Princess Yixing-Jiumin Jinsyo Character in Derkomai | World Anvil

Princess Yixing-Jiumin Jinsyo

Princess Jinsyo Yixing-Jiumin (a.k.a. Syo)

Princess Yixing-Jiumin Jinsyo is the fourth daughter of Emperor Yixing-Jiumin Jinsen, She is fourteen years old and the only child of Consort Yelenala Yilia. She is the younger half-sister of Crown Prince Yixing-Jiumin Jinhai.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Princess Jinsyo is still growing, but she is healthy. She is given the best food and medical care that is available in Senyon, which is the best in the world.

Special abilities

Princess Jinsyo is an accomplished dancer, singer, and musician, still learning and growing in her confidence and abilities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Princess Jinsyo lives with her mother, Consort Yelenala Yilia, in the Palace of Pure Beauty in Liliakinyosa. As her mother's only child, she is alternately spoiled and subjected to harsh discipline. Princess Jinsyo looks up to her oldest sister, Princess Jinyat. Though she is a diligent student, she does not have her older half-sister's academic talent.   While watching a performance by The Unsurpassed Artists of Theatre Magique in Sendoshi when she was younger, Princess Jinsyo was enthralled by the talents of Donatello Genovesi, Diaanen Elorialir Alea'athem, and Anne-Laurie Trinh and was determined to be able to sing, dance, and play like them. Soon after, Princess Jinsyo began singing and dancing lessons. She is considered quite elegant and graceful by her teachers. She is also practicing diligently to learn to play the Bantar. Her mother, however, thinks her singing, dancing, and bantar practice are too flirtatious and frivolous and insists that Jinsyo learn things more appropriate for a princess, like needlework, flower arrangement, tea ceremonies, and so on. Princess Jinsyo and her mother argue about those things often.


Though Princess Jinsyo is still young, she is well educated and a diligent student, but not the equal of her older half-sister, Princess Jinyat. She reads and writes Sudkou well and can do basic calculations. She has been taught some of the history of Senyon. She is also a talented singer, dancer, and bantarist, despite her mother's hindering Jinsyo from practicing and performing. She is learning proper etiquette from her mother, but because she is still young, she is sometimes childish and unintentionally ill-mannered.

Personality Characteristics


Princess Jinsyo is motivated by her admiration of her older half-sister, Princess Jinyat, as well as by her love of music and dance and ambition to be an accomplished performer. Despite her mother's discouragement, she continues to grow in her abilities.


Like her older sisters, Princess Jinsyo is fastidious about her appearance and hygiene. Her mother and her maids insist that she is dressed and made-up appropriately for every occasion. Princess Jinsyo enjoys dressing and putting on makeup, then holding singing and dancing performances for others in the imperial palace.


Family Ties

Princess Jinsyo gets along well with and admires her older half-sister, Princess Jinyat. She thinks the arrogance and haughtiness of Princess Jintu and Princess Jinsam are cruel and stupid; though, she is occasionally tempted to act like them when she is in a foul mood. She adores her father, the Emperor, and her older brother, the Crown Prince. She is one of the few princesses that does not despise Lady Britta Nilsson and her sister, Amalie Nilsson, but she is hesitant and suspicious of them because of constant slander against them by Princess Jintu and Princess Jinsam.

Social Aptitude

Princess Jinsyo is still young and learning how to interact with the people of the imperial palace, the nobility of Sendoshi, and her family as an adult. Sometimes she seems mature and even sophisticated, other times, childish and immature. Her love of singing, dance, and music make her popular with many of the maids and eunuchs of the imperial palace, but the consorts, concubines, and most of the other princesses and noble ladies see it as frivolous and unbecoming of a proper princess. She has co-opted some of her maids into performing with her at times. They are usually happy to do so, as it brings attention to them; though, they incur the risk of displeasing Consort Yelenala Yilia or even Empress Dowager Fuschiayan Shenlisa. Princess Jinsyo is aware of the risk to her maids, so she tries to be careful not to draw too much attention to them.

Hobbies & Pets

Beside her love of music and dance, Princess Jinsyo loves animals, especially cats and kittens. She keeps a small black and white cat she named "Mimi" in her quarters. Her maids help her care for it.

Wealth & Financial state

Princess Jinsyo's wealth cannot be conventionally measured. As a princess of Senyon, she has everything she needs, and more, provided for her. Since she is still young, she does not yet receive a stipend of her own from the imperial treasury. She will start receiving a stiped when she turns sixteen years old.
Princess Yixing-Jiumin Jinsaya, fourth daughter of Emperor Yixing-Jiumin Jinsen
Princess Yixing-Jiumin Jinsaya by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Princess Yixing-Jiumin Jinsyo, fourth daughter of Emperor Yixing-Jiumin Jinsen
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
9146 14 Years old
Current Residence
Palace of Pure Beauty, Liliakinyosa, Sendoshi
Long, dark brown
Long, thick, jet black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Flawless, pale
5'0" (152.4 cm)
88 lbs. (40 kg)
Known Languages
Princess Jinsyo reads and writes Sudkou well, and has learned a few words of Nodkou.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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