Field of Heroes Geographic Location in Deabros | World Anvil

Field of Heroes

The Field of Heroes, nestled in the southwest of the Vengeance Forest—formerly known as the Divine Forest—has become a site of profound mystery and reverence within Deabros. This natural wonder, initially discovered by the Thalantir of Old near a strange, indestructible Shrine of the Children, has evolved into a sacred memorial ground, marked by the sudden and unexplained appearances of immaculate statues of the Thalantir heroes, immortalized in stone at the ages they were most renowned.   The first of these statues, representing Nix, the gnome cleric of the Yosei'Fey, appeared in the year following her burial at the site, requested by her dying wish. This statue, capturing Nix in a moment of casual stroll through the forest, seemed imbued with magical invulnerability, defying the wear of time and elements. By 477, pilgrims drawn to the site discovered additional statues of Be'llor , Zachariah, and Kezias, expanding the reverence of the location and dubbing it the Field of Heroes.   In 509, a year posthumously following the death of Thubbo, his likeness too joined the assembly, followed by Artain in 645, Nes in 646, and Graham in 673, each appearing a year after their respective deaths. These statues, everlastingly capturing the essence and spirit of each hero at their prime, stand as a testament to their contributions, sacrifices, and the indelible marks they left on the world of Deabros.   The Field of Heroes, alternatively known as the Shrine of the Thalantir, falls under the shadow of the Darkson Empire, with Lucisia and the Thalantir also laying claim to its significance. This site has been the focus of pilgrimages, scholarly research, and political contention, notably marked by events such as the slaughter of pilgrims in 673 and the various official recognitions and invitations extended by the ruling powers of the time.   This hallowed ground, woven with the magic of legacy and memory, stands as a beacon for those who seek to remember the valor of the Thalantir of Old. It invites visitors from across Deabros to pay homage, reflect on the past's heroes, and perhaps find inspiration in the enduring virtues they represented.
Alternative Name(s)
Shrine of the Thalantir
Natural Wonder
Location under
Owning Organization
Deabros Map in 691


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