

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Muscular yet graceful, embodying the perfect balance of predatory agility and strength.

Body Features

Her fur is like the night sky, almost absorbing light and giving her a mystical aura.

Facial Features

Emerald green eyes that seem to pierce the soul, set against the backdrop of her dark, almost ethereal fur.

Identifying Characteristics

Her eyes and her unique fur are her most identifying features, along with the arcane symbols branded onto her by Veylok.

Physical quirks

When she moves, it's almost like watching a dance of shadows, her form slightly phasing in and out of reality due to her displacer beast heritage.

Special abilities

Shape-shifting, telepathy, and the ability to cast dark spells.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a cursed collar, embedded with dark gems, that binds her to Veylok's will.

Specialized Equipment

Master of dark magics, particularly those that manipulate shadows and minds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the mystical jungles of Nolavor, captured and enslaved by Veylok, but always plotting her escape and revenge.

Gender Identity

Identifies strongly with her feminine energy but is not confined by human notions of gender.


Fluid; uses her allure as both a weapon and a tool.


Self-taught in the arcane arts, with an innate connection to the dark magics of her homeland.


Unwilling servant to Veylok, but a guardian of the jungle's dark secrets by nature.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mastered several dark spells despite her captivity and has formed secret alliances with other mystical entities.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her capture by Veylok, which she views as a temporary setback.

Mental Trauma

The humiliation and loss of freedom due to her enslavement.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly intelligent, cunning, and resourceful.

Morality & Philosophy

Highly intelligent, cunning, and resourceful.


Being controlled or confined, betraying her jungle and its secrets.

Personality Characteristics


Freedom and the unlocking of her full magical potential.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Highly skilled in manipulation and dark magic but has a short temper when her freedom is threatened.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Freedom, power, the night. Dislikes: Confinement, betrayal, Veylok.

Virtues & Personality perks

Courageous, intelligent, resourceful.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vengeful, mistrustful, and manipulative.

Personality Quirks

Flicks her tail when contemplating or plotting, purrs when pleased.


Immaculate; her fur always seems to repel dirt and grime.


Contacts & Relations

Bound to Veylok the Shaman; revered and feared by local tribes.

Family Ties

Has secret alliances with other mystical entities and spirits of the jungle.

Religious Views

Believes in the arcane and mystical forces of the jungle, which she considers sacred.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic in a dark, enigmatic way.


Moves with predatory grace, always alert and calculating.

Hobbies & Pets

Has a psychic bond with a rare species of shadow serpent that she nurtures in secret. Enjoys studying arcane symbols and practicing her spells.


In her human form, speaks in a melodic, purring tone, often lacing her words with double meanings and veiled threats.

Wealth & Financial state

Wealth in arcane knowledge and mystical power, but physically confined and controlled.

Xolotza is a large black jungle panther held in thrall by Veylok the Shaman. She is a distant relative of the displacer beast and has access to dark magics. She has been plotting her escape for months and is native to the area, though her kind is very rare. [img:4897001]

Character Location
Current Location
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Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Enshrouded Temptress of the Jungle, Guardian of Dark Secrets.
Deep within the mystical jungles of Nolavor.
Current Residence
Veylok's dark lair, against her will.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"When the jungle roars, know that it is my voice you hear."
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, and Abyssal (through telepathy).


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