The Church of Lonysus Organization in Deabros | World Anvil

The Church of Lonysus


Pursue your dreams. Never settle. Protect all life. Never do wrong unto others. Be the light in whatever shadows through which you pass. Deliver justice to the wronged. Stain not justice with vengeance's blood. Honor, respect the sanctity of slumber, for it is the Temple of Dreams. Honor and aid always those who seek dreams. Lie to weave tales of waking dreams. Lie in the pursuit of good. No law shall be respect which does wrong to any.   Spheres of Influence: Protection, Justice, Dream, Light, Life, Divine


The Lonysus Hierarchy

High Priest

The governing leader of the Temple's clerics, priests, and staff. The High Priest performs dream interpretations, professes prophesy, and guides the Lenosites in life according to the will of Lonysus.  

High Cleric

Serving under the High Priest, the High Cleric is considered the leader of the Lenosite clerical organization.  


The highest ranking individuals of the Lonysus priests.  

Master Cleric

The highest ranking clerics of the clerical order.  


Clerics serve as priests and as warfighting crusaders or defenders of the Lenosites.  


Priests are the sermon giving servants of Temple of Lonysus. They are well-taught individuals whom the temple looks to for leadership among the Lenosites. The priests deliver the will of the High Priest and ensure the people feel guided.

Pursue Your Dreams

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Dreamers
Leader Title
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