Tellera, God of Sex Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Tellera, God of Sex

(a.k.a. Telly or Desire)

Tellera is often depicted in indecent imagery and coupled with a celebration of sex and revelry. Though celebrations of sex are common among Followers, there is also a deep respect and strict adherence to consent and demands that all persons are inviolable. To violate those rules is to reckon with Tellera.   Fairies, Gnomes, and Eladrin typically worship Tellera.

Depiction of Tellera in Their female form.

Depiction of Tellera in Their male form.

Divine Domains

  • Reproduction
  • Fertility
  • Desire
  • Divine
  • Life
  • Arcana

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tellera in tight fitting clothes carved into a statue.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Sex is a celebration of intimacy and trust. It is not the sole language of love.
  2. Sex is not a weapon.
  3. One's body is inviolable and subject to one's will alone.
  4. Respect all life.
  5. One shall create new life.
  6. One shall be raised by a village. One is part of a village and must share in the responsibility of raising its children.
  7. One shall not shame desire.

Another stained glass depiction of Tellera.

Sinful Acts

  1. Sexual Coercion
  2. Sex as a Weapon
  3. Disrespecting Boundaries
  4. Shaming Desire
  5. Infidelity
  6. Exploitative Behavior
  7. Promoting Unhealthy Relationships
  8. Sex as a Sole Measure of Love
  9. Violating Personal Autonomy
  10. Judging Others' Choices

Male, Female, Intersex
Man, Woman, Non-Binary, Fluid
Masculine, Feminine, Androgynous
Pink, long and gorgeous
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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