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Aquarians are individuals with a lineage that includes some type of water elemental. They are generally not as reviled as the Lemegeton or the Dulaagi, but not as accepted as the Semaforas. Despite this, the majority of Aquarians feel a strong instinctive connection to water. They often leave their home in search of a more suitable environment. Of all the immortal-blooded races, the Aquarians have been the most successful in establishing stable settlements for their own kind.

Basic Information


Aquarians resemble the race of their mortal parents, but they have minor physical traits that reveal their unusual elemental heritage. Aquarians have a variety of skin tones, ranging from pale turquoise to deep blue to sea green. They have straight, thick hair that is darker than their skin, and their eyes are always icy blue. Their most distinctive physical features are their fin-like ears and webbed hands and feet.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like other immortal-blooded races, an Aquarian retains the genetic traits of its original race when it reproduces. For example, if an Aquarian was an elf and mates with a human, their offspring will be half-elves. There is no evidence that Aquarians have a higher chance of producing Aquarian offspring themselves.

Ecology and Habitats

Aquarians are distinguished from other humanoids by their skin tones, which range from pale turquoise to deep blue to sea green. Aquarians have webbed fingers and toes, fin-like ears, and are instinctively attracted to water from an early age. Although they are master swimmers, they lack gills or the ability to breathe underwater, and must live near water, but not in it. This has led many Aquarians to seek ways to gain amphibious powers through arcane or divine study. Aquarian build settlements on land, on docks, or on flotillas of boats. Aquarian communities work with neighboring communities to protect the health of the waterways around their homes.


Aquarians become adventurers for many reasons. Some take up the life to defend the waters their community champions, and along the way they may discover greater threats. Others hope to learn more about their ancestry, whether from genies, fellow Aquarians, or other origins. Many others are driven by wanderlust and the desire to explore new lands and waterways.   Aquarians are drawn to the paths of druids, wizards and clerics. As druids, they defend waterways and often have aquatic animal companions. Aquarian sorcerers usually have the Aquatic or Water Elemental bloodline, or a mutated bloodline of one of these heritages.   Aquarians generally get along well with other adventurers, especially Elves and Gnomes, who appreciate their connection to nature and their eloquence. Groups traveling with Aquarians should be aware that some may become anxious if they are away from running water for more than a day or two.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The bloodline of water elementals has spread wide and thin over the entire planet. Aquarian transformations are rare, but can occur anywhere.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Aquarians gain the ability to see for a considerable distance in the dark once they have transformed.
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