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The Whispered One


I have not lived two-thousand fucking years to be taken down by lowly mortals such as yourselves! You are nothing without the Heart! My eye is the only thing that gives you value! I am Vecna, I am the Undying King, I-
-Vecna's final words before being defeated by Cullen
Vecna, also known as the Whispered One, The Archlich, or the Undying King, is a powerful, mortal-born archlich who has achieved the status of a demigod.


Divine Domains

Although known as the god of Secrets, Vecna's domains also include that of Knowledge, Necromancy, Lies, and Undeath.


The Handthe Eye, and the Heart of Vecna

During a conflict with the Circle of EightVecna's heart was removed by the late Mordenkainen, preventing the archlich from ascending to godhood.   Later, during the siege of Dathmyr, Vecna's lieutenant Kas would betray him, severing Vecna's left hand and left eye.  

The Sword of Kas

An ancient black blade said to be forged from the iron of a dying star by Vecna himself. The Sword of Kas was gifted to and named after Kas the Bloody-Handed when he served as Vecna's lieutenant. The blade was infused with part of Kas' soul, convincing him to usurp the archlich, ultimately resulting in the loss of Vecna's hand and eye.

The Book of Vile Darkness

The Book of Vile Darkness is an ancient tome said to be written primarily by Vecna himself. The book details a fraction of Vecna's knowledge and is rumored to include the rituals used to achieve lichdom.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An eyeball in the palm of a left hand.

Tenets of Faith

  • Learn all you can, and keep hidden that which you know. Reveal what pieces you must, but never the whole.
  • Express and cultivate the evil within yourself, and in doing so, recognize it in others and exploit them for your own benefit.
  • Seed the ruin of all who worship other deities, until only those who kneel before Vecna remain.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ultimately, Vecna's goal is to ascend to godhood and reshape not only this world, but all of the multiverse under his banner.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

His skin is blackened and taught, straining against the organs inside of him. Vecna notably lacks his left eye, and his left hand has been severed at the wrist.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vecna's early life was clouded in legend and contradiction. Most accounts stated that he was originally a human wizard from the Material Plane. After having become an extremely powerful wizard and starting to fear for his own mortality, Vecna dedicated his research to achieving undeath, later becoming the first and one of the most powerful liches ever in existence.   During his reign, Vecna trusted his lieutenant Kas with most administrative tasks. He forged the powerful Sword of Kas as an instrument of his lieutenant's authority.

Gender Identity

Cisgender Man






Towards Vecna




Towards Kas


Divine Classification
Betrayer God, Demigod
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Date of Death
11th of Springbloom, 970 PD
1207 AK 970 PD 2177 years old
Circumstances of Death
Destroyed by Cullen's cast of Power Word Kill.
Current Residence
Citadel Cavitius
Singular, green, rotted
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Charred Black
Related Myths
Known Languages


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