Elective Monarchy of Dokan Organization in Deabros | World Anvil

Elective Monarchy of Dokan


Clan-Based Monarchy

Leading from the top of Dokan is a single monarch, either a King or a Queen, whom is elected by the Council of Elders from eligible candidates from within Clan Ironfist, the royal clan. The position is locked into the heritage of Clan Ironfist, but a sitting monarch may be deposed with a significant vote from the Council of Elders. Only those Ironfist within one relational step from the sitting Monarch are eligible for the throne. For example, a sitting monarch dies and that monarch's father, mother, siblings, and children are all eligible for the throne. If none exists, then the eligibility automatically expands by an additional step.  

Council of Elders

Both supporting and limiting the monarch's power is the Council of Elders. The council is comprised of representatives from each of the most powerful Clans. There is no limit to the number of Clans eligible for the Council, but only the Council may uplift a Clan to, or strike a Clan down from, the Council of Elders with a vote that must have no more than one vote in opposition. The Council of Elders holds significant power, especially when united (though that is a rare phenomenon). Collectively, they have the power to veto a monarch's decision or overrule a monarch's veto (both requiring an unaminous vote). The Council also acts the monarch's primary advisory council on all matters, including domestic, foreign, and economic policies.  

Judicial Clans

While small matters are handled internally by each clan, matters of national attentive are directed to the Judicial Clans. Of a similar, but slightly lower, rank of the Council Clans, the Judicial Clans are directed to uphold Dokani Law, consider the laws approved by the Council and the Monarch, and handle inter-clan disputes. While they are of a lower rank than the Council Clans, the Council Clans must adhere to any decision made by the Judicial Clans.  

Matters of Defense, Foreign Relations, and the Economy

The Monarch is considered the Head of State in all matters of defense and most economic matters. This is to ensure that the Dokan present a unified front. That being said, the Council of Elders may unanimously veto the Monarch's decision.  

Clan Autonomy

Each Dokani Clan enjoys a high degree of autonomy, each governing their own local affairs through their individual small councils. This applies to Council Clans and Lesser Clans. This decentralization allows for every clan to maintain their own traditions and cultures, while contributing to the governance of the nation.  

Prominent Clans

  • Clan Stoneforge: Council Clan known for their exceptional blacksmiths and artisans.
  • Clan Deeproot: Council Clan known for earthworks and mining expertise.
  • Clan Hearthward: Council Clan renowned for their architects and builders.
  • Clan Anvilmar: Council Clan camous for the nation's finest armor and weapons. The official provider of the military's equipment.
  • Clan Silvervein: Council Clan whose power rests with their near absolute control over the nation's silver mines.
  • Clan Hammerfall: Council Clan known for their engineers and inventors.
  • Clan Boulderback: Council Clan with a large repertoir of powerful warriors.
  • Clan Emberbeard: Council Clan known for lacking timidity and their expertise in forging and smelting.
  • Clan Goldbrew: Council Clan whose brewers and merchants are responsible much Dokani pleasure.
  • Clan Steelwhisker: Council Clan known for their tacticians, strategists, and commanders.
  • Clan Runespeak: Council Clan whose work on the histories and the understanding of magic is unrivaled within Dokan.
  • Clan Gemheart: Council Clan world-known for their jewelers and gem traders.
  • Clan Shieldbrow: Council Clan known for their experts in defense and their elite guards. Considered a clan with a high loyalty to the royal clan.
  • Clan Orebrand: Council Clan known for discovering and developing new mining techniques.
  • Clan Lawhammer: Judicial Clan well respected from their impartiality and their strict adherance to legal standards.
  • Clan Scalescribe: Judicial Clan known for their scribes and record keepers. Scalescribe maintains all historical legal documents and court records.
  • Clan Oathbinder: Judicial Clan who separately is responsible for swearing in all officials and risen clans and binding them to their oaths.
  • Clan Justshield: Judicial Clan renowned for their role as protectors of the court and enforcers of its decisions. The Clan comprises elite guards and warriors who ensures Judicial Decrees are implemented.
  • Clan Rightwise: Judicial Clan known for their role as mediators and negotiators, often in inter-clan disputes.

"Formed of Stone, Unyielding as Iron"

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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