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Acererak welcomes you to his Tomb of Horrors! I am certain you will die like all those other treasure hunters that have come before you! So here's a clue to lead you to a quick death - any of these options will do...
-Acererak's message, from the Tomb of Horrors
  Acererak is a powerful half-demon wizard and demi-lich. Acererak traveled the multiverse in search of artifacts, which he likes to lock away in trap-ridden dungeons to watch adventurers suffer and die. He then enjoys trapping their souls in his phylactery, whose location is currently unknown.   Although he has the power and opportunities to ascend to godhood, Acererak has no interest in being worshiped, despite having his share of followers whose suffering he would enjoy watching.



Acererak is mentioned multiple times by Vecna, as well as by Malus and Leviticus early on in the campaign. He makes an appearance at the end of the Tomb of Horrors and gives Cullen Vecna's left eye, which he had been hiding away on his person.

Tomb of Horrors

Acererak's most infamous tomb is his Tomb of Horrors, which he oversees personally as a method of trapping and feeding on souls of dead adventurers.
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
868 AK 2180 Years old
Purple, glowing orbs
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ashy grey
Known Languages
  • Abyssal
  • Common
  • Draconic
  • Dwarvish
  • Elvish
  • Giant
  • Infernal
  • Primordial
  • Undercommon


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