Hellkin Species in Devorn | World Anvil
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The Hellkin are humanoids standing between 5 ft and 6 ft tall as fully grown adults with skin colours ranging from pale white to deep reds and blues. Hellkin are primarily born to parents from other races and only when the child is born with strangely coloured skin ranging from pale white to deep reds and blues do their families realise what they have birthed. Some children however are born to two Hellkin parents and are known as Twicekin. As Hellkin mature they may develop more traits from their fiendish ancestors aside from their skin colours, these traits may manifest as horns of a variety of sizes and shapes, strange shaped or coloured eyes, tails, or all manner of other less common traits.   Following the Great Unshackling the Hellkin found that their latent magical potential was amplified, finding themselves more in-tune with the chaotic nature of Devorn's changed magic. This enhanced magical aptitude has seen many Hellkin enter the Trion Sorcerer College and the Guild of Enchanters. Due to the chaotic nature of their physiology the age at which a Hellkin may reach maturity varies between 14 years of age and 22 years of age and most Hellkin only live between 60 and 80 years. Twicekin live longer, between 90 and 130 years.   Racial Traits (Pick 3):
  • Blood of Devils: +1 Vigor. The fiendish blood running through their veins allow many Hellkin to access magic from a very young age.
  • Arcane Prodigies: +1 Spellcasting and the knowledge of how to cast a single Witcher sign (Must have access to Vigor to take this trait). Learning spells comes quickly and easily to the Hellkin.
  • Street Urchins: +3 Stealth and +3 Streetwise when in settlements larger than a village. Often abandoned by their non-Hellkin parents, Hellkin children develop a knack for surviving on the streets.
  • Demonic Eyes: +1 Human Perception and you always can tell when a Friend is lying to you. Fiendish blood gives Hellkin eyes are strange quality that seems to stare into the souls of those they speak with.
  • Clawed Fingers: +1 Brawling and +3 Damage with Punches. Nails that harden into claws can certainly sting.
According to The Order of the Broken Tome Hellkin make up around 3% of all known sentient humanoids on Devorn.


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