Rending Plague in Devorn | World Anvil
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Rending Plague

The Rending Plague was a sickness characterized by open wounds and blood filled eyes that affected the people of Gollaca, the Divine Republic of Aspua between the years of 722 P.U. and 789 P.U.. The first known case of Rending Plague occurred in the town of Blokmegen on the eastern coast of Gollaca; a human male was found deceased within his home with dozens of thick claw like gouges covering his body. The individuals who found the human all began suffering the same fate and were deceased within ten days.    The first symptoms an individual afflicted by the Rending Plague experience are light-headedness and propensity for bleeding. These symptoms are followed within a few days by claw like sores opening on the skin and blood beginning to fill the eyes. Dragonborn are the only race on Devorn to seemingly be immune to the sickness and were employed to dispose of the bodies of the infected. Eventually alchemists from Summerbarrow developed a cure for the Rending Plague and in 789 P.U. the last known case was cured.  

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