The Varkimgra Tribe Ethnicity in Derkomai | World Anvil

The Varkimgra Tribe

For hundreds or thousands of years, how long no one knows, the Varkimgra tribe of Orkrim lived in the highlands and hills of the Great Eastern Mountains around what is now Fort Chessa. In that region, they hunted and gathered, fought and battled, as they always had, as their natural instincts demanded - until the Humans arrived.   Though the Humans, individually, were weak and slow, they fought with superior weapons and tactics, and they were relentless. Never forgetting a loss or defeat, they would return again and again to take vengeance on anyone or anything that harmed them. Eventually, the brave Varkimgra warriors were forced out of their homeland, giving way to the Humans of the Azmasanmanne tribe.   The Azmasanmanne Humans continually expanded their territory, forcing the Varkimgra southward until they reached the southern end of Chessa Bay. Still, the Humans pushed the Varkimgra Orkrim south. They were forced into the Jumble. There, the Humans, were afraid to go. The dangers of the Jumble were more than they were willing to face, but the Varkimgra Orkrim had no choice but to adapt or die. And so they adapted. Once people of the rugged hills and forests of the highlands, they found safety in underground shelters built in caves and caverns, places they could fortify against attacks. They learned rockcraft, becoming nearly as adept as the Dwarvirim. They built underground cities and villages, chiseling the rock to fit their needs. They carved refuges underground where only the most powerful creatures might assail them. And so the Varkimgra survive to this day, living among the dangers of the Jumble, not as numerous as they once were, but toughened and more cunning than ever.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Orkrim do not differentiate between male and female names.

Family names

The Varkimgra Orkirm, like all others, use a single name along with some indicator of their home. An individual Varkimgra might be called "Uzul bak Grunkul" (Uzul from Grunkul, or more specifically, "Uzul from Green Cave").


Shared customary codes and values

Like all Orkrim, the Orkrim of the Varkimgra are hunters and warriors first and foremost. Both male and female Orkrim hunt and fight. They gather fruit, roots, nuts, and other plant-based foods as part of their diet, but all prefer meat.   The Orkrim of the Varkimgra tribe adhere to a strict command hierarchy. There is a single chief of the tribe, chosen through a formal contest of knowledge and battle administered by the tribal shaman each year at the winter solstice. If the current chief loses the contest, he becomes the tribal shaman, and the winner becomes the new chief. The current shaman then becomes a sort of "shaman emeritus," serving as an advisor to the new chief and shaman. This arrangement obviously causes intratribal conflicts at times, which are worked out through negotiation and battle; though battle is seen as the preferred means of resolving conflicts, as battles lead to clear outcomes.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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