Dagda Character in Deabros | World Anvil


Dagda (a.k.a. Dag)

Dagda, a young Fairy of 10 years, boasts messy, shoulder-blade-length hair with a mossy texture, colored in a vibrant forest green. His eyes are obsidian black, giving him an air of otherworldly mystery. Despite his age, Dagda has a slender build that belies his potential for great power. His typical attire, known as "Fungal Casual," consists of being shirtless, wearing shorts secured with a woven flower stem belt, and donning a mushroom cap hat adorned with the sigils of Yva, Lonysus, and Vesyna. In combat, he prefers light vegan armor crafted from ethically harvested plant and animal components. One of his most distinguishing features is his iridescent scorpionfly wings, which shimmer with an otherworldly beauty.   The most defining event in Dagda's life was meeting the Vesynites and experiencing the subsequent nightmares of Ragnarok.   His greatest fear is Deabros Ragnarok, and he views authority as a natural byproduct of leadership, necessary to counter threats like apocalyptic beasts.

Mental characteristics


Dagda's views on sex are pragmatic, and he identifies as asexual.


Dagda became a Druid due to the allure of companionship, a higher purpose, and an exploration of the esoteric. He values his ability to transform into powerful fungal-flavored beasts.

Morality & Philosophy

Dagda holds biases against Eladrin and Gnomes, initially viewing them as well-meaning busybodies until his nightmares. He also sees other Fairies as foolish and lacking a collective sense of self-preservation. Despite being a Fairy, he worships a trinity of deities, with Yva as the primary anchor, along with gods of life and death, despite death being a foreign concept to Fairies.

Personality Characteristics


In the short term, Dagda seeks someone who can explain his nightmares and is on a quest to find a group that takes him seriously. His long-term ambition is to stop Ragnarok, and he cares deeply about the Eladrin and Gnomes. Dagda carries a pouch of mushroom spores as part of his religious observances and exhibits quirks characterized by squirrely behavior.   While Dagda remains unsure about sharing something that no other living person knows, he is plagued by recurring Ragnarok nightmares. He pretends to care about recreational activities and feels strongly about preventing the apocalypse. Dagda tends to act with a blend of irrational motivation and rational actions, making him unpredictable in certain situations. He would publicly address potential threats without hesitation.

Virtues & Personality perks

Others acknowledge his gumption and moxy, especially when he's protecting his friends.

Vices & Personality flaws

Initially, Dagda comes across as fidgety, paranoid, disheveled, and somewhat preachy, which has led to negative first impressions as of late. His current disposition as a "party pooper" is seen as his greatest weakness.


Social Aptitude

Dagda's ability to get along with others varies, and he is most comfortable around those who take him and his concerns seriously. Recently, he finds it easier to relate to Eladrin and Gnomes due to his less whimsical nature.

465 PL 690 PL 225 years old
Circumstances of Birth
As all fairies, Dagda just one day existed.
Current Residence
Forest green, messy shoulder length, mossy texture.
Aligned Organization


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