Modahelon, The Belt

Modahelon, The Asteroid Belt   Modahelon, the asteroid belt of Thiandalune, is a spectacle in its own right. A swirling dance of rocky bodies, from small pebbles to islands in size, it casts a grand display of shadow and light across the surface of Edrion (Zerthia & Marenwe) illuminating the skies with streaks of shooting stars.   Origins   Much like Gavalion, the origins of Modahelon are wrapped in celestial lore. As per legend, the belt was formed when two celestial beings clashed in the early ages of creation. Their cosmic duel shattered a nascent moon, scattering its fragments across Gavalion's orbit, giving birth to the asteroid belt known as Modahelon.   Composition   The composition of Modahelon is a rich assortment of minerals, metals, and precious gemstones. The presence of Starstone, a gem of great worth, is abundant here. But, perhaps more intriguing are the discoveries of Etherium, a rare element known for its inherent magical properties and its ability to harness and store arcane energies.   Life in Modahelon   Despite the harsh and seemingly inhospitable environment, life thrives in the pockets of habitable space within Modahelon. These are made possible due to ancient magic, believed to be residue from the celestial duel that formed the belt. It created protective micro-environments or 'bubbles' of life-supporting conditions amidst the cold vacuum of space.   Inhabitants   Modahelon is inhabited by a variety of unique and hardy species, evolved to survive in the tough conditions of the asteroid belt. Among them are the Stoneborn, beings with skin as tough as the asteroids they call home, and the Glimmerkin, bioluminescent entities that live in the deeper, darker recesses of the asteroid clusters. Both races are uniquely adapted to their environment, able to withstand the harsh conditions and gravitational anomalies of the belt.   Settlements   The inhabitants have formed small, isolated settlements within the larger asteroids. These settlements, or Asteroid Holds, are marvels of adaptation and innovation, with architecture carved into the very rock of the asteroids themselves. They're shielded by complex layers of defensive magic and wards that keep out the deadly cosmic radiation and sustain breathable atmospheres within.   Culture and Tradition   The cultures within Modahelon are as unique as the environment. Stoneborn, being a hardy and resilient race, value strength and endurance, hosting contests of might and craftsmanship. Glimmerkin, on the other hand, celebrate the Festival of Glimmers, a spectacle where they synchronize their bioluminescence to create a mesmerizing light show, viewable from even the distant parts of Gavalion.   Economy   Modahelon's economy is centered around mining. The rich deposits of minerals, particularly the coveted Starstone and Etherium, make it a hub for miners, traders, and blacksmiths. Asteroid Holds often trade these resources with the other inhabitants of Gavalion, as well as with those on the surface of Thiandalune.   The Guardian Order   Given the inherent dangers and the value of resources within Modahelon, the Guardian Order was established. This coalition of Stoneborn warriors and Glimmerkin mages work together to protect the belt from external threats and internal conflicts, maintaining a delicate balance amidst the swirling rocks of Modahelon.   Adventure in Modahelon   Modahelon is a hotbed for adventure. The perilous task of asteroid mining, treasure hunting for lost celestial artifacts, and uncovering the mysteries of the ancient celestial duel are among the many adventures that await in this chaotic belt. The Asteroid Holds themselves are labyrinthine, filled with secret chambers and ancient inscriptions waiting to be deciphered.   Dangers   Life in Modahelon is fraught with danger. From natural threats like asteroid collisions, cosmic radiation, and unstable gravitational shifts to more sentient dangers such as claim disputes over mining rights, and occasional attacks from cosmic entities drawn to the belt's rich magical energy, the Asteroid Belt is not for the faint-hearted. These constant threats have made the inhabitants of Modahelon resilient and ever vigilant, and they stand united, ready to face whatever the cosmos throws at them.


Geographically, Modahelon is an intricate tapestry of astronomical structures rather than traditional terrain. It doesn't contain plains, mountains, or rolling hills as we understand them on a planet surface, nor does it have access to conventional bodies of fresh water like rivers, lakes, or oceans. Instead, its geography is defined by its composition of numerous asteroids of varying sizes and structures orbiting in the celestial belt known as Gavalion.   **Asteroid Landforms**   The asteroids of Modahelon range from tiny, loose rocks to enormous solid structures spanning miles in diameter. Larger asteroids, where settlements are established, display a diversity of landforms. The "terrain" is rugged and irregular, marked by craters, boulders, and towering rock formations, reminiscent of mountainous landscapes in microcosm.   **Micro-Climates**   Within the magically maintained life-supporting 'bubbles,' various microclimates exist. The Stoneborn, with their inherent connection to the rocky world they inhabit, have learned to shape and manipulate these microclimates, creating quasi-geographical features such as stone gardens, mineral lakes, and crystal caves within their asteroid holds.   **Mineral Lakes**   The Stoneborn have managed to extract and purify ice from certain asteroids, which, when brought into their life-supporting 'bubbles,' melt into pools of water. These water bodies, known as Mineral Lakes, serve as a source of fresh water for the inhabitants. Their iridescent glow, a result of the rich mineral content of the asteroid ice, adds a unique beauty to these underground landscapes.   **Views and Natural Beauty**   The view from Modahelon is like no other. Amidst the silent dance of tumbling rocks and drifting asteroids, inhabitants witness a celestial ballet of light and shadow. The luminescent entities known as Glimmerkin, their bodies glowing with bioluminescent light, bring an otherworldly charm to the dark recesses of Modahelon. When synchronized during the Festival of Glimmers, their light show is a marvel to behold, casting a radiant spectacle visible across Gavalion.   **Crystal Spires**   Certain asteroids in Modahelon are rich with crystal formations that reach towards the void of space like spires, creating a mesmerizing sight. These Crystal Spires, glowing with absorbed and reflected light from distant stars and Thiandalune itself, present a unique and stunning vista, a testament to the raw, untamed beauty of Modahelon.   **Starstone Fields**   There are regions within Modahelon where the rare and valuable Starstones are abundant, covering the asteroid surfaces in a dazzling display of twinkling lights. These Starstone Fields are not just a vital economic resource but also contribute to the surreal and magnificent beauty of the asteroid belt.   **Cosmic Events**   The natural beauty of Modahelon is further accentuated by cosmic events. Solar flares from Thiandalune's sun, meteor showers, and the sight of neighboring celestial bodies make for a breathtaking panorama of the cosmos. The view of Thiandalune, rising and setting over the celestial horizon, is a reminder of the interconnected beauty of this complex cosmic tapestry.


Modahelon's environment is unique and shaped primarily by the intricate interplay of magic and the physical characteristics of the asteroids. This celestial habitat, as harsh and inhospitable as it may seem, is home to an ecosystem of hardy organisms that have evolved to thrive in these unconventional surroundings.   **Magic and Life Support**   The life-supporting 'bubbles' generated by powerful Stoneborn geomancers play a crucial role in the ecosystem of Modahelon. By manipulating magical energy, these bubbles maintain conditions suitable for life within the otherwise inhospitable asteroid holds, including regulating temperature, providing a breathable atmosphere, and simulating a sense of gravity.   **Biological Organisms**   Due to the asteroid belt's inhospitable nature, biological organisms within Modahelon have adapted to their unusual surroundings in extraordinary ways. The Stoneborn themselves have a unique relationship with the rocks and minerals of their world, able to consume and metabolize certain types of stone, effectively 'eating the land' they inhabit.   The luminescent creatures known as Glimmerkin represent another fascinating part of Modahelon's ecosystem. These creatures subsist on magic leaking from the 'bubbles' and the radiant energy of the starlight. In turn, they act as a light source in the eternally twilight realm, contributing to the maintenance of certain light-dependent lichens and fungi.   **Flora**   Modahelon is largely devoid of conventional plant life due to the absence of soil and sunlight. However, several species of hardy fungi and lichens have adapted to grow on the mineral-rich surfaces of the asteroids, thriving on the faint light provided by the Glimmerkin and magical energy within the 'bubbles.'   **Mineral Lakes**   The Mineral Lakes, created by melting purified asteroid ice, form an integral part of the ecosystem. Not only do they provide the Stoneborn with a source of water, but they also host various types of unique, extremophile microorganisms. These microorganisms contribute to the purification of water and are also a part of the diet of some Glimmerkin.   **Resource Cycling**   A significant part of the ecosystem's dynamics is the cycling of resources. For example, the Stoneborn extract minerals from the asteroids not only for consumption but also for construction and artistry. Their waste material, over time, is used to nurture the growth of lichens and fungi. These organisms, in turn, break down the rock, contributing to the slow but steady process of soil creation in certain pockets of the habitat.   In summary, while the ecosystem of Modahelon is starkly different from what we might find on a terrestrial planet, it represents a delicate balance of biological and magical elements, each playing a part in sustaining life in this celestial habitat.

Ecosystem Cycles

In the unique celestial environment of Modahelon, the concept of "seasons" differs significantly from those experienced on terrestrial planets. Instead of typical changes in temperature, precipitation, and daylight hours, Modahelon experiences periodic cycles of intensified magical energy and radiant starlight, creating a unique rhythm of life for its inhabitants.   **Flux of Magical Energy**   The fluctuations in magical energy occur in sync with the celestial movements of Thiandalune and its moons. During periods of high energy - which the Stoneborn call "The Grand Surge" - the magical 'bubbles' that envelop the asteroids become more potent. These periods are like a summer season for Modahelon's inhabitants, prompting increased activity and vibrancy within the ecosystem.   The Glimmerkin are particularly affected, absorbing the amplified magical energy, causing them to glow brighter and proliferate. This increase in light and energy results in an explosion of growth in the lichens and fungi, providing more food resources for the Stoneborn.   During the Grand Surge, the Stoneborn engage in their most significant constructions and magical endeavors, leveraging the increased energy levels. It is also a time of communal celebration and rites, including pairing ceremonies that lead to increased procreation.   **Radiant Starlight Cycle**   Modahelon's other significant cycle is tied to the intensity of starlight from distant stars. At its peak, during the "Starfall Season," these celestial bodies shower the asteroid belt with heightened levels of radiant energy. This radiant energy induces changes in the local fauna and flora, akin to the effects of spring on a terrestrial planet.   The Starfall Season sparks a mating phase among the Glimmerkin. Drawn to the enhanced radiance, they swarm in breathtaking, luminescent displays that light up the asteroids and skies. This season also sees the hatching of Stoneborn offspring, timed to coincide with the abundant food supply from the increased Glimmerkin and fungi populations.   During the low-energy periods, or what could be equated to Modahelon's 'winter,' both the Stoneborn and Glimmerkin enter stages of conservation. The Stoneborn engage less in physically strenuous activities and focus more on artisan works and storytelling, preserving their energy and resources. The Glimmerkin's glow dims, and they retreat to the inner depths of the asteroids, entering a dormant state until the energies rise again.   In this way, the ecosystem of Modahelon, though set in a constant twilight, experiences periods of energetic and radiant 'spring and summer' followed by calmer, quieter 'autumn and winter' cycles, driven by celestial and magical influences unique to this asteroid belt habitat.

Localized Phenomena

Indeed, Modahelon's distinct celestial environment produces several unique natural and supernatural phenomena that are as fascinating as they are integral to life within this asteroid belt.   **Star Showers**: Star Showers are a mesmerizing phenomenon unique to Modahelon, during which the energy radiated from distant stars interacts with the magical atmosphere of the asteroids, causing a cascade of radiant, multicolored light, similar to an aurora borealis. This breathtaking spectacle illuminates the asteroids and the skies, creating a vibrant, ethereal environment. It's during these star showers that the Glimmerkin glow the brightest, adding to the magnificent display.   **Astral Winds**: Astral Winds, another intriguing phenomenon, are streams of energy that flow through the asteroid belt. Unlike typical terrestrial winds, these are currents of magical energy and cosmic particles that can have various effects on the terrain and life forms of Modahelon. While the Astral Winds can be gentle, they can occasionally intensify into storms that require the Stoneborn to seek shelter within the heart of their asteroids. At their gentlest, the Astral Winds aid in the dispersion of Glimmerkin, fungi spores, and help maintain the ecosystem's balance.   **Mystic Geysers**: Across the asteroid surfaces, one might occasionally witness the spectacular eruption of a Mystic Geyser. These are places where the raw magic concentrated in the asteroid's core escapes to the surface. The result is a brilliant fountain of shimmering energy that can last for seconds or several hours. The Stoneborn consider these eruptions to be divine manifestations and often hold spiritual ceremonies near active Mystic Geysers.   **Whispers of the Void**: A somewhat eerie but natural phenomenon, the Whispers of the Void are soft, harmonic sounds that pervade Modahelon's environment. The sounds are thought to be a result of the resonance caused by the movement and collision of asteroids and the flow of magical energies within the belt. These ethereal sounds are a constant background symphony to life in Modahelon, an ever-present reminder of the harmony between celestial bodies, magic, and life in this unique ecosystem.   **Celestial Alignments**: Every few cycles, a significant celestial event occurs when Thiandalune and its moons align perfectly with the asteroids of Modahelon. This alignment causes a surge of magic and celestial energy that significantly enhances the magical 'bubbles' around the asteroids and increases the potency of magic for a short period. The Stoneborn eagerly anticipate these events, timing their most important rituals and magical workings to coincide with these celestial alignments.   All these natural and supernatural phenomena not only add to Modahelon's charm and mystique but also greatly influence its ecosystem and the lifestyle of its inhabitants. The unique adaptation of life to these events underscores the extraordinary resilience and flexibility of the life forms that call this celestial asteroid belt their home.


Modahelon's climate, while not conventional by terrestrial standards, has its unique patterns and seasons due to its celestial environment. The climate here is largely influenced by the complex interplay of magical energies, the Astral Winds, and the celestial bodies' proximity to each other.   **Stellar Cycles**: The most consistent aspect of Modahelon's climate are the Stellar Cycles, defined by the orbits of the asteroids around Thiandalune. Each asteroid experiences its own 'day' and 'night' as it rotates on its axis while orbiting around the planet. This rhythm of light and darkness, however, is unique for each asteroid due to their differing sizes, orbits, and rotational speeds.   **Radiant Season**: During what the inhabitants call the Radiant Season, the asteroids of Modahelon draw nearer to Thiandalune, basking in its increased light and cosmic energy. The temperature on the asteroids rises during this period but never to an uncomfortable level, thanks to the modulating effect of the magical atmosphere around each asteroid. The Radiant Season is a time of vibrant growth for the bioluminescent fungi and plants, and increased activity among the Glimmerkin.   **Shadow Season**: Opposite to the Radiant Season is the Shadow Season, when the asteroid belt moves to the farthest point in its elliptical orbit around Thiandalune. The light from the planet is subtler during this time, causing a drop in temperature. The environment takes a serene, quieter turn during the Shadow Season, with the Glimmerkin's glow dimming and the bioluminescent flora slowing their growth.   **Star Showers Season**: Not precisely a season but a frequently recurring climate event is the Star Showers. Star Showers occur unpredictably but frequently throughout the Thiandalune year, their dazzling spectacle providing a vibrant contrast to the steady light of the Radiant Season or the quieter shadows of the Shadow Season.   While Modahelon does not have weather phenomena like rain, snow, or hail, it does experience the occasional Astral Storms, periods when the Astral Winds intensify and magical energy surges, causing temperature fluctuations and energy disturbances.   Despite the variability and uniqueness of its climate, life in Modahelon has adapted beautifully to its celestial circumstances, its inhabitants living in harmony with the rhythm of the stars, the flow of Astral Winds, and the dance of light and shadow.

Fauna & Flora

The ecology of Modahelon is as unique and ethereal as its celestial environment. The life forms here have evolved to thrive in an ecosystem that's interspersed with magical energies and orbiting within a vast expanse of space. While there aren't traditional animals and plants in the typical sense, the asteroid belt is teeming with intriguing life forms.   **Glimmerkin**: Glimmerkin are the primary fauna in Modahelon, luminescent beings that populate the asteroid belt. Each Glimmerkin is a small, floating creature that generates a gentle light. They feed on the magical energies that infuse the environment, their bodies processing this energy into the radiant light they emit. These beings drift across the asteroid belt, driven by the flow of Astral Winds. They are an essential part of Modahelon's ecosystem, their emitted light providing the energy source for the primary producers in this ecosystem – the bioluminescent fungi and plants.   **Bioluminescent Fungi and Plants**: These comprise the main flora of Modahelon, covering the asteroid surfaces with their glowing forms. The primary producers in this environment, these organisms have adapted to photosynthesize the light emitted by the Glimmerkin, the stars, and Thiandalune. They play an essential role in Modahelon's ecology, forming the basis of the food chain.   Several varieties of these life forms exist, each with unique characteristics. *Starlace*, a delicate, cobweb-like fungus, emits a silver light and is often found growing in clusters. *Glowleaf*, a hardy, succulent-like plant, radiates a soothing, greenish glow. *Auroravine*, a creeper with bell-shaped flowers, gives off a vibrant, multicolored light.   **Stardust Mites**: Stardust Mites are tiny, crystalline creatures that consume the dead plant matter and decaying Glimmerkin, breaking them down into nutrient-rich dust that nourishes the soil of the asteroids. They play an essential role in the decomposition and nutrient cycling within Modahelon's ecosystem.   **Star Silk Worms**: These worms spin radiant cocoons that yield a highly valued material known as Star Silk. Star Silk Worms feed on Glowleaf, their silk taking on the plant's luminous properties. The Stoneborn collect this silk, using it in crafting their garments and various other items.   **Voidshrimp**: Living within the Mystic Geysers, the Voidshrimp are hardy crustaceans that feed on the raw magical energy released by the geysers. When they die, their energy-infused bodies become food for the Stardust Mites, contributing to the cycle of nutrients.   **Aetherwhales**: Aetherwhales are large, majestic creatures that traverse the vast expanse of Modahelon, feeding on dense clusters of Glimmerkin. They are migratory, moving to different parts of the asteroid belt following the Glimmerkin swarms. Aetherwhales are gentle, posing no threat to the Stoneborn, and their migration is a celebrated event.   The unique environment of Modahelon has led to a fascinating ecosystem, where each life form has adapted to the magic-infused celestial habitat and developed a symbiotic relationship with others. The cyclical flow of energy and nutrients within this ecosystem emphasizes the harmony of life amidst the asteroids.

Natural Resources

As the Asteroid Belt of the Aina Continuum, Modahelon doesn't have conventional natural resources like wood or grain. Instead, its unique celestial environment offers a wealth of equally, if not more, valuable resources.   **Magic-infused Asteroid Rock**: The asteroids that make up Modahelon aren't mere rocks. Infused with raw magic, these asteroids are an invaluable resource for the Stoneborn. They extract the rock to build their dwellings and fortifications, creating structures that are robust yet also resonate with magical energy. Additionally, the Stoneborn have found ways to work this rock into tools and artifacts, its inherent magic enhancing the utility and potency of these items.   **Mystic Crystals**: The magic permeating Modahelon sometimes coalesces within the asteroids to form Mystic Crystals. These radiant crystals are a concentrated source of magical energy and are highly sought after. They are used in various magical applications, from powering magical devices to enhancing the potency of spells and rituals. The Mystic Crystals are a key resource for the Stoneborn's magical endeavors.   **Star Silk**: The Star Silk produced by the Star Silk Worms is another valuable resource. This luminous material is not only incredibly strong but also imbued with a soft, ethereal glow. The Stoneborn use Star Silk in crafting garments, tapestries, and various other items. Its durability and unique glow make it highly desired even outside Modahelon.   **Glowleaf and Other Bioluminescent Plants**: The bioluminescent flora of Modahelon serve as an essential resource, providing food and medicinal properties. The Glowleaf, in particular, has a range of uses. Its leaves, when consumed, provide nourishment and its sap has healing properties. Moreover, its bright glow is harnessed for illumination. The other bioluminescent plants and fungi also offer various resources – from the nutritious Starlace fungus to the Auroravine's flowers that produce a dye that radiates with vibrant colors.   **Energy from Mystic Geysers**: The Mystic Geysers, where raw magic erupts from the asteroid cores, are another unique resource. The Stoneborn have developed techniques to harness this magical energy, using it to power their homes, tools, and magical artifacts.   **Glimmerkin Energy**: Glimmerkin, apart from being the primary source of light energy for photosynthesis, are also harvested for their bio-luminescent energy. When a Glimmerkin's life cycle ends, its body releases a burst of pure magical energy. Stoneborns, over centuries, have developed containers known as "Star Jars" to capture and store this energy, using it for various purposes, including as a heat source during the cold cycle.   The natural resources of Modahelon reflect its unique celestial magic-infused environment. These resources, distinct and otherworldly, are central to the Stoneborn's lifestyle and the functioning of their society, and, in many ways, shape their relationship with the celestial belt they inhabit.


Apologies for the confusion in the previous account. Let's revisit the history of Modahelon with Thianon as the presiding deity over Thiandalune and the asteroid belt, Modahelon.   At the dawn of creation within the Aina Continuum, Thianon, High God of Light and ruler of Thiandalune, shaped his realm as an embodiment of his essence — radiant, inspiring, and enlightening. His fascination with the boundless cosmos, and its potential to mirror his sphere of light, led him to carve an asteroid belt around the central world of Thiandalune. This celestial belt was christened Modahelon, a shining crown of asteroids that would become a beacon of life in its own unique way.   Thianon, in his wisdom, understood that this astral expanse needed inhabitants who could endure and flourish within its singular environment. Thus, the Stoneborn were created. Forged from the very asteroids they would come to inhabit, these beings were gifted with life and a celestial consciousness by Thianon, establishing an intimate bond with their surroundings. Over time, the Stoneborn adapted to the unique conditions of Modahelon, establishing a harmonious existence within the shimmering belt.   However, the tranquility of Modahelon was severely tested during the era of Aejeon's obsession with the Black Fire. As chaos and devastation swept across the Continuum, Modahelon was not spared. The celestial magic that bound the asteroids together weakened, causing erratic movements and devastating collisions. Many Stoneborn perished, and their society was brought to the brink of collapse.   Following this cataclysm, the Age of Reconstruction ensued. Under the watchful guidance of Thianon, the Stoneborn undertook the daunting task of restoring their ravaged home. Their intimate bond with the asteroids facilitated the healing process, and gradually, Modahelon regained some semblance of its former grandeur. This era also saw the emergence of new life forms such as the Glimmerkin and the Starsilk Worms, which further enriched the ecosystem of Modahelon.   During the Age of Isolation, Modahelon remained mostly unscathed by the shifts in power dynamics in the other realms. The Stoneborn, deeply connected to their celestial abode, showed little interest in the powers of Magick introduced by Zastor. However, the rise of mortal magic users influenced the Stoneborn society in subtle ways, triggering philosophical debates about their place within the Continuum and the potential of Magick.   In the current era, Modahelon shines as a vibrant part of the Aina Continuum. The Stoneborn continue their celestial dance amidst the asteroids, their lives deeply intertwined with the cyclical rhythms of the cosmos. Though the scars of past disasters remain, they stand as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the Stoneborn. Modahelon, under the watchful gaze of Thianon, endures as a radiant emblem of life's tenacity and beauty in the realm of Light.


The celestial expanses of Modahelon, unique in its formation and teeming with otherworldly life, attract a myriad of travelers, pilgrims, and potential settlers from all corners of the Aina Continuum. The voyages to this far-off celestial belt are not lightly undertaken, and the individuals undertaking them are either immensely adventurous, deeply spiritual, or seekers of the arcane.   The adventurous travelers, often including some of the most accomplished mages and hardiest warriors from the mortal races, embark on the journey to Modahelon in search of the extraordinary. They are drawn by the chance to witness the mesmerizing Star Showers, to feel the Astral Winds brush past their skin, and to experience the surge of magical power during the Celestial Alignments. They are also eager for the rare opportunity to observe and interact with the Stoneborn, their unique lifestyles offering new insights and understanding.   Pilgrims, who are often of divine or semi-divine descent, make their way to Modahelon as a spiritual journey, seeing it as a pathway closer to the cosmos and their divine origins. The Mystic Geysers are of particular significance to these pilgrims, seen as conduits of celestial energy and divine intervention. These individuals pay homage to Thianon, their high god of light and the creator of this celestial ring, and some seek to meditate in this space, hoping to tap into the raw celestial energy that pervades the environment.   Among the travelers, there are also those considering the journey to Modahelon a one-way trip. While relatively rare due to the unique living conditions, some individuals, particularly magicians and mystics, are drawn to the idea of a life among the stars, hoping to live among the Stoneborn and learn from them.   During their time in Modahelon, travelers, pilgrims, and immigrants stay within magically protected environments established on the larger asteroids. These accommodations, which replicate more terrestrial conditions, have been built by the Stoneborn, who have adapted to hosting guests from varying realms. Additionally, some asteroids have been specifically prepared to accommodate these celestial travelers, offering a more hospitable environment while still giving the occupants a chance to experience life among the stars. These facilities are equipped with basic amenities and are often overseen by a few Stoneborn who have taken up the role of 'celestial hosts'.   Modahelon may be an unconventional destination, yet the range of experiences it offers and the raw, untamed beauty of its celestial landscapes make it an enticing journey for those brave or devout enough to undertake it. The asteroid belt of Thiandalune stands as a testament to the Continuum's diversity, inviting those yearning for knowledge, experience, or simply the touch of the divine.
Alternative Name(s)
The Belt
Location under


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