Ayn Auline

The Ayn Auline, or the Council of Time, is a central governing body in the Aina Continuum, a vast narrative universe created by the overseer Te Vevutur. This universe, the size of a solar system, is divided into five elemental realms: Zerthia (Earth), Marenwe (Water), Gerlandria (Air), Malondria (Fire), and Thiandalune (Light). Te Vevutur, fleeing from a chaotic entity known as The Mad God, transformed the Continuum into a sanctuary, populating it with divine beings known as the Eeirendel.   The Ayn Auline is composed of the most powerful Eeirendel: Aranon (god of earth), Daeranon (god of water), Phin-Mahr (god of air), Aejeon (god of fire), and Thianon (god of light). Each governs a primary realm and oversees a Major House, with the remaining Eeirendel establishing Minor Houses under these. The Continuum's borderlands, known as the Ord Maada (Outer Reaches), are home to ancient entities, necessitating protective measures from Te Vevutur and the Ayn Auline.   The divine beings of the Continuum gave birth to a lesser divine lineage, the Eeirendelios, and demi-gods, the offspring of Gods and Mortals. These beings significantly influenced the Continuum. However, a catastrophic conflict sparked by Aejeon's creation of the "Malo Balar" (Black Fire) disrupted the harmony of the Continuum, leading to Aejeon's imprisonment and a lengthy "Age of Isolation."   During this period, an Eeirendelios named Bron, later known as Zastor, discovered the potential to channel the energies of deceased gods via "Magick." His teachings led to a shift in power dynamics, with some mortals gaining divine-like abilities, fundamentally changing the Continuum.   Each House of the Ayn Auline governs specific domains and concepts. House Aranon oversees Earth and Strength, House Aejeon governs Fire and Passion, House Daeranon controls Water and Purpose, House Thianon manages Light and Knowledge, and House Phin Mahr presides over Air and Wisdom.   The passage of time in the Aina Continuum is divided into Aeons, Millennia, Centuries, Years, Seasons, Months, Weeks, and Days, each associated with specific elements, mythical creatures, or animals. The Continuum also celebrates several significant holidays marking the passage of time.   The Drandsia Vatar, as described in the provided link, is a significant entity within this universe. It is a divine lineage, a group of powerful beings that have a significant influence on the Aina Continuum. They are known for their wisdom and are often consulted by the Ayn Auline in matters of great importance. Their role and influence add another layer of complexity to the intricate narrative universe of the Aina Continuum.


The Ayn Auline, or the Council of Time, is structured around the five Elemental Majesties, each governing a realm and a Major House. They are Aranon (Earth), Daeranon (Water), Phin-Mahr (Air), Aejeon (Fire), and Thianon (Light). Each Elemental Majesty has specific responsibilities tied to their element and realm, and they form the highest governing body within the Aina Continuum.   Under each Elemental Majesty, there are the Eeirendel, divine beings who establish and oversee Minor Houses. They serve in roles akin to nobility, managing various aspects of their respective realms and providing counsel to their Elemental Majesty.   The Eeirendelios, a lesser divine lineage birthed by the Eeirendel, serve in various roles within the Major and Minor Houses. They could be likened to knights or clergy, serving as priests, scholars, warriors, and artisans, depending on their skills and inclinations.   The Demi-Gods, offspring of unions between Gods and Mortals, often serve as champions or heroes within the Continuum. Their roles can vary widely, from leaders of armies to influential figures within the Major and Minor Houses.   The Mortals, the inhabitants of the Continuum, live under the rule and protection of the Ayn Auline. They form the bulk of the population and fill a wide array of roles, from farmers and craftsmen to soldiers and scholars.


The culture of the Ayn Auline is steeped in the reverence of time and the elements. As the Council of Time, they hold a deep respect for the cyclical nature of existence, and this is reflected in their daily practices, rituals, and ceremonies.   The Ayn Auline are known for their grand observances of the passage of time, with elaborate ceremonies marking the change of seasons, the turn of the year, and the shift of centuries and millennia. These ceremonies often involve intricate dances, chanted liturgies, and the lighting of symbolic fires, each element carefully chosen to reflect the nature of the time being celebrated.   In their daily lives, the Ayn Auline practice a form of meditation known as Timekeeping. This involves a quiet contemplation of the past, present, and future, and is believed to help them maintain their connection to the flow of time.   The Ayn Auline also place a high value on wisdom and learning. Each member is expected to be a scholar in their own right, with a deep understanding of their realm and its place within the Continuum. Debates and discussions are a common feature of Ayn Auline gatherings, with each member encouraged to share their knowledge and insights.   The culture of the Ayn Auline is marked by a deep sense of duty and responsibility. As the rulers of the Continuum, they are acutely aware of the role they play in maintaining the balance of the universe. This sense of duty is instilled in each member from a young age and is considered one of the highest virtues.   In addition to their duties and scholarly pursuits, the Ayn Auline are known for their artistry. They believe that the creation of beauty is a form of worship, a way of honoring the elements and the passage of time. As such, they are skilled musicians, painters, and poets, and their works are celebrated throughout the Continuum.

Public Agenda

The Ayn Auline, as the Council of Time, has a public agenda that is as vast and varied as the Continuum they govern. Their primary goal is to maintain the balance and harmony of the Aina Continuum, ensuring that each realm and its inhabitants thrive in accordance with the natural cycles of time and the elements.   One of their key initiatives is the "Harmony of the Elements" project. This is a grand plan to ensure that each of the five realms - Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Light - remains in balance with the others. This involves careful monitoring of each realm, as well as the implementation of measures to correct any imbalances that may arise.   Another major part of their agenda is the "Wisdom of the Ages" initiative. Recognizing the value of knowledge and learning, the Ayn Auline aim to preserve the wisdom of the past and foster the pursuit of knowledge in the present. This involves the establishment of libraries and schools throughout the Continuum, as well as the promotion of scholarly debates and discussions.   The Ayn Auline also have a strong focus on the arts, as reflected in their "Beauty of the Continuum" initiative. They believe that the creation of beauty is a form of worship and a way of honoring the elements and the passage of time. As such, they actively encourage and support the arts, sponsoring artists, musicians, and poets, and organizing festivals and competitions to celebrate their works.   In addition, the Ayn Auline are deeply committed to the protection of the Continuum and its inhabitants. Their "Shield of the Continuum" initiative involves the strengthening of defenses against potential threats, both from within the Continuum and from the Ord Maada.   The Ayn Auline are also dedicated to the spiritual well-being of the Continuum's inhabitants. Their "Spirit of the Continuum" initiative involves the promotion of spiritual practices, such as meditation and ritual, as well as the provision of spiritual guidance and support to those who seek it. This initiative, like the others, reflects the Ayn Auline's commitment to the well-being of the Aina Continuum and its inhabitants.


The Ayn Auline's assets are as diverse and grand as the realms they govern. Each Elemental Majesty possesses a Grand Citadel, a divine fortress that serves as their seat of power. These citadels are living embodiments of the elements, from Aranon's Citadel of Stone, a fortress carved from a mountain, to Daeranon's Citadel of Waves, a palace of coral and pearl beneath the sea.   The Ayn Auline also command a host of divine beings, the Eeirendel, who serve in various roles within the Major and Minor Houses. Their skills and abilities, from wisdom and diplomacy to warfare and craftsmanship, are a significant asset.   The natural resources of the Aina Continuum are another major asset. The fertile lands of Zerthia, the abundant seas of Marenwe, the clear skies of Gerlandria, the fiery depths of Malondria, and the radiant energy of Thiandalune are all at their disposal, providing a wealth of materials and energies for their use.   Their wealth extends beyond the mundane, with treasures that include divine artifacts, enchanted items, and elemental essences. These items, each with unique powers and properties, are a testament to their divine power and influence.   In addition, the Ayn Auline command a variety of divine creatures and entities. These include elemental spirits, divine beasts, and celestial beings, each serving a specific role within the Aina Continuum. These beings, each a formidable asset in their own right, further enhance the Ayn Auline's power and influence.


The Ayn Auline's history begins with the creation of the Aina Continuum by Te Vevutur, who was fleeing from the Mad God. He discovered the Continuum as an untouched shell and transmuted it into a haven.   To populate this universe, Te Vevutur engendered one hundred divine beings known as the Eeirendel. The most potent among them formed the Ayn Auline: Aranon, Daeranon, Phin-Mahr, Aejeon, and Thianon. Each governed a primary realm, while the remaining Eeirendel established Minor Houses under these Major Houses.   The Ayn Auline, along with Te Vevutur, enacted protective measures to isolate the Continuum from the Ord Maada, the borderlands untouched by Te Vevutur's creation. Despite these measures, occasional infiltrations from these realms occurred.   A significant event in the Ayn Auline's history was the creation of the "Malo Balar" (Black Fire) by Aejeon. This sparked a catastrophic conflict that disrupted the harmony of the Continuum. Te Vevutur's intervention prevented absolute annihilation, leading to Aejeon's imprisonment and the retreat of his son, Malovatar, into the Ord Maada. This event plunged the Continuum into a lengthy "Age of Isolation."   During this period, an Eeirendelios named Bron, later known as Zastor, discovered the potential to channel the energies of deceased gods via "Magick." Despite initial resistance, his teachings led to a shift in power dynamics, with some mortals gaining divine-like abilities. This fundamentally changed the Continuum and marked a new era in the history of the Ayn Auline.

"Five Elements, One Time."

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