Lucisian Republic Organization in Deabros | World Anvil

Lucisian Republic


Executive Branch of Lucisia

President of Lucisia

The President is the Head of State, elected directly by the citizens of Lucisia. The President does not have absolute executive power, but shares it with the Prime Minister.  

Prime Minister of Lucisia

The Prime Minister is the Head of Government, appointed from the Lonysian High Clerics by the President and confirmed by the Assembly. The position ensures the government maintains a theocratic element, as Lonysianism is remains a high priority for Lucisian citizens.

Legislative Branch of Lucisia

Legislative Assembly of Lucisia

A formally established legislative body with elected representatives responsible for law-making. The Assembly has the power to draft, debate, and pass legislation, and oversees national policies and decisions. Additionally, the Assembly is tasked with holding both the President and Prime Minister accountable.  

Lonysian Advisory Circle of Lucisia

A council of religious leaders that holds only advisory powers to the Assembly. They review all legislation for moral and ethical issues and advise the Assembly of their findings. It is important to note that the Circle does not hold any true decision-making power, but their political clout within Lucisia is significant.

Judicial Branch of Lucisia

Court of Justice

The Lucisian judicial system operates independently from the executive and legislative branches, with judges appointed by the President and confirmed by the Assembly. The Court is responsible for interpreting the law and ensuring that both secular and religious laws are upheld according to the Lucisian Constitution.

"Liberty, Equality, Renewal"

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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