
The Eye of Retribution

Zerathoss serves as an enigmatic sentinel within the Eyes of Tezra, a cabal of Beholders intricately involved in the manipulation and surveillance of power structures throughout the realm. His designation, the Eye of Retribution, signifies his role as a watcher, one who observes from the shadows, ensuring that the will of the Tezra is implemented across the lands, and any deviations are corrected with precision and fatal efficiency.


:   In the realm's current epoch, marked by the fierce dominion of the Bloodclaw clan, Zerathoss's vigil had been primarily focused on Chief Gruznak. The Beholder was tasked with subtly guiding the chieftain, ensuring his actions served the grand designs of the Tezra, which involved a complex blend of chaos and order, strategically orchestrated to maintain a balance that only the enigmatic Eyes could comprehend.   The Eyes of Tezra had long disregarded the existence of an intelligent panther lurking in the periphery of their vision—Xolotza. To them, she was merely a blip within the vast tapestry of the world's magic, unworthy of concern until a rupture in the arcane fabric alerted them to her astonishing transformation. Within what seemed mere moments in the timeless gaze of the Tezra, Xolotza evolved from a mere creature of the forest into the Ethereal Tempest, a being brimming with power, her essence intertwined with the ancient djinn Azural—a figure the Tezra were keenly aware of but had not perceived as an immediate threat until now.   This abrupt emergence of Xolotza as a potent entity reshaped Zerathoss's priorities. While his initial mission centered on realigning Chief Gruznak with the Tezra's objectives, the sudden ascension of Xolotza necessitated a recalibration of his focus. The Beholder's primary concern shifted towards ensuring that Gruznak's obsession with Thronn and the consequent conflict with the Goliaths didn't lead to the warband's annihilation, potentially disrupting the Tezra's intricate plans.   Zerathoss now finds himself balancing the need to steer Gruznak away from his self-destructive path while also addressing the unpredictable variable that Xolotza represents. Her existence, powered by a clandestine pact unknown to all but a few, poses a potential threat—or opportunity—that Zerathoss must analyze with his characteristic meticulousness.   The Beholder's strategy involves a delicate interplay of force, manipulation, and foresight. His ability to perceive outcomes with uncanny accuracy allows him to craft plans within plans, ensuring that even in the face of unforeseen challenges like Xolotza's rise, the overarching agenda of the Eyes of Tezra remains undisturbed. His actions, though subtle, are pivotal in the grand scheme, serving as the linchpin that might hold the fate of many in the balance.


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