Keltia Organization in Deabros | World Anvil


Keltia: A Nation Forged from Rebellion and Hope

  The nation of Keltia, nestled on the rugged and bountiful New Keltia Island, stands as a beacon of unity, resilience, and cultural diversity. Born from the vision of Leon Keltia and his followers, who sought refuge from the turmoil and oppression in their homelands, Keltia was founded in the aftermath of the dark events that reshaped the continent of Deabros. It embodies the aspirations of its founders for a new society based on mutual respect, freedom, and cooperation among diverse peoples.  

Foundations of Unity and Diversity

Keltia's inception in 475 marked the beginning of a grand experiment in building a community where individuals from various backgrounds could live together in harmony. The early settlers, comprising Vesynites, Kalashtar, and a mix of other races, including dwarves, gnomes, and the rare Lenosites and orcs, laid the groundwork for a society that values the contributions of all its members. The nation's capital, Artanar, named in honor of the late Artain Keltia, symbolizes the unity and strength of the Keltian spirit.  

Economic Prosperity and Trade

The strategic location of New Keltia Island, with access to the Leon Sea and the Channel of Commerce, has facilitated the development of a vibrant economy centered around maritime trade, shipbuilding in Port Keltia, and resource exploitation in Gossan. Unicaro, serving as a crucial trade port with Talashan and the wider world, has become a hub for cultural exchange and economic activity, further enriching Keltia's prosperity.  

Cultural Melting Pot

Keltia's culture is a tapestry woven from the traditions, beliefs, and practices of its diverse population. The nation celebrates this diversity through festivals, art, and communal activities that bring its people together, fostering a sense of belonging and shared identity. The commitment to religious freedom and the acknowledgment of various deities, including Lonysus and Vesyna, reflect Keltia's inclusive ethos.  

Guardians of the Environment

The Keltians hold a deep reverence for their island's natural beauty and resources, adopting sustainable practices to ensure the land's vitality for future generations. The stewardship of the environment is seen not just as a duty but as a way of life, integral to the nation's identity and survival.  

A Beacon of Hope

Keltia stands as a testament to the possibility of creating a just and equitable society out of the ashes of conflict and division. Its people, united by their shared experiences and hopes for a better future, work tirelessly to build a nation that honors the legacy of its founders while forging a path toward peace and prosperity in Deabros.   In summary, Keltia is not just a nation; it is a dream realized—a community where diversity is celebrated, where nature is revered, and where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Demography and Population

Total Population: 5,739
  • Vesynite: 2,220 (38.68%)
  • Kalashtar: 1,485 (25.88%)
  • Elf: 590 (10.28%)
  • Dwarf: 470 (8.19%)
  • Gnome: 349 (6.08%)
  • Eladrin: 226 (3.94%)
  • Fairy: 158 (2.75%)
  • Lenosite: 138 (2.40%)
  • Orc: 94 (1.64%)



Foreign Relations

Keltia has strong diplomatic ties with all of the nations of the Confederation of Independent States, including Lucisian Republic, City-State Government of Dawnrest, and the Circle of Sildur. They have strong trade ties with the Confederation of Independent States, Voltseiani, Ranaak, and the Talashan Confederation.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
The legislative body is also led by the Chieftain of Keltia. The rest of it is made up of representatives of the Keltian Guilds. Each guild selects their representative and sends them to the legislative body as members. The different guilds include, but not limited to the:
  • Keltian Guard
  • Shipwright Guild
  • Carpentry Guild
  • Fisherman's Guild
  • Bounty Guild
  • Fields Guild
  • Alchemy Guild
  • Trade Guild
  • Miners Guild

Executive Body
The executive body of Keltia is made up of the Keltian Tribal Council. The Tribal Council is led by the Chieftain of Keltia, whom is advised by the other councilors, which consist of the: 
  • Warmaster
  • Chief of Security
  • Veilwatch Spymaster
  • Shipwright Advisor
  • Bounty Advisor
  • Carpenter Advisor
  • Fields Advisor
  • Miner Advisor
  • Thalantir Emissary (reduced authority within the council)
  • Druid Emissary (reduced authority within the council)

Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Deabros Map in 691


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