Kingdom of Jothor Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Jothor

The Kingdom of Jothor is situated on the Southern side of The Sheltered Mountains, between the Zeran Duchy to the West and Daer Welkin to the East. Within the boundaries of the Kingdom is the Dolec Mire an area of swamp and bog so thick as to be all but impassable for travellers without an experienced guide. The Kingdom of Jothor is also one of the most metropolitan nations of Beregan with the tri-cities of Brighthaven, Kochester, and Natharis along the Southern coast.   The Kingdom of Jothor is an exceptionally wealthy nation with abundant natural resources including ores from the Sheltered Mountains and Hills of Branfaire, extensive woodcutting in the Glennia Forest, and the alchemical substances gathered and mined within the Dolec Mire. Though the nation is still recovering from the War of the Twin Crowns, much of the urban industry of Southern Jothor has returned to full production. Natharis is a key port of call for trade ships travelling the West coast of Devorn as one of the richest settlements on the continent. The Kingdom maintains trade relationships with all of The Sheltered Mountains nations except for Daer Welkin with whom they recently signed an uneasy truce.   Within the Kingdom of Jothor are many powerful house, among which only a relative few have the ambition and cunning to challenge for the crown of Jothor. These powerful houses include: House Yauved, House Ronre, House Trezora, House Arbillail, House Hiratt, House Verdikai, House Noval, House Ironbark, House Lingenhall, and House Reese.  


The people of the Kingdom of Jothor are often treated with an air of respectful caution. Social standing within the Kingdom is everything, who you are, what house you belong to, and where you come from all play a part in defining your value to society. Those Jothish who manage to reach their age of majority are generally cutthroat individuals willing to use whatever secrets or blackmail they can to gain an advantage. Regardless of social standing however one thing remains the same for all children of Jothor, their education is paid for by the Kingdom and all of them, even indentured servants, are taught by The Order of the Broken Tome.


The Kingdom of Jothor was formed at some point during the Darkened Years. One of the nations to form from the collapse of the Estarin Empire caused by the Great Unshackling. The identity of the individual who first proclaimed themselves the King or Queen of Jothor is lost to time, as they were poisoned at their coronation feast and Queen Ania Yauved took the throne. Thus begun the bloody history of the throne of Jothor, with very few houses managing to hold onto the power for more than a single generation.   The Kingdom of Jothor has fought in four major external wars, three civil wars, and numerous border skirmishes. All four of their external wars were fought with Daer Welkin, three during the Darkened Years and the most recent the War of the Twin Crowns. The first civil war, which little is known about, was fought during the tail end of the Darkened Years. The second civil war began and ended in 110 P.U. and was fought between the houses of Trezora and Hiratt, and the third and bloodiest between 792 P.U. and 794 P.U. was fought between three alliances of houses.

Strong Deeds, Strong Words

Founding Date
Unknown Date, the Darkened Years
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
The Kingdom of Jothor accepts the use of Mestor Crowns and Oasian Drin.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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