Founding of the Trojaran L5 Alliance



Originally used as a temporary PANGEA‌ asteroid mining outpost located in the Jupiter‌ Trojan asteroid cluster, Troja‌ grew greatly until it became a central hub for mining and trade in the area as the largest celestial body within many thousands of miles. Due to its close tiers to Earth‌, travel was not restricted between the colony and her home planet, and gradually people began to escape to the twin asteroids under the guise of starting up mining careers. Eventually PANGEA‌ noticed this behavior and started to crack down on the colony, leading Troja's hardy miner population to eventually take up arms and declare independence. After a very brief conflict with local forces, this was achieved as PANGEA‌ had not accounted for the amount of people on the asteroids that had risen up (this was partially due to the fact that many people were not registered there officially and thus her population was greatly under inflated, leading to a reduced security presence than what should have been required). Due to its great distance from Earth‌, the inherent difficultly of waging such long-distance wars, and other factors occupying PANGEA‌'s attention on Mars‌, Troja was left to its own devices after this initial incident, and remains an independent militaristic nation to this day as the Trojaran L5 Alliance‌, comprised of a series of liberated mining colonies in the Trojan asteroid cluster, all centered around Troja‌ herself.

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