
Beware of the ones who desire not only your life but also your flesh. The strong eat. The weak are eaten.   Hungry and envious. Among the Disciples of Chaos, there exists a vile faction known as the Gorgers, a bloodthirsty group whose insatiable hunger knows no equal. I was told that they hail from a world newly conquered by the Disciples. It seems that soon after they have fallen under the sinister influence of the Heralds of Hunger and embraced their savage way of life. Unlike the Heralds with their distinct caste system, the Gorgers lack noble lineages—their hierarchy is dominated by the brutal principle of survival of the fittest. Or, more accurately, the strongest. They feed on the weaker members, a macabre feast where strength dictates who is the prey and who is the predator. While Herald’s nobility, represented by the Yog-Vour demons, display a selective palate when it comes to the flesh they consume, the Gorgers revel in indiscriminate gluttony, gorging on any available meat. Hence the name they've been given.   Bodies that should have died. Bodies of most Gorgers bear scars resulting from mutilation beyond recognition and enduring the brutal consequences of their chaotic existence—marking both savage feasting attempts of others and one’s overeating after getting strong enough to be the feasting one.Chaos' power sustains them, preventing their demise. Many among them have become fiends driven by an unquenchable thirst for flesh. They do not care about any wounds during fights, as long as they can quench their hunger. Though they serve on the frontlines, one should not expect organized strategies from these hordes. They excel as meatshields for their demonic masters but lack the capacity for anything more coordinated.   Gourmets. At the apex of their chain of command reside the Gourmets, an ironic moniker given their grotesque habits. They are among the few within the Gorgers who can be negotiated with, though their methods are ruthless. Their position demands both fear and an insatiable hunger—keeping their subordinates in line with the cruel duality of dread and ravenous appetite. They enjoy toying with their captives, promising freedom through a twisted game, only to cruelly extinguish any glimmer of hope the moment their prey comes close to escaping. In a gruesome attempt to emulate the Heralds of Hunger's "Carnival of Flesh," the Gorgers have concocted their own event. However, unlike the Heralds' ritualistic guise, the Gorgers turn their gatherings into feasts. These gruesome festivities, characterized by the consumption of flesh of various races, are a nightmarish show of their perverse revelry. Some captives are given the chance to join the ranks of the Gorgers, provided they survive and are willing to partake. Meaning they need to eat their fellow captives. A mere thought of that sends chills to the very marrow of my bones. It would be hard for me to find a group better depicting the madness and darkness that lurks in the Disciples' depravity.
Military Order
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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