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Cullen Kevum (a.k.a. Cú)

You put me through hell for this past year... Now, let me put you through hell by having to watch everything you've worked so hard for crumble. So please, just fucking die, Vecna, die!
-Cullen's cast of Power Word Kill on Vecna
Cullen Kevum was originally an angelic guardian atop Mount Celestia, who was in charge of guarding an ancient lockbox said to contain an artifact of immense power. Cullen spent years listening to a voice that spoke to him from within the box, asking him to break open the lock. Cu's resolve remained strong until a near-death experience during a prison riot amidst the Day of Obsidian Sky led Cullen to break the lock after the voice promised to save his life. Opening the lockbox to find a black, rotted, still-beating heart: Cu slashes his chest, leading the heart to graft itself to his own heart.   Cu spent the next 25 years of his life living with his mother Auril in the city of Zadan, unaware of the events within Mount Celestia that lead to his life in the Material Plane. Eventually, the aasimar left his home in the peaks of the Silver Spires and found himself aboard a local train that ran through his city. Out to search for the truth regarding the mysterious scar across his chest and the unusual powers he adopted, Cullen quickly helped form Ark Encels after the train he was on was attacked.   Since meeting with the other members who would eventually make up Ark Encels, Cullen has tagged along with the group, growing particularly fond of Lily. He would eventually learn that the voice who spoke to him all those years ago was that of the lich Vecna. Following the introduction of Kilroy within the group, Cullen's jealousy and rage would continue to plague the group, inadvertently resulting in the death of Erdan Cordalles. This anger would eventually come to a head when Vecna took control of Cullen after obtaining the Eye of Vecna where he would promptly plunge his spear through the chest of Liliana, killing her near instantly.
Neutral Evil
Date of Birth
36th of Summertide
Year of Birth
879 PD 433 Years old
White, currently dyed black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
176 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You're holding up your thumb... that's not a finger" -Regarding Lily
Aligned Organization


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