Temporary Encampment

Nestled at the bottom of Wurgar lies the Temporary Encampment. The encampment sprawls across a desolate landscape, with makeshift structures made from the dark wood of crow bush trees. Within its confines, captives from every corner of the continent of Herja toil under the watchful eyes of the enforcers.   Each day, new captives are brought into encampment embrace to endlessly toil doing the most mundane jobs needed for the Disciples. It has lasted for so long, that families have formed inside of the camp, with newer generations growing up in the shadow of oppression. The term “Temporary” has become a cruel and ironic reminder of their enslavement, as the camp has evolved into a somber settlement. A microcosm of shattered hopes and dreams that have been extinguished. Despite this, some captives have been granted the dubious privilege of citizenship and life within Wurgar by adhering to the doctrines of the Disciples.
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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