The Jumble Geographic Location in Derkomai | World Anvil

The Jumble

South of Chessa and Chessa Bay is the wild, mountainous badland known as the Jumble (Humlum), home to Derkorim, San Hagirim, Sei Hagirim, Orkrim and various other unsavory, aggressive, and evil creatures. Few travelers venture into the Jumble. Only the most capable adventurers are able to survive the tempestuous weather and dangerous flora and fauna.


The Jumble lies on a large penninsula (with an area of about 1.2 million square miles or 3.1 million square kilometers) jutting eastward into the Endless Ocean from the Great Eastern Mountains south of Chessa, about 1200 miles (1900 km) south of the Derkomai equator. The land of the Jumble slopes downward from west to east, from the vast, towering mountains of the Great Eastern Mountains to the beaches along the coast. The land is cut by river valleys flowing out of the mountains on the east into Chessa Bay to the north and Jumble Bay to the south. Along the coast are swamps, fens, marshes, and bogs, along with some idyllic beaches.


The ecosystem of the Jumble is incredbly varied, ranging from high mountain peaks and highlands in the east to tropical jungles and swamps, with beaches and rocky headlands along the coast. The coasts are carved by great ocean waves, making caves, coves, and beaches that are home to myriad intertidal species. The mountains and hills are deeply etched and eroded by the abundant rain and winds, with deep valleys and caves the habitations for many unique species of plants and animals.


The climate of the Jumble is warm and humid year-round, with an average temperature of 70°F (21°C). As it is not protected by the Great Eastern Mountains, large cyclonic storms ravage the area, especially along the southern and eastern coast, occasionally (every 2-3 years). It rains most every day, though it rains less in the autumn months (Masakot, Masabay, Masajoy). In the higher mountains of the western part of the Jumble, abundant snow falls, feeding many streams, rivers, and springs.

Fauna & Flora

Within the vast wilds of the Jumble are thousands of species of plants, animals, insects, and other creatures, including Derkorim, covens of Hagirim, Okkurim, including Dryadrim, Naiadrim, and Faerim of various kinds. Furmites are said to infest some areas of the Jumble, and there are groves of Wax Rose shrubs in the lowlands.   In Senyon and Chessa, stories are told by travelers of a flight of Haka Derkorim (Red Dragons) living high in the western mountains of the Jumble, preying on the inhabitants (Human, Elvirim, Orkrim) and whatever other creatures they could find and fancied living in Senyon, Chessa and within the Jumble itself.
The Jumble
The Jumble
Alternative Name(s)

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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