
The Martyr of Freedom and Nature Selene


Selene is depicted as a serene yet formidable figure, her appearance marbled and statue-like, reflecting her tragic affliction with Marble Fingers. Her robes, flowing like the currents of the sea, and her hair, intertwined with sea flora, symbolize her deep connection with marine life and her role as a protector of the natural world.  


Selene emerged as a visionary leader during a period of severe oppression under Dragsa’s rule. Known for her empathy and strategic acumen, she championed the cause of liberty and respect for all beings, drawing diverse followers to her cause.  

Early Life and Tragic Affliction

Born among the Slithers, the merfolk beastkin, Selene was distinguished by her innate ability to empathize and strategize. Her leadership was marked by the onset of Marble Fingers, a debilitating and ultimately fatal disease that gradually transformed her body into a marble-like state. Despite her suffering, she continued to lead and inspire her people.  

Rise to Leadership and Martyrdom

Under Selene’s guidance, the merfolk rebellion achieved significant victories against Dragsa, contributing to the establishment of Encura as a free state. Tragically, her relentless pursuit of freedom and the progression of Marble Fingers led to her premature death. Her followers believe that the statue in the Temple of Selene in Encura, which depicts her in her final, petrified state, is indeed Selene’s preserved body.  

Philosophy and Teachings

Selene preached that each creature’s desires are divine echoes guiding each soul on its path. She emphasized living in harmony with these desires and nature as akin to worshiping the gods themselves. Her followers continue to uphold these principles, treating the natural world as a sacred sanctuary.  

Legacy and Cultural Impact

Selene's teachings form the ethical foundation of Encura. Her temple, housing the statue believed to be her remains, stands as both a sanctuary and a place of pilgrimage. Her philosophy on freedom and nature continues to influence Encura’s governance, ensuring her vision endures.  

Continuing Influence

Though Selene's physical presence has ended, her spirit and ideals live on through her followers and the governance of Encura. Her story remains a potent symbol of resistance against tyranny and a testament to the power of unity in diversity. Her teachings inspire ongoing diplomatic efforts and alliances, securing Encura’s role as a vital advocate for balance and harmony in the region.
219 AR 330 AR 111 years old
Aligned Organization
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Cover image: by DALLE
Character Portrait image: by DALLE


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