Grippli Species in Deoryüm | World Anvil



Grippli are a race of intelligent amphibian humanoids. Generally peaceful, shy, and primitive, the Grippli are a somewhat nomadic race that has few ties to its homeland and few things holding them back. Though they do have a favored terrain in swamps and rainforests, their omnivorous diet makes it easy for the Grippli to establish a home, temporary or permanent, in just a few days. Although it must be said that it is relatively uncommon to find a truly "intelligent" Grippli, they are still regarded as a peaceful, easy-to-get-along-with race.
ability score increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
age: Grippli reach adulthood by around Age 15 and live to be around half a century old.
alignment: Typically Lawful and/or Good.
Size: Small
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Common, Grippli
race features:
  • Amphibious: You can breathe normally on land and underwater.
  • Keen-Eyed Hunter: You have proficiency in Perception and Survival
  • Leaping Stride: You can long jump a number of feet equal to double your Strength score and are always treated as if you moved at least 10 feet on foot beforehand. You can high jump a number of feet equal to 6 + your Strength modifier without moving beforehand. Grippli cannot jump farther than their remaining movement would allow.
Short and dexterous, Grippli resemble bipedal tree frogs. Swamp-dwelling Grippli typically have gray-green skin, often mottled with darker colors such as green and brown. Grippli who dwell in rainforests display a wider array of skin colors, such as bright yellow, blue, or red. Their skin smells of old and wet plants, and appears wet to the touch, but is actually dry. Grippli are quite small, with most individuals standing around 2 ft (0.61 m) tall, and weighing around 30 lb (14 kg). Older and more powerful Grippli could be twice as tall and heavy.   They have a love of bright colors, and occasionally raid parties of travelers to obtain colored garments. Despite this, Grippli rarely use much clothing beyond simple belts and loincloths. Grippli homes are decorated with brightly colored bits and bobs.   Grippli hail from the vast Power of Old Luswere, finding their homelands in the northern rainforests and southern swamps alike. Though they rarely found footing in their nation's government, they were still respected members of society, an idea that stand to this day in their new home, Felesvollr.