Karnaggonism Organization in Deabros | World Anvil


Karnaggonn is a cosmic entity tasked with carrying the souls of the judged across the sky, a duty it has fulfilled since the dawn of creation. Trapped in a mountain in 475 and later rescued by the Volunteers, Karnaggonn continues its impartial task of collecting and judging souls. A religion has since grown around this process of judgment and the afterlife.

Key Roles within Karnaggonism


Soulseers are capable of using "soulsight" to instantly experience and judge the life of a passed soul on behalf of Karnaggonn. These seers serve as intermediaries, ensuring that souls are judged fairly and impartially based on their own personal ethics and morality. Their judgment determines whether a soul is worthy of the Afterlife in Heimerahl.  

Life Chroniclers

Life Chroniclers study and retell the life stories of the deceased, including all of their virtues, flaws, and significant events. These researchers and storytellers compile and narrate the life story of the deceased, ensuring that every aspect of their life is recorded and remembered. This process is known as Life Chronicling.

Rituals & Ceremonies

Soul Judgment Ceremony: A ritual where the Soulseers use their soulsight to experience and judge the life of the deceased. This ceremony is conducted with great solemnity and reverence.
Life Story Recital: A public recitation of the life story compiled by the Life Chroniclers, often held during funerals or memorial services. This recital honors the deceased and provides closure for the living.

Symbols & Artifacts

Divine Symbols: Common symbols include the morning star, representing Karnaggonn’s eternal journey, and the balance scales, symbolizing impartial judgment.
Artifacts: Artifacts such as the Soulseer’s Eye (a pendant or amulet) and the Chronicle Tome (a book used by Life Chroniclers) are revered.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Live with honesty and integrity.
  2. Embrace the fullness of life.
  3. Respect the process of Judgment.
  4. Value knowledge and wisdom.
  5. Honor the deceased.
  6. Serve the greater good.
  7. Accept critique and strive for improvement.
  8. Maintain balance and fairness.
  9. Do not lie to yourself, for it is the path to consumption.

Sins of Faith

  1. Dishonesty.
  2. Hipocrisy.
  3. Intellectual arrogance.
  4. Willful ignorance.
  5. Disrespecting the dead.
  6. Hiding one's true nature.
  7. Selfishness.
  8. Injustice.
  9. Disconnecting from community.
  10. Neglecting family obligations.
Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations


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