Felesvollr Organization in Deoryüm | World Anvil


A place of wonder, intrigue, and a high respect for knowledge. The land of scholars lies here, in the heart of the most geographically transitory Nation, Felesvollr. Home to many races, notably the Tabaxi, Eladrin, Grippli, and Satyrs, Felesvollr is a Nation of constant unrest and a deep-rooted curiosity that propels their people further and further, until there is no knowledge left to discover. They are one of the most economic-orientated nations, creating strong trade routes and high-production districts, as the knowledge of their ancestors tells them all they need to know about what it means to hold power in a broken world.   Felesvollr stretches far from sea to see, making it a very accessible port-oriented trade location, and its geolocation is what can only be described as the center of Deoryüm means it is easily reachable from practically any other Nation. It commonly has huge border disputes with The Wilderlands due to its low natural barriers, but the central rainforests of Felesvollr make it a safe place to traverse if you know where you're going. For this reason, it is one of the most traveled Nations by merchants and adventurers, who both can get by and make it big with simple map knowledge and a healthy amount of self-preservation. This means that on the world stage, Felesvollr is one of the most influential and important Nations to exist, as most everyone relies on them as both a safe trade route and reliable technological innovator.   The culture of Felesvollr is largely related to their highest racial population, the Tabaxi. Festivals and holidays are often held in relation to the Tabaxi, notably celebrating the anniversary of Tabaxi organizations such as the AstroFeles Union. Other festivals include the highly anticipated Week of Heat and the Celebration of Liba, thrown by the Satyrs.   Felekklesia is the capital of Felesvollr. Nestled between the tallest tropical rainforests and the highest central peaks of Felesvollr, Felekklesia is a wealthy city built from hard clay, forest wood, and mesa sandstone. Overgrowth is abundant and covers every inch the eye can see, and it's not uncommon for the only path nearby to be a barely-traveled footpath that the undergrowth has already reclaimed. That being said, the giant libraries and holy temples of Felekklesia are certainly sights to behold, and the citizens of Felesvollr hold their knowledge close to their hearts.
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