, spoil provisions, or neutralize magical artifacts and defenses. This could involve turning the land itself against an invading force, such as causing quicksand to swallow up supplies or blighting crops.
    • Summoning and Binding: Summoning elemental forces or creatures to assist in battle, or binding hostile forces to turn them against their allies. This requires significant magical power and knowledge but can turn the tide of a battle by adding unexpected elements to the fray.

    Ethos and Principles

    • Proportionality and Restraint: The Circle of Sildur would use violence as a last resort and aim for the minimum necessary force to protect their community and restore peace. Their strategies and tactics would reflect a deep respect for life and a desire to minimize harm.
    • Integration with Nature: Every aspect of their military strategy would be deeply integrated with the natural world, leveraging the terrain, flora, and fauna as both shield and sword. This connection would also guide their ethical considerations, ensuring that their actions do not unduly harm the land or its creatures.
    • Adaptability: Recognizing the dynamic nature of conflict, the Circle's military strategies would be highly adaptable, with warriors and spellcasters trained to think creatively and respond to changing conditions on the battlefield.
      Self-Defense Collectives: Rather than a formal standing military, the Circle maintains self-defense collectives trained in violent and non-violent resistance and ecological defense tactics. These groups are responsible for protecting the community and the environment from external threats while adhering to the principles of minimal harm and de-escalation.

    Technological Level

    The Circle of Sildur has advanced knowledge of magical practices, combining the elemental magic of wildfire, the nurturing magic of the Fey, and the mystical powers of the moon and spores to develop unique and powerful druidic techniques.


    The Circle of Sildur is pantheistic, worshiping the forces of nature and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Since the Circle is highly decentralized, there is no officially established religion.   Religious practices within the Circle of Sildur blend druidic worship with reverence for natural cycles and the mystical elements of the world.
    • Eco-spirituality: The Circle's religious practices are deeply intertwined with their ecological values, celebrating the interconnectedness of all life and the sanctity of the earth. Rituals and celebrations emphasize communal participation, respect for nature, and the spiritual fulfillment derived from living in harmony with the environment.
    Dagda, the Thalantir and Archdruid, has had a notable impact on religion within the Circle of Sildur. While his personal beliefs regarding religious practices are still enigmatic at best, he has never shied away from informing fellows of his knowledge and insight of the gods gained from his adventures.

    Foreign Relations

    The Circle of Sildur actively seeks to maintain peaceful and cooperative relations with neighboring realms, offering guidance and assistance in environmental matters.
    • Diplomacy and Peaceful Coexistence: The Circle prioritizes diplomacy and peaceful coexistence with neighboring entities, advocating for mutual respect and aid. They engage in non-binding agreements based on mutual interests, emphasizing collaboration over competition.
    • Open Borders: Encouraging a policy of open borders, the Circle welcomes individuals who share their ideals and wish to contribute to their society, promoting cultural exchange and solidarity with like-minded communities.


    Restorative Justice: The Circle adopts restorative justice practices, focusing on reconciliation, restitution, and healing rather than punishment. Conflicts are resolved through community mediation and collective decision-making, aiming to address the root causes of disputes and harm.   Conflict Resolution Moots: Dedicated to addressing disputes within the community, these circles employ methods of restorative justice and mediation. They work to understand the root causes of conflicts, facilitate dialogue between parties, and find solutions that are agreeable to all involved, emphasizing reconciliation and community cohesion.

    Agriculture & Industry

    Sustainable Practices: Economic activities are designed to be sustainable and in harmony with the natural environment. Agriculture, trade, and industry focus on permaculture, renewable resources, and ecological balance, minimizing waste and environmental impact.
    • Permaculture Gardens and Food Forests: Diverse ecosystems designed to mimic natural processes, providing food, medicine, and materials with minimal input and disruption. These areas are tended communally and utilize companion planting, natural pest control, and magical enhancements to promote growth.
    • Aquaponics and Hydroponics: For more efficient use of space and resources, water-based growing systems are employed, especially in areas where soil quality is poor. These systems can be powered by natural water flows or magic.

    Trade & Transport

    Trade routes are established with neighboring lands, focusing on the exchange of magical and natural goods. Transport methods are environmentally friendly, utilizing magical means and natural pathways.   Gift Economy: The Circle operates on a gift economy, where goods and services are given without explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards. This system relies on the abundance of resources and the principle of mutual aid, with members contributing what they can and taking what they need.


    Education within the Circle of Sildur, reflecting their principles, sustainability, and deep connection to nature and magic, would be holistic, decentralized, and tailored to the individual's path within the community.

    Foundational Principles

    • Lifelong Learning: Emphasizing that education is a continuous journey, not confined to a specific age or structured curriculum. Learning happens at all stages of life, through experience, exploration, and reflection.
    • Hands-on Experience: Prioritizing experiential learning through direct engagement with nature, participation in community projects, and practical application of skills and knowledge.
    • Personalized Paths: Recognizing that each individual has unique interests, talents, and ways of learning, education within the Circle is highly personalized. Learners are encouraged to explore various disciplines and focus on areas that resonate with their personal goals and community needs.

    Educational Methods

    • Mentorship and Apprenticeship: Experienced members of the Circle mentor younger or less experienced members, passing down knowledge through one-on-one engagement, apprenticeships, and hands-on projects. This system supports the transmission of specialized skills, traditions, and magical practices.
    • Community Workshops and Seminars: Regularly organized events on a wide range of topics — from herbalism and spellcraft to sustainable building techniques and conflict resolution. These sessions are open to all, facilitating communal learning and the exchange of ideas.
    • Nature Immersion: Education heavily incorporates time spent in nature, learning directly from the environment. This includes wilderness survival skills, plant identification, ecological stewardship, and understanding the magical energies that flow through the natural world.
    • Magical and Druidic Studies: Dedicated studies in magic, focusing on the understanding and harnessing of natural energies, the cycles of the moon, elemental magic, and the cultivation of a deep spiritual connection to the land and its creatures.
    • Collaborative Projects: Engaging in group projects that benefit the community or the environment serves as a practical learning experience. These projects might involve ecological restoration, constructing communal spaces, or organizing cultural events.

    Educational Structure

    • Decentralized Learning Spaces: Rather than a single centralized school, education takes place in various settings throughout the community — in the woods, at community centers, within homes, and at specialized workshops or gardens dedicated to specific areas of study.
    • Elders' Councils: While the Circle eschews hierarchical leadership, elder members with extensive knowledge and experience provide guidance and help coordinate educational efforts, ensuring that the community's collective wisdom is accessible to all.
    • Learning Moots: Small, fluid groups formed around specific interests or projects. These circles allow for peer-to-peer learning and support, facilitated by members who are knowledgeable in the topic at hand.

    Evaluation and Progression

    • Narrative Assessments: Instead of traditional grades, learners receive narrative feedback from mentors and peers, highlighting strengths, areas for improvement, and suggestions for future exploration. This approach fosters a growth mindset and personal reflection.
    • Community Contribution: Progression within the Circle is often marked by the learner's ability to contribute to the community, whether through the application of their skills in projects, the sharing of knowledge, or participation in communal rituals and ceremonies.
    • Rites of Passage: Significant milestones in an individual's educational journey might be recognized through rites of passage, celebrating their growth, contributions, and readiness to take on new roles within the Circle.
    Education in the Circle of Sildur is designed to cultivate well-rounded, knowledgeable individuals who are deeply connected to their community, the natural world, and the magical forces that permeate their environment. This holistic approach ensures that learning is not only about personal growth but also about strengthening the fabric of the community and preserving the balance of the natural world.


    The infrastructure within the Circle of Sildur's territory, reflecting their values of sustainability, harmony with nature, and communal living, would be both innovative and deeply integrated into the natural landscape. Their infrastructure would prioritize low-impact, eco-friendly designs and materials, and make extensive use of natural and magical enhancements to meet the community's needs .

    Living Spaces

    • Treehouses and Earth-Sheltered Homes: Utilizing natural formations and living trees, homes are designed to blend seamlessly with the environment, minimizing disruption to the land. Earth-sheltered homes provide natural insulation, while treehouses minimize the footprint on the ground.
    • Communal Living Complexes: Larger structures built with sustainable materials that house multiple families or individuals, encouraging a sense of community and shared living without sacrificing privacy. These complexes might include shared kitchens, libraries, and gathering spaces.

    Community Centers

    • Council Halls and Meeting Spaces: Central locations where members of the Circle gather for decision-making, celebrations, and public forums. These spaces are designed with natural acoustics in mind and often feature open, circular layouts to promote inclusivity and equality.
    • Educational and Workshop Areas: Dedicated zones for learning, experimentation, and crafting, equipped with tools and resources needed for a wide range of skills and studies. These areas might be scattered throughout the territory, each focusing on different aspects of Circle life, from herbalism to woodworking.

    Energy and Utilities

    • Bio-Luminescent Lighting: Paths and common areas are illuminated by bioluminescent plants and fungi, providing a natural source of light that minimizes energy use and light pollution.
    • Water Catchment and Purification Systems: Using a combination of natural and magical methods, water is collected from rain, streams, and underground sources, then purified and distributed throughout the community.
    • Composting and Waste Management: Organic waste is composted to enrich the soil, while other waste types are minimized through reuse and recycling initiatives. Magical processes might also be employed to break down waste or repurpose materials.


    • Natural Pathways and Bridleways: The primary means of travel within the territory is on foot or by riding beasts, along paths that follow the natural contours of the land, minimizing impact.

    Defense and Security

    • Natural Barriers and Hidden Entrances: The territory's borders are protected by thickets, magical illusions, or naturally difficult terrain, making it hard for outsiders to intrude.
    • Guardian Constructs: Magical beings or constructs, such as golems or enchanted creatures, patrol the territory and protect it from threats. These guardians are bound to serve and protect the Circle, acting under the guidance of its members.

    Sacred and Cultural Sites

    • Druidic Circles and Altars: Sacred spaces for ritual, worship, and connection with the natural and magical forces. These sites are often located at places of power, such as ley line intersections or natural springs.
    • Memorials and Heritage Sites: Places of historical or cultural significance are preserved and respected, serving as a reminder of the Circle's history, trials, and achievements.
    The infrastructure within the Circle of Sildur's territory is a testament to their commitment to living in a way that honors the earth, fosters community, and integrates the use of natural and magical resources. It reflects a balance between innovation and tradition, ensuring that the Circle's way of life is sustainable for generations to come.

    From Ash, Growth; Under Moon, Bloom; Together, We Thrive.

    Founding Date
    Alternative Names
    The Wild Confluence, The Guardians of Eandor
    Leader Title
    Major Exports
    Resource Sharing: Tools, knowledge, and resources are shared communally, eliminating private ownership of production means. This approach reduces inequality and ensures that everyone has access to what they need to live and contribute to the community.
    1. Enchanted Herbs and Potions: Leveraging their deep knowledge of botany and magic, the Circle could export herbs that have been enchanted or imbued with specific magical properties, alongside potions for healing, stamina, and magical resistance, appealing to adventurers, healers, and scholars.
    2. Magically Enhanced Seeds: Offering seeds that have been magically treated to ensure bountiful harvests, resist drought, or grow in otherwise inhospitable conditions, benefiting communities and farmers across the realms.
    3. Druidic Artifacts: Items such as staves, amulets, and talismans, crafted by the Circle's artisans and imbued with natural magic. These could serve as tools for other druids, spellcasters, or as protective amulets for travelers.
    4. Rare Magical Tomes: Copies of their scholarly works, spellbooks, and treatises on natural magic, herbalism, and the balance of ecosystems. Such texts would be invaluable to libraries, academies, and individuals seeking ancient wisdom.
    5. Sustainable Textiles and Garments: Clothing and textiles dyed with natural pigments and crafted without harm to the environment. Their unique styles, imbued with minor enchantments for comfort or protection, would appeal to those who value both fashion and functionality.
    6. Crafted Wares and Tools: Utilizing renewable resources, the Circle could produce and export beautifully crafted goods that are both functional and magical, such as enchanted gardening tools that enhance plant growth, or kitchenware that keeps food fresh longer.
    7. Bioluminescent Lighting: Cultivating and selling bioluminescent plants and fungi that provide natural, magical light. Such a renewable light source would be highly sought after for its beauty and utility in places where traditional lighting is unavailable or impractical.
    8. Ecological Consultations: Offering services to help other communities, kingdoms, or organizations manage their natural resources more sustainably, restore damaged ecosystems, or implement magical solutions to environmental challenges.
    9. Alchemical Ingredients: Exporting rare and powerful ingredients collected from the wilderness or cultivated in their gardens, for use in high-level alchemy. These could include magical reagents, exotic plants, and mineral compounds.
    10. Magical Creatures: With their strong ties to the Fey and deep understanding of magical creatures, the Circle could safely relocate or find homes for magical beasts, offering them as companions or guardians to those with the knowledge and means to care for them responsibly.
    11. Spellcasting Services: For those in need, members of the Circle might offer their spellcasting services, especially for tasks involving healing, protection, environmental restoration, or the enchantment of items.
    Major Imports
    Given the Circle of Sildur's focus on sustainability, self-sufficiency, and harmony with nature, their imports would be limited and carefully considered to minimize ecological impact while supporting their community's needs and their ideals.
    1. Rare Magical Seeds and Plants: For biodiversity, medicinal gardens, and enhancing their permaculture practices, especially those with unique magical properties or ties to ancient lore.
    2. Exotic Herbs and Spices: Used in healing potions, culinary delights, and ritualistic ceremonies, especially those that are not native to their lands.
    3. Minerals and Crystals: Essential for magical practices, as catalysts for spells, enchantments, or as components in druidic rituals.
    4. Magical Tomes and Scrolls: Ancient manuscripts and scrolls that contain lost knowledge, spells, or histories of magical practices from across the realms.
    5. Sustainable Textiles: Natural fibers and dyes produced through environmentally friendly methods, for clothing and ceremonial garments, imported from regions with different climates or resources.
    6. Ethically Sourced Building Materials: Such as magically reinforced wood, stone from ancient quarries, or living plants manipulated through druidic magic for construction, ensuring all materials are harvested in harmony with nature.
    7. Magical Artifacts and Tools: Artifacts of power and precision instruments for magical research, ritual practices, or enhancing the natural abilities of their wielders.
    8. Specialty Alchemical Components: Rare ingredients for potions, elixirs, and other alchemical concoctions that cannot be found or produced locally.
    9. Scholarly Works and Art from Other Cultures: To foster cultural exchange and the integration of diverse magical and philosophical perspectives within the Circle.
    10. Arcane Foci and Ritual Implements: Specialized items that serve as conduits for magical energy or are required for specific druidic rituals, which are not available in their vicinity.
    The Circle of Sildur would likely engage in trade relationships that are based on mutual respect, fairness, and the principles of mutual aid, ensuring that their imports do not contradict their ethical and ecological values. They might also participate in exchange programs, where knowledge, skills, and resources are shared among different communities and cultures, furthering their ideals of cooperation and collective growth.
    Notable Members
    Deabros Map in 691


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