Deabros Hellfire of Dreams

Hellfire of Dreams

Disaster / Destruction


The middle of the quickly escalating war between Dokan and Talashan forces in Crusader's Crest, a roar pierces the skies. As the soldiers looked up to try and find the sound's source, a thick, silvery mist descends from the clouds, blinding the forces from one another. And then, a bright and warm light explodes from within the Mist. Screams echo from Crusader's Crest as the forces are entirely incinerated. The violence does not end there. Merchants and visitors who watched the carnage from outside of the city walls, claim that winged beast danced between the strange misty fog and let flame wash over the city streets.
  Many died that day. Many soldiers, many innocents. Many died that day.

Related Location
Ezra's Rest
Related timelines & articles
History of Deabros