Gollaca Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Gollaca is situated in the Eastern Reach of Beregan along the coast of the Stygian Abyss, bordered by the Divine Republic of Aspua to the North and the Thrier Dominion and Estarin Empire to the West. Much of Gollaca is covered by the tall dry grass of the Zhodron Grasslands within which the thickest points are considered impossible to navigate and extremely dangerous because of the predators and monsters that call the grass home. Gollaca maintain control of the islands along Ratzenholdt's Shoal and further along the Stygian Abyss coast. The nation is ruled by feudal lords who in times of crises appoint a Lord Protector to lead the nation as a whole.   Gollaca is one of the poorer nations of Beregan with an economy supported by the few mines within the Burnished Hills and the farms and orchards along the River Bahia. The long grasses of the Zhodron Grassland are useful for certain crafts but supply far outweighs demand. Gollaca trades with some of the nations of The Sheltered Mountains and has neutral relations with the Estarin Empire and Bastion of Fomenko. Gollaca is however at war with the Divine Republic of Aspua in the War of Light.


The people of Gollaca are often slow to trust and can be more cautious than the average citizen of Devorn. Gollacans have learnt over their history to let others lead from the front, as leading has never turned out well for the nation. When crossed the people of Gollaca are vicious in their reprisals, this is just as true on the battlefield as it is in dark alleys and markets. Children of Gollaca are taught the ways of the elite Zhodron Stalkers at an early age so they may assist in defending the nation. The children learn to sneak through the long grass and silently kill their quarry with crossbows and daggers.


Gollaca was formed in the first year of the Post Unshackling following the Darkened Years. The lands of Gollaca were once part of the Estarin Empire until 11987 S.Y. when they were released by the Empire. Following their release the lands suffered from the rule of warlords and despots until the very end of the Darkened Years when Evessa of Trobyg slew the worst of the bandits and unified the land under a single banner, she became the first Lord Protector of Gollaca. The Lord Protector has become a title which is granted to a Lord of Gollaca in times of strife, granting the individual the power to command all citizens of the nation.   The nation of Gollaca has fought in three major wars since its formation and suffered from the effects of the Rending Plague. The first war occurred between 121 P.U. and 147 P.U. when the Aspuan Kingdom that would become the Divine Republic of Aspua invaded Northern Gollaca. The second war occurred between 690 P.U. and 691 P.U. when the Estarin Empire attempted to invade Gollaca across the River Bahia. The Rending Plague ravaged Gollaca between the years of 722 P.U. and 789 P.U.. Finally in the year 930 P.U. the Divine Republic of Aspua began the War of Light against Gollaca by besieging Fortress Dissen.

Always Free

Founding Date
1 P.U.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Gollaca accepts the use of Mestor Crowns, Oasian Drin, and Aspuan Cleansed Silver.
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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