Locations of Thiandalune

Sanul, the Sun: Sanul, a celestial body of pure light and energy, weaves its path around the Sphere of the World, leaving in its wake a trail of radiant sunlight. Its surface hosts a city gleaming with gold and crystal, home to the luminous beings known as the Thiavesi, or Light Elves.   Ganur, the Greater Moon: This divine realm of wisdom and celestial harmony is the domain of the Ganvesi, or Moon Dwarves. Like its celestial brethren, Ganur traces a harmonious path around the Sphere of the World.   Grano, the Lesser Moon: Grano, a realm shrouded in mystery and illusion, is inhabited by the enigmatic Granvesi, or Star Gnomes. This celestial body, with its many secrets, follows its ordained course around the Sphere of the World.   Modahelon, The Asteroid Belt: Modahelon, a sprawling collection of asteroids, forms a breathtaking belt around the Sphere of the World. Each asteroid, unique and brimming with life, hosts its own vibrant ecosystem. The largest asteroid, Asteria, is particularly renowned, known as the home of the Stoneborn.   The Star Stations of Aetheria: These floating islands follow a precise celestial pattern around the Sphere of the World, serving as hubs of magical research and experimentation. They host a diversity of races, all contributing to the rich tapestry of life in Thiandalune.   The Comet of Seraphim: This celestial body, following a seemingly erratic path around the Sphere of the World, is said to be the abode of the celestial Seraphs, beings as unpredictable and fascinating as the comet's own journey.   The Floating Isles of Zephyria: Drifting around the Sphere of the World are these floating islands, each maintained aloft by powerful wind spirits. They are known for their unique wind-based magic, lush vegetation, and the array of aerial creatures that call these isles home.   The Crystal Spheres of Luminara: These transparent spheres of colossal size are scattered throughout Thiandalune. Each sphere is filled with a distinct type of magical energy, fostering unique environments for an array of magical creatures.   Gavalion and Ecliptica, The Great and Lesser Rings: These majestic celestial rings encircle the lower material planes, known collectively as the Sphere of the World. The larger ring, Gavalion, comprises ethereal stardust and cosmic debris, providing a home for the Luminara. Ecliptica, the lesser ring, is equally entrancing, serving as a dwelling for a variety of ethereal creatures and a source of potent star-based magic.   The Rainbow Bridges of Thiandalune: These magnificent bridges, spanning across the vast expanse of the sky, were once the main means of transportation between the Sphere of the World (Edrion) and the higher regions of light (Sanul, Ganur, Grano, and the Star Stations). Each bridge was composed of seven strands of pure light, each representing one of the seven colors of the rainbow. The bridges were enchanted with powerful magic, allowing travelers to cross them safely and swiftly. The bridges also served as a symbol of harmony and cooperation between the different races of Thiandalune, as each bridge was built and maintained by a joint effort of the Thiavesi, Ganvesi, Granvesi, and Aetherians.   However, during the first black fire war, when the dark forces unleashed a devastating attack on the higher regions of light, most of the Rainbow Bridges were destroyed. Only a few fragments remained intact but none to their former glory. These restored fragments have since remained closed to use by the lower realms unless realm-ship travel is sanctioned by the House Major of Thiandalune itself.
Included Locations


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