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The Great Serpent

Ashharkriti the creator deity of the universe.   He appears to have a dragon-like head and ears, his body and legs like that of a deer, he has horns like a goat, the tail of a serpent.   Ashharkriti created the universe as an experiment and to see what would happen. After a while, he lost interest in his creation.   Much isn't known about the early days of the universe, but he supposedly created the Mui as the first life form.   They still worship him to this day and wish him to reciprocate their pleads, but he ignores them entirely.   It's not entirely clear where he resides currently, it might be a realm disconnected from traditional time and space, but he seems to have some connection to our universe.   Most of the time he doesn't interact with other beings, even if they're other gods. He doesn't like beings he considers to be lesser than him because they do not possess the same abilities as him. He hates weakness and inferiors to him, stemming from his elitist views.   Though that doesn't mean that he's completely disinterested in the universe he created. If his authority as the creator of the universe is questioned he gets very angry very fast. This has nothing to do with the universe itself, which's future he is disinterested in, but rather he doesn't like the fact that some could take his powers into question including his power as the creator deity. It could be said that he doesn't care about the universe unless   Like the one time the god Xrish tried to challenge him and upset him. Crish tried to question his authority and lead a war against his own creator together with the Xut or Dark seeds.   Xrish was banished to Fruggkh and he genocided the Xut for going against him. Some Xut still exist to this day, but most died out. Mostly the undeveloped southern Xut still exist to this day in plentyful numbers, but the more developed western and eastern Xut nearly died out completely.   Another time a god from a completely different dimesion and universe appeared. Ashharkriti asked him who he was and the god's only answer was "I'm the Crawling Chaos. The universe I came from is not that different from yours, but I'm the offspring of the creator deity of that universe."   Ashharkriti told them to leave his universe because he didn't like to have deities from universes he didn't create being in his own sphere of influence.   The Crawling Chaos didn't listen to him and instead pulled a part of the creator deity of their own universe into Ashharkriti's realm.   The universe almost collapsed after the Crawling Chaos' plan nearly succeeded. Ashharkriti banished the Crawling Chaos and almost causing their death.   Ashharkriti has a different avatar/form as well which represents his "true" form called Ishriki.   Ishriki appears to be serpent like with a dragon-like head.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dragon Head



Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Xrish




Enemy (Important)

Towards Ashharkriti




Ashharkriti banished Xrish to the planet of Fruggkh after he angered him. Xrish is a maniacal and power-hungry god who tried to surpass his own creator.   Thus their own opinion of each other is predictability low.


Frenemy (Important)

Towards Ashharkriti




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Nyarlathotep




Nyarlathotep was told by Ashharkriti to leave his universe. He didn't listen to him and then threatened to pull a part of Azathoth into the universe, causing massive destruction.   Nyarlathotep was then banished from the universe by Ashharkriti, but it's unsure he succeeded as the result seemed to be the destruction of one of Nyarlathotep's avatars, but not his entirety.

Nicknames & Petnames

Nyarlathotep might seem disrespectful to Ashharkriti and he doesn't fully acknowledge his will, yet he does have some respect for him. He even called him "The Father I never had", praising Ashharkriti's intellect in comparision to Azathoth's non-existent one. Ashharkriti called him a "little black worm" because he doesn't respect him at all.

Species/Classification:  God/deity   Current location:  Unknown, probably in a space disconnected from traditonal time and space   Biological sex:  Sexless, appears mostly as a male   Eye color:  White or light blue (Ishriki form), yellow (Ashharkriti form)   Skin color:  Cyan or turquoise (Ishriki form), black, brown, white, red, green and dark blue (Ashharkriti form)   Weight:  Unknown or varies   Height:  Unknown or varies   Languanges known to speak:  All languanges

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