The Red-Eye to Doome

All Aboard the Iron Dragon!

You are a passenger on a magick steam-powered train that travels from Zagar-La to Doome, a three-hour late-night route known as The Red-Eye to Doome. But what you don’t know is that there is an ancient alien horror hidden in the cargo car, and it’s about to wake up and wreak havoc on the train. Can you survive and stop the creature before it reaches its destination and unleashes its power on the world? The characters are passengers on a steam-powered train traveling a late-night route from Zagar-La to Doome. An ancient alien entity is the main antagonist, inhabiting bodies and absorbing their memories. The entity was discovered by explorers and is being transported in a crate on the train, unknowingly still alive. As the creature awakens and starts causing chaos on the train, the players' objective is • to survive, • understand the creature's nature and weaknesses,   • and prevent it from reaching Doome.   The train setting offers many opportunities for exploration and interaction with various NPCs. An optional game involves defusing a bomb planted on the train.  

The scenario can end in various ways:

  • the players could stop or kill the creature,   • fail to stop it leading to havoc in Doome,   • join forces with NPCs to capture the creature,   • discover the creature's true purpose and attempt to aid its mission.    



Act I: The Boarding and Departure

Scene 1: The Arrival at Zagar-La Station.

The players arrive at the station and present their tickets to Conductor Boris. They have a chance to explore the station and meet some of the NPCs, such as   Engineer Petrov   Guard Sergei   Professor Langdon   Miss Evelyn   Father Gregory   Count Vladimir   Dr. Wells   Mr. Holmes   Madame Zara   Fizzlepop   They also see the crate being loaded into the cargo car and hear some rumors or conversations about it.  

Scene 2: f and Finding the Seats.

  The players board the train and find their seats in the passenger cars. They have a chance to explore the train and interact with some of the NPCs, such as Chef Olga, Countess Natalia, Captain Ivanov, Conductor Boris, and the Twins. They also notice some strange occurrences on the train, such as a scratching sound, a temperature drop, a weird smell or taste, a flicker or outage of the lights or steam, or a glimpse of a shadowy figure or a tentacle.    

Scene 3: The Crash and the Scream.

The players hear a loud crash and a scream coming from the cargo car. They hear Captain Ivanov announcing over the intercom that there has been an accident and that everyone should remain calm and in their seats. They see or hear signs of panic and chaos on the train, such as passengers and crew members running or hiding, bodies or blood stains, broken windows or doors, fire or smoke, or the creature or its possessed victims attacking or chasing them. They have to decide what to do next: investigate the situation, fight back, escape, or hide.

Act II: The Exploration and Investigation


Scene 4: The Fire in the Engine Car.

The players track down the creature to the engine car, where it is trying to sabotage the train’s power source. They have to fight the creature and its thralls, while avoiding the fire and steam hazards. They have to decide whether to try to kill the creature or capture it alive.    

Scene 5: The Bandit Attack on the Cargo Car.

The players find out that a group of bandits has attacked the cargo car and is trying to loot the crate or other valuables. They have to fight off the bandits or negotiate with them, or use the opportunity to sneak into the cargo car and examine the crate.    

Scene 6: The Murder Mystery in the Passenger Car.

The players find out that one of the NPCs they trusted has been killed by the creature or its possessed victim. They have to find clues, question suspects, and identify the killer, or risk being accused themselves.    

Scene 7: The Trap in the Dining Car.

The players encounter a trap in the dining car that involves a poisoned meal or a hidden explosive. They have to detect and disarm the trap, or suffer its effects, or find out who set it up and why.    

Scene 8: The Seduction in the Sleeper Car.

The players encounter Countess Natalia in the sleeper car who tries to lure one of them into her cabin. They have to resist or succumb to her charms, or discover her true intentions and motives.    

Scene 9: The Confrontation in the Carnivale Bizzare Car.

The players encounter Madame Zara and her performers in the Carnivale Bizzare car who reveal their true nature and goals. They have to fight or flee from them, or join them or betray them, or learn more about them and their connection to the creature.    

Act III: The Twist and Reveal


Scene 10: The Communication with the Creature.

The players receive a telepathic message from the creature or one of its possessed victims who offers them a deal or a threat. They have to decide whether to listen or ignore it, to accept or reject it, to cooperate or oppose it.    

Scene 11: The Bridge Collapse or Tunnel Blockage.

The players reach a bridge that is about to collapse or a tunnel that is blocked by rocks or monsters. They have to decide whether to cross it or avoid it, to fix it or destroy it, to fight through it or run away from it.    

Scene 12: The Betrayal or Help from an NPC.

One of the NPCs reveals their true identity or allegiance and betrays or helps the players. They have to decide whether to trust them or not, to fight them or join them, to forgive them or punish them.  

Scene 13: The Infection or Possession by the Creature.

The players find out that they are infected or possessed by the creature and have to fight against its influence. They have to decide whether to resist or succumb, to fight or surrender, to cure or embrace.    

Scene 14: The Arrival of the Creature’s Allies.

  The players see or hear a loud noise or a bright light outside the train that signals the arrival of the creature’s allies. They have to decide whether to confront or cooperate with them, to fight or flee, to ally or betray.    

Act IV: The Final Showdown and Resolution


Scene 15: The Battle or Negotiation with the Creature or its Allies.

  The players face the creature or its allies in a final confrontation. They have to use their skills, abilities, and resources to overcome the enemy and save the day. They have to decide whether to kill or spare them, to keep or destroy their device or ritual, to reveal or conceal the truth about them, to accept or reject their rewards or consequences, to stay or leave Doome, to remain friends or enemies with their allies or enemies, to continue or end their involvement with them, to change or keep their views or beliefs, and to celebrate or mourn their victory or loss.  


  Some possible themes for this adventure are:    

Horror and mystery:

The adventure is meant to evoke a sense of fear and suspense in the players as they face a terrifying and unknown enemy that can manipulate their minds and bodies. The adventure also involves a lot of secrets and mysteries that the players have to uncover and solve, such as the origin and purpose of the creature, the motives and plans of the NPCs, and the secrets and mysteries of the world and its history.

Action and intrigue:

  The adventure is also meant to provide a lot of excitement and challenge for the players as they have to deal with various dangers and obstacles on the train, such as combat, puzzles, traps, social interactions, and moral dilemmas. The adventure also involves a lot of intrigue and deception among the NPCs, who have their own agendas and secrets, and who may help or hinder the players.

Fantasy and steampunk:

  The adventure is set in a world that combines medieval fantasy and horror elements with a touch of steampunk and sci-fi. The world has diverse races, cultures, religions, and factions that coexist or conflict with each other. The world also has machines and magic that combine to create wonders and terrors. Some possible cues to reinforce these themes are: Horror and mystery: The creature or its possessed victims appear randomly in the darkest hours of night or in unexpected places. The creature or its possessed victims leave behind clues or messages that hint at its nature or goals. The creature or its possessed victims use their powers to create illusions, nightmares, or hallucinations for the players or the NPCs.

Action and intrigue:

  The train or its passengers are attacked by bandits, monsters, or other enemies. The train or its passengers are sabotaged by traps, explosives, or other devices. The train or its passengers are involved in conflicts, disputes, or scandals among the NPCs.

Fantasy and steampunk:

  The train is powered by a steam engine that runs on coal and enchanted water. The train has various features and secrets that can be explored by the players, such as gadgets, weapons, or hidden compartments. The train travels through various landscapes and locations that showcase the diversity and beauty of the world.





The setting:

  The adventure is set in a world that combines medieval fantasy and horror elements with a touch of steampunk and sci-fi. The world has diverse races, cultures, religions, and factions that coexist or conflict with each other. The world also has machines and magic that combine to create wonders and terrors. The adventure takes place on a steam-powered train that travels from Zagar-La to Doome, a three-hour late-night route known as The Red-Eye to Doome.

The events occurring before the main plot:

  The main plot is triggered by the discovery of an ancient alien horror hidden in a frozen cave by Professor Langdon, a notorious grave robber and smuggler who poses as an archaeologist. He manages to transport the creature in a crate to Zagar-La station, where he plans to sell it to Madame Zara, a carnival owner and a cultist of the creature. However, the creature wakes up during the journey and escapes from the crate, causing chaos and havoc on the train.

The characterisation and back stories:

  The characters are passengers on the train who have their own reasons and goals for traveling to Doome. They may be adventurers, explorers, merchants, scholars, nobles, priests, soldiers, criminals, or spies. They may have connections or conflicts with some of the NPCs on board, such as allies, enemies, rivals, friends, lovers, or family. They may also have secrets or mysteries that relate to the creature or its kind.

The in-universe media:

  The exposition can be conveyed through various forms of in-universe media that the characters can encounter or access on the train or in the world. These may include newspapers, books, scrolls, posters, flyers, letters, journals, maps, diagrams, paintings, sculptures, carvings, symbols, signs, or graffiti. These may provide information or clues about the world’s history, politics, culture, religion, geography, magic, technology, or secrets.

The narrator telling a back-story:

  The exposition can also be conveyed through the narrator telling a back-story that relates to the adventure or the world. This may be done at the beginning of the adventure to set the scene and introduce the main plot. This may also be done during the adventure to reveal new information or twists that affect the story. This may be done in various ways such as: • A voice-over narration that accompanies a cinematic or a montage of images that show the back-story. • A flashback scene that shows the back-story from the perspective of one of the characters or NPCs. • A dream sequence that shows the back-story as a vision or a nightmare for one of the characters or NPCs. • A dialogue scene that shows one of the characters or NPCs telling or explaining the back-story to another character or NPC.



The external conflict:

  The external conflict is the main problem or obstacle that the characters have to face and overcome in the adventure. The external conflict is caused by the creature and its allies, who pose a threat to the characters and the world. The external conflict involves various dangers and challenges that the characters have to deal with on the train, such as combat, puzzles, traps, social interactions, and moral dilemmas. The external conflict also involves various stakes and consequences that the characters have to consider and face, such as life and death, success and failure, reward and punishment, fame and infamy, etc.

The internal conflict:

  The internal conflict is the personal or emotional struggle that the characters have to face and overcome in the adventure. The internal conflict is caused by the creature and its powers, who can manipulate the characters’ minds and bodies. The internal conflict involves various fears and doubts that the characters have to deal with on the train, such as paranoia, guilt, anger, greed, lust, etc. The internal conflict also involves various choices and decisions that the characters have to make on the train, such as trust or suspicion, cooperation or competition, loyalty or betrayal, etc.

The interpersonal conflict:

  The interpersonal conflict is the social or relational struggle that the characters have to face and overcome in the adventure. The interpersonal conflict is caused by the NPCs and their agendas, who can help or hinder the characters. The interpersonal conflict involves various interactions and relationships that the characters have to deal with on the train, such as allies, enemies, rivals, friends, lovers, or family. The interpersonal conflict also involves various conflicts and resolutions that the characters have to deal with on the train, such as arguments, negotiations, agreements, disagreements, etc.



The crash and the scream:

  The rising action begins with the crash and the scream that signal the escape of the creature from the crate. This event creates a sense of fear and suspense in the characters and the audience, as they wonder what has happened and what will happen next. This event also sets up the main plot and conflict of the adventure, as the characters have to survive and stop the creature before it reaches Doome.

The exploration and investigation:

  The rising action continues with the exploration and investigation of the train and its passengers. This part involves various challenges and encounters that test the characters’ skills, abilities, and resources. This part also involves various clues and secrets that reveal more information about the creature and its kind, as well as the NPCs and their agendas. This part builds up the tension and complexity of the adventure, as the characters have to deal with multiple dangers and dilemmas.

The twist or cliffhanger:

  The rising action ends with a twist or a cliffhanger that reveals a new aspect of the plot or raises the stakes. This part involves a surprising or shocking revelation or event that changes the situation or the perspective of the characters and the audience. This part also involves a critical or urgent situation or decision that affects the outcome of the adventure. This part creates a sense of excitement and anticipation in the characters and the audience, as they wonder how the characters will react and what will happen next.



The battle or negotiation with the creature or its allies:

  The climax is the final confrontation and resolution of the adventure. The characters have to face the creature or its allies in a final battle or negotiation. They have to use their skills, abilities, and resources to overcome the enemy and save the day. They have to decide whether to kill or spare them, to keep or destroy their device or ritual, to reveal or conceal the truth about them, to accept or reject their rewards or consequences, to stay or leave Doome, to remain friends or enemies with their allies or enemies, to continue or end their involvement with them, to change or keep their views or beliefs, and to celebrate or mourn their victory or loss. This part is the turning point of the adventure, which changes the characters’ fate. If the adventure is a comedy and things were going badly for the characters, the plot will begin to unfold in their favor, often requiring the characters to draw on hidden inner strengths. If the adventure is a tragedy, the opposite state of affairs will ensue, with things going from good to bad for the characters, often revealing the characters’ hidden weaknesses.

The infection or possession by the creature:

  The climax is the personal or emotional struggle of the adventure. The characters find out that they are infected or possessed by the creature and have to fight against its influence. They have to decide whether to resist or succumb, to fight or surrender, to cure or embrace. This part is the turning point of the adventure, which changes the characters’ fate. If the adventure is a comedy and things were going badly for the characters, the plot will begin to unfold in their favor, often requiring the characters to draw on hidden inner strengths. If the adventure is a tragedy, the opposite state of affairs will ensue, with things going from good to bad for the characters, often revealing the characters’ hidden weaknesses.

The arrival of the creature’s allies:

  The climax is the external or global threat of the adventure. The characters see or hear a loud noise or a bright light outside the train that signals the arrival of the creature’s allies. They have to decide whether to confront or cooperate with them, to fight or flee, to ally or betray. This part is the turning point of the adventure, which changes the characters’ fate. If the adventure is a comedy and things were going badly for the characters, the plot will begin to unfold in their favor, often requiring the characters to draw on hidden inner strengths. If the adventure is a tragedy, the opposite state of affairs will ensue, with things going from good to bad for the characters, often revealing the characters’ hidden weaknesses.



The aftermath of the battle or negotiation:

  The falling action is the consequence and outcome of the adventure. The characters have to deal with the aftermath of the battle or negotiation with the creature or its allies. They have to face the rewards or consequences of their actions and choices, such as money, fame, honor, gratitude, guilt, resentment, etc. They have to resolve their conflicts or debts with their allies or enemies, such as trust, cooperation, loyalty, betrayal, etc. They have to cope with their experiences or trauma, such as fear, doubt, anger, greed, lust, etc. The falling action may contain a moment of final suspense, in which the final outcome of the conflict is in doubt. For example: • The characters have to decide whether to kill or spare the creature or its allies, and what to do with their bodies or remains. They may face a moral dilemma or a threat from the creature or its allies. • The characters have to decide whether to keep or destroy the creature’s device or ritual, and what to do with its power or secrets. They may face a temptation or a danger from the device or ritual. • The characters have to decide whether to reveal or conceal the truth about the creature and its kind, and how to deal with the public reaction or backlash. They may face a controversy or a backlash from the public or the authorities.  

The arrival at Doome:

  The falling action is the completion and closure of the adventure. The characters arrive at Doome station and are greeted by a crowd of cheering people and authorities. They are hailed as heroes and given medals and money. They have to decide whether to stay or leave Doome, and where to go next. They have to decide whether to remain friends or enemies with their allies or enemies, and how to honor their memories or regrets. They have to decide whether to continue or end their involvement with the creature and its kind, and whether to seek out more mysteries or secrets of the world. The falling action may contain a moment of final suspense, in which the final outcome of the conflict is in doubt. For example: • The characters notice that some of the people in the crowd have strange eyes or behavior. They realize that the creature or its minions have infiltrated the city and are preparing to unleash their plan. • The characters see Madame Zara and her cultists in the crowd. They realize that Madame Zara has escaped with the creature and plans to use it for a dark ritual. • The characters feel a sudden pain in their head or chest. They realize that they are infected or possessed by the creature and have to fight against its influence.  



Some possible resolution for this adventure are:

The comedy ending:

  The resolution is the happy and satisfying end of the adventure. The characters have achieved their goals and overcome their enemies. They have resolved their conflicts and dilemmas. They have learned and grown from their experiences. They have gained new friends and allies. They have earned new rewards and opportunities. They have changed their views and beliefs. They have celebrated their victory and honored their loss. The resolution makes way for the catharsis - an event or events allowing the tension or anxiety to loosen. For example:
• The characters have a feast and a party with the people of Doome. They share their stories and jokes with each other. They toast to their success and friendship. • The characters receive a letter or a message from one of the NPCs they helped or befriended. They express their gratitude and admiration for the characters. They invite them to visit them again or join them on a new adventure. • The characters find a hidden treasure or a secret passage in Doome station. They discover a new mystery or secret of the world. They decide to explore it or pursue it.  

The tragedy ending:

  The resolution is the sad and unsatisfying end of the adventure. The characte rs have failed their goals and succumbed to their enemies. They have worsened their conflicts and dilemmas. They have suffered and lost from their experiences. They have lost their friends and allies. They have faced new punishments and threats. They have kept or broken their views and beliefs. They have mourned their defeat and regretted their choices. The resolution makes way for the catharsis - an event or events allowing the tension or anxiety to loosen. For example: • The characters are captured and imprisoned by the authorities of Doome. They are accused and condemned for their crimes and mistakes. They await their execution or exile. • The characters receive a letter or a message from one of the NPCs they harmed or betrayed. They express their hatred and vengeance for the characters. They threaten them to pay for their sins or face their wrath. • The characters find a hidden bomb or a secret portal in Doome station. They realize that they have triggered a trap or unleashed a danger. They decide to sacrifice themselves or escape it.

Encounter Areas:

- Zagar-La Station:

A large and busy train station where the characters board the train and see the crate being loaded into the cargo car.

- The Engine Car:

The front car of the train that houses the engine, the coal, and the driver. The creature tries to sabotage the train's power source here.

- The Cargo Car:

The second car of the train that carries various goods, including the crate that contains the creature. A group of bandits attacks this car and tries to loot the crate or other valuables.

- The Passenger Car:

The third car of the train that accommodates various passengers, some of whom are allies or enemies of the characters. One of them is killed by the creature or its possessed victim here.

- The Dining Car:

The fourth car of the train that serves food and drinks to the passengers. A trap involving a poisoned meal or a hidden explosive is set up here.

- The Sleeper Car:

The fifth car of the train that provides beds and privacy to the passengers. Countess Natalia tries to seduce one of the characters here.

- The Carnivale Bizzare Car:

The sixth and final car of the train that hosts a mysterious and magical show for the passengers. Madame Zara and her performers reveal their true nature and goals here.

- The Bridge or Tunnel:

A narrow and precarious bridge or tunnel that crosses a river or a mountain. The train faces various hazards and enemies here, such as collapsing structures, falling rocks, or flying creatures.

- Doome Station:

A small and dark train station where the characters arrive and face the final confrontation with the creature or its allies. A bomb or a portal is hidden here that could trigger a disaster or a danger.f
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