Talashan Confederation Organization in Deabros | World Anvil

Talashan Confederation


Council of Wisdom

The government of Talashan is organized into a confederation of various Fey communities throughout its borders, each retaining its considerable autonomy but united under the council for matters of national importance. Each community or tribe sends representatives to the council, ensuring all voices are heard and interests represented. Though each community selects their representatives in a way most consistant with their individual communities, most communities tend to send their elders. The council's power is limited to coordinating efforts defense, diplomacy, and trade (though often individual communities are more than happy to secure trade themselves).  

Magical Arbitrators

Talashan's secondary body focuses on guiding its communities on how best to apply magical means for conflict resolution and law enforcement. It also advises against improper magical means. Areas where these implementations are observed thus far include binding magical contracts, truth spells for court procedures, and elemental forces to maintain order. Additionally, the Arbitrators help commuities create magical protections of their territory to further improve Talashan's collective defensibility.   It is important to note, however, that the Arbitrators do not necessarily direct communities to implement their guidance. Each community still retains their autonomy free from the Confederate government. Communities are free to choose to practice their own cultural rites, magical practices, and local governance.

"In Harmony, Strength"

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Related Species
Deabros Map in 691


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