The City Called the Fortress of Dragsa

Two Different Worlds

Almost half of the population of Dragsa lives in a vast city known as the Fortress of Dragsa. Consequently, when referencing the kingdom, many simply refer to it as the Fortress of Dragsa. Even residents of the city tend to use it in this manner.   The city is situated on an island, nestled in the heart of a vast delta formed by the Leose River. A tremendous effort was invested in artificially expanding the island to create a foundation capable of bearing the immense weight of the planned Fortress. The city is divided into two parts. Within the protective walls reside Queen Anara and the wealthiest humans. Inside the walls, you'll find merchants, the Church of Order, the Mages of Life, the nobles and their houses, along with a handful of their servants. It's worth noting that the barracks of the Beastkin armies are still housed within the walls of the Fortress in case of an attack. The buildings themselves are constructed from sturdy, gray rocks. The architecture is simple yet robust, and the city boasts a sewage system, a point of pride not every country can claim. A special magical drain draws water from the river for the citizens, and the used water is expelled to the river, flowing towards the sea, but not before passing the slums of the city and the sailors that use the docks.   The second part constitutes the old city, situated beyond the walls. Here, the residences of the less fortunate citizens are found, along with slums where most of the beastkin live. In the past, this area was a small port city known as Mossveil, which has now been seamlessly integrated into the old city. The middle part of the old city has more sturdy buildings, made with both wood and rocks, surrounding the old dock and numerous taverns around it. While inside of the walls of Fortress you can find another dock, suited for bigger ships, not every trader is allowed to unload their goods there. Many are forced to use the old port, or wait till the guards verify that they are allowed inside. Because of the amount of the ships, this can even take weeks. To the west stands the colossal fortress itself, while to the south and east, the slums of beastkin fill the horizon. A consequence of Dragsa's policy that chose to not embrace everyone within the protective walls. \  

The Fortress and its Citizens

The city pulsates with life as countless people come and leave the city on a daily basis. It is a hub of trade which connects the continent and every trader coming to Kallonia via sea. And even with the traders, people constantly come to the capital of Dragsa in search of a better life. Humans make up just over a third of the population. The remaining inhabitants are primarily beastkin, with sporadic representatives of other races who arrived on this continent. Dwarves and elves can also be found within Dragsa, although they aren't received with open arms. The looming shadow of ongoing conflictswith the Redoe Alliance casts suspicion upon these nonhuman inhabitants, branding them as potential spies in the eyes of the average citizen. For them, earning the trust of the populace becomes a perpetual struggle of proving themselves in the eyes of the populace. Overcoming this prejudice requires either immense talent or, at the very least, immense stubbornness. The city itself has a bigger dominance of humans, as many beastkin are serving in the armies or working on the fields all over Kallonia.   Contrary to popular belief, even among the lowest echelons of society, humans are not an uncommon sight. Dragsa at its heart is a meritocracy—if any human shows potential and earns their place, their origins bear less of a burden than in the other parts of the world. The same can hardly be said for beastkin as they are always born as slaves. However, even for them, this is not always a life-time sentence. Similarly to humans in lower echelons of society, there are some beastkin who gained freedom in one way or another. Although the higher they go in the societal structure, the more frowns and curious looks they earn.  

Beastkin and Slavery

Whatever one may say about Dragsa, they do learn from their past mistakes. And the change in their treatment of the beastkin in the aftermath of the uprisings is a good example of that. Forcing them into a lifetime of being mercenaries, field workers, or other roles bestowed on them will naturally lead to discontent. Queen Anara perfectly understood that just creating restrictions is not enough to create loyalty. Chains can only keep someone from escaping, not from wanting to escape. One’s loyalty can only be earned by giving them purpose, a goal, and maybe above all, a bit of hope. So, in place of her previous practices, she employed a strategy akin to dangling a carrot in front of their noses—a promise of freedom. While they are all born as slaves, their owners are not the nobles but the Dragsa kingdom itself. Anyone “owning” a slave, is actually given a lease on their usage.   These contracts might last for a few years or even a lifetime, but the nobles still do not own any of the slaves as they are regarded as property of the kingdom. Beastkin also are not bound to this status for life, but rather are burdened with a huge debt—supposedly one connected with the cost of their creation. As if it was something they should be thankful for to Dragsa.   These changes made by Queen Anara altered the dynamic of slavery with the most noticeable differences being:
  • Masters with the lease cannot abuse their slaves, as it would be deemed as damage to the kingdom.
  • Beastkin are given the possibility to buy out their own freedom and be granted the status of a citizen. The price might be exorbitant there are some cases of this happening within the city.
  • Protection during pregnancy—even if it's all to ensure that Dragsa's property is not damaged, the end result is still the same.
  • Slaves cannot be brought outside the kingdom nor outside the region designated by Dragsa's officials.
  • Slaves actually are required by law to be paid for their work, even if the sum is much lower than what would be paid normally.
  On the “leaseholder's” side, this deal is also not so bad, as they are granted a refund for the unused time they still had on the lease whenever there are some unforeseen accidents or if said beastkin bought out their own freedom. Because of that, people can trade the slaves between themselves, similar to selling their lease, but they cannot exactly “sell” their slaves. At least not within the legal framework…   Many find themselves hypnotized by the vision that liberation awaits, if only they can manage to alleviate their debts as slaves. A spark of hope in an otherwise grim reality. Nonetheless, debt repayment remains a mere mirage to most of them. The sums demanded by Dragsa far exceed what any individual could amass within their lifetime, especially if they lead the life of a slave, with no way of earning extra funds. But to be frank, it is all within Queen Anara's expectations. That is exactly why it works.  

Societal Structure

While it is not immediately apparent, because you can find both women and men in any position or job within the kingdom of Dragsa, the society operates as a matriarchy. Women enjoy a higher social status than men; they often lead families, including noble houses, delve into politics or work as higher officials. Lineage and heritage are carried through the female line and it's their surname that gets passed down to the next generation. This might be attributed to the country's ruler being a Queen, especially since many consider her to be a deity, or perhaps it stems from the influence of their religious beliefs. However, this doesn't mean that women are encouraged to join all fields of work. Dragsans are also very conservative and strict when it comes to people's roles in society. Certain professions are deemed “impure” and considered unfit for women, as their hands should deal with more sublime works. Primarily, these are fields of work associated with sins and crimes, such as mercenaries involved in killing, law enforcers perpetually chasing criminals, or priests tasked with listening to and absolving people of their sins. While Dragsan women technically have the freedom to pursue such professions, society will perceive it in a very certain way. Women who venture into these “impure” occupations might be viewed as sacrificing themselves for the greater good or even coerced by familial expectations. Rarely is it acknowledged as a woman's autonomous decision.   Men on the other hand, while also having no limitation on their life path, are expected to focus on these impure jobs. Protect the house and humbly accept even the harshest tasks bestowed upon them by the head of family. Only the ones with evident talent are allowed to pursue something more “suitable for women.” Of course, this all varies from family to family, and in some you cannot even see any kind of special treatment for anyone.   On top of these roles, another layer of complexity to Dragsa's society is added when you look at their social stratification. At the pinnacle stand the richest citizens where human nobility and the esteemed members of the Church of Order are dominant. The latter can be seen as even more important as these individuals wield not only political power but also influence the religious doctrines that shape the kingdom.   Just beneath this exalted tier reside the common humans, a tier lower in status. They are still granted all of the human privileges and opportunities but with less access to education and lacking certain connections to move above their own social status. While they lack the grandeur of the nobility, they form the backbone of Dragsa's society, contributing to its workforce. Some of them choose to pursue life in the military organizations as it is much easier to improve their status there. A good example of that are the members of the Royal Guards whose ranks are filled with both nobility and common folk.   A status level below humans, the situation becomes more complex as the various non-human races coexist. These beings, though permitted within the societal fabric, are treated with disdain and often face systemic discrimination. At the forefront are the elves and dwarves, confined to specific roles albeit granted the ranks of citizens if they prove their loyalty and usefulness. Along with them are all the beastkin who earned their right to be citizens. A bit lower than them are the races commonly referred to as “City Rats.” They hold a lower status since none of them were ever granted the rank of a citizen, forever locking them into fulfilling odd jobs or going for shady businesses. Some say that they are yet another monstrosity that escaped from Dragsa's Laboratories, while others include them in the ranks of the beastkin. They themselves do not support any of these claims and insist on the fact that they were always there, though official historical documentation of the kingdom does not support this explanation.   At the bottom of this hierarchical structure are the unfortunate beastkin slaves. These beings are relegated to a life of servitude. Stripped of autonomy, they perform the most mundane and lowest possible jobs needed in society. Strangely enough, military ranks are the most merciful for them, as showing their usefulness can earn them a number of benefits. And while innumerable beastkin toil in deplorable conditions, the hope of gaining their freedom is always somewhere on their minds.  

Religion and the Law

Dragsans are all part of the Church of Order. At the core of this religion is the belief that the tribe of Dragsa had been chosen by Order to lead the other humans. When the times of constant war were upon Dragsa, their whole nation militarized and became more strict, while the Church became one of the most important organizations in the kingdom. This centralized religion deeply rooted itself in the everyday lives of Dragsans.   The believers follow these principles: 1. Structure—never steer away from your destiny and chosen path. 2. Discipline—perfect yourself and others. 3. Adherence to the law—follow the rules of society as they are the path of Order.   And on top of that following things are considered sins: 1. Killing without a just cause. 2. Taking others possessions. 3. Telling lies. 4. Breaking one word.   The role of the priests extends beyond the mere shepherds guiding their flock of sheep. This organization is quite an interesting mix of religious figures with law enforcers who bring the hammer of justice on the sinners. Within Dragsa, the Church members serve as arbiters of justice, ensuring that individuals are held accountable for their transgressions and that order is maintained within the realm. This means that committing sins and breaking the law is the same in this kingdom. At their core they also display unwavering reverence for Queen Anara. She is considered to be the chosen one, appointed by the god of Order, to be the undying ruler of Dragsa and its citizens. According to their teachings, her authority is divine and stems from the god of Order's blessing. And the Roots of Life are one of Order blessings.   The power of this magical ore is seen as a sacred manifestation of the Order’s invisible hand.   While the Undying Queen Anara is considered the head of the Church, she is also considered to be too important to deal with every problem of the citizens. Because of that, the Church also have a position for the highest bishop called the “Bringer of Harmony.” They are tasked with the responsibility of judging the citizens and preserving the law in the most problematic cases. As the highest priest, the Bringer of Harmony acts as the moral compass for Dragsa's inhabitants. When cases of moral or ethical dilemmas arise, the priests carefully consider the circumstances and consult with him their understanding of the teachings of the Church so they can to apply their wisdom to make fair and just judgments. Supporting the Bringer of Harmony are the Paladins of Order, who are granted authority by the Church to deal with citizens as they see necessary. While priests act as judges, paladins serve the role of law enforcers. As they view judgments by the priests as sacred, their goal is not only justice but also the salvation of souls tainted by sin. Resisting them can be perilous, as those with access to divine healing powers may stretch the bounds of “acceptable force,” guided by a concern for the soul rather than the body.  

Anara's Palace

In the heart of the colossal Fortress of Dragsa lies the palace of their ruler. The Undying Queen Anara. The whole place is enormous—a small castle able to hold hundreds of guests in its chambers, dozens of dining rooms, and countless chambers for her personal servants. The halls of the palace also include the Mages of Life which keep her body in check, a personal library, and a laboratory, though the last two are rarely used by her. Gardens litter the halls of the palace, where flowers and plants from all across the world can be found.   The Throne Room of Queen Anara is made to be as grand as possible to be testament to the sovereign's divine prowess. Especially since she is welcoming the dignitaries of other countries personally, but she also hears and decides on the most pressing matters of her officials, heads of houses or prominent figures within the Church. While most of the matters are dealt with by her representative or the Church of Order inquisitors, if the matter deals with crime, she is the head of both the country and the Church, some decisions need to be made by her personally.   The whole place is made to be awe-inspiring. The vaulted ceiling, soaring sixty feet overhead, echoes with the grandiosity befitting a realm touched by the divine. Majestic columns are built with intricate patterns and adorned with banners and flags of the nations that they have conquered. Many of them are partially destroyed as they bear the marks from battles—it seems like Queen Anara didn't want anyone to fix them, so they were left in the state that they were found. On the windows of the throne room, intricate patterns on the stained glass windows tell the story of Queen Anara's victories over dwarves, elves, and beastkin. A stately balcony rises in a spiral across the ceiling, encircling the whole room. Dozens of courtiers and dignitaries who gather for an audiencce with the Queen describe it as the most suitable vantage point for witnessing her divine authority. In the middle of the hall lies the throne—a gift from a nation allied to Dragsa, supposedly dug out from the desert of Kartagis. Filled with symbols connected with death, skulls and twisted faces are realistically sculpted into the dark, granite rock. A relic from a forgotten empire with immense value… but it seems Queen Anara keeps it just for the imposing presence it gives on anyone who sees it.  

Mages of Life

Soon after the creation of the first beastkin, the mages involved in the process began to assemble, aiming to share and refine the magical techniques involved in extracting power from the Roots of Life. As their numbers increased, so did concerns about the potential leakage of information, so they established their own organization, naming themselves the Mages of Life. In the present, this group operates in seclusion under the direct supervision of Queen Anara. They maintain several laboratories scattered throughout the city, where they conduct tests on all beastkin under Dragsa.   Their responsibilities encompass overseeing the births of new beastkin, subjecting each to immediate scrutiny for any undesirable changes. Those deemed as failures are either “corrected” by the mages shortly after birth or undergo castration to prevent the spread of any afflictions. While this seemingly ruthless practice has eradicated diseases affecting the beastkin, it raises questions about the overall goal of the mages and the extent of the changes and examinations conducted on these beings.   In addition to their care for existing beastkin, the Mages of Life are also the ones who created an elite force to protect Queen Anara—the Wardresses of Lay. These elite guards represent the latest achievement in perfecting a process long ago utilized on the Queen herself. Seeing the wonders they are bringing to Dragsa, one starts to wonder aboutthe full extent of what transpires within their laboratories, but due to their secretive nature, all of it remains elusive in the eyes of many.  

Dragon Huntresses

They are a group specialized in handling monster subjugation quests. While this organization can be found in many places across Deuslair, its roots can be traced back to Kallonia and its first members followed in the footsteps of an extraordinary figure. Their headquarters are located within the confines of the old city.   Long ago the realm was plunged into never-ending wars under the orders of Queen Anara. The men were drafted into the armies, and even the very youngest were not exempt from the brutal realities of warfare, as the battlefield required an ever-increasing number of soldiers. Meanwhile, when the nation was too busy with its wars, the monsters were left unchecked at the borders and started to grow bolder as they hungered for human flesh. In these trying times, a lone Huntress stood against this force. Till this day her figure is shrouded in mystery as her true name was lost to the annals of time as if she just emerged from the shadow of the misty forests one day. Nevertheless, her deeds would make her into a living legend. They say she possessed an indomitable spirit and extraordinary combat skills, which set her apart from the rest. The official government of Dragsa was paralyzed because of the weight of war and barely able to fend off threats that appeared near the larger cities. But beyond the safety of the walls, the land was becoming an inhospitable wasteland.   Not being able to accept the current situation, the lone Huntress took matters into her own hands in order to protect the ones who lay beyond the reach of the larger towns. She was a beacon of hope in a land plagued by darkness, and her tireless efforts to combat monsters earned her the respect and admiration of many people. Her actions garnered a lot of attention, but humans weren't the only ones that closely followed her next step. At the time, fearsome dragons terrorized the inhabitants of Kallonia and they showed an intelligence rarely seen in monsters. During one of her hunts, the dragons lured her into a trap, confident in their ability to end her life with overwhelming numbers. Being the strong fighter that she was, she dared to stand against these mighty beasts with just one sword and nothing else but the courage in her heart. In a battle that lasted an entire day, she killed one dragon and wounded others enough to chase away from the land. This achievement earned her the title of “Dragon Huntress” and her story was spread by those she had saved, leaving them in awe and reverence of her heroic deeds. Soon, the whispers spread her name far and wide. She was known not only for her combat prowess but also for her compassion and dedication to the people she protected.   As time passed, the lone Huntress inspired others to follow in her footsteps. Adventurers and warriors from all walks of life were drawn to her cause, eager to emulate her bravery. They saw the embodiment of strength and grace in her, and they yearned to protect the realm just as she had. Under the guidance of the legendary Dragon Huntress, they trained rigorously, honing combat skills and expanding knowledge on monsters. Then one day she disappeared, leaving behind her organization. Her dedicated followers set out to protect the realm, taking on perilous monster subjugation quests. Their noble mission would continue for generations to come, shaped by individuals who have chosen to walk the path she once walked—safeguarding the realm from monstrous threats. Despite its name, it is not composed exclusively of women, although its founder's legacy continues to inspire countless young women to enlist.   It is a collective group that operates across the vast expanse of Deuslair's world. Their guildhalls are located all over the world, offering a place for those in need to ask for their assistance or seek an opportunity to join their ranks. The organization proactively seeks out assignments related to monster subjugation, aiming to safeguard the lives of the innocent and maintain peace in the regions they watch over.   Their members possess a profound understanding of monster biology, habitats, and vulnerabilities, granting them a strategic advantage. Understanding of monstersenables them to predict their next actions and adjust used combat tactics to target weak spots. Members of the Dragon Huntress Organization have established a network of informants who relay information about recent monster activities and potential threats. Members meet regularly to exchange knowledge, share techniques, and pool their intelligence about potential targets. Organization archives are meticulously maintained, containing detailed records of past quests, monsters they've encountered, and strategies employed against certain targets.   Candidates for joining the organization are typically required to have a history of successful monster subjugation missions or any similar experience. Trophies alone are not enough—anyone with enough money in their pockets could just sneak their way in easily if it was. That’s why the Huntresses require solid proof of one's worth—achievements need to be demonstrated through references, testimonials, or documented in some verifiable way. It is also not rare to them to give out quests asking for extra support during a subjugation—all so they can scout new members with potential. The quests themselves are acquired through various means, primarily by building strong connections with village leaders, town officials, and desperate travelers who seek to eliminate monstrous threats.

Articles under The City Called the Fortress of Dragsa

Cover image: by DALLE


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