Volthaarius, the Traveler in the Silver Mist Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Volthaarius, the Traveler in the Silver Mist

Volthaarius soars through the realm of thought and dreams, borne upon wings of silver and swirling light. Not only tasked with protecting the realm of thought and dreams, Volthaarius is the one who gives the Lenosites and Vesynites their visions at night.

A Call for Help

In the year 475, Volthaarius reached out to mortals of Deabros, which triggered an summit held at Auris, organized by Aywin Torwenys, to form a group of heroes to root out the purpose of the dreams and nightmares being shared across the land. This led to the formation of the Volunteers, who followed the dreams to a trapped "Karnaggon". It is there that the Volunteers learned that Volthaarius is the source of dreams and nightmares.   This successful interaction with the Volunteers led to a more active role from Volthaarius in the matters of the mortals and in connecting his siblings to those that can help maintain the balance of the world.  

The Dragonborn

In the aftermatch of the chaos of the tumultuous year 475, Volthaarius devoted his time to a mortal, Nes Diaz, with whom he fell in love. Together, they had a child. And when that child turned out to be the only Nes could have, Volthaarius spawned many more in the image of their only child. Together, with Nes, Volthaarius created the Dragonborn of Deabros.  

The Fall of Volthaarius

In 521, Nes was accidentally killed when she attempted to stop a war from breaking out between the nations of Dokan and Talashan, while they were supposed to maintaining the peace in the conquered city of Crusader's Crest. Volthaarius sank into a deep sadness and then into an unstoppable rage. He fell upon Crusader's Crest and rent it to ruins by flame and violence. He decimated the Dokan and Talashan forces there, and countless civilians were killed in his rampage.   Volthaarius vanished after this event. The death of Nes is attributed to not only Volthaarius' massacre of Crusader's Crest, but also the subsequent "Dreamless Era", where no living soul in the world has experienced a dream or nightmare while asleep since the death of Nes.


Venessa Diaz


Towards Volthaarius, the Traveler in the Silver Mist

Volthaarius, the Traveler in the Silver Mist


Towards Venessa Diaz

Divine Classification
Venessa Diaz (spouse)
Founded Settlements


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