Thermark Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Thermark is situated on the Southern side of The Corsan Peaks, between the Estarin Empire to the South and the Divine Republic of Aspua to the East. Within the boundaries of Thermark sit the magnificent River Corsan and Trion Lakes, the largest inland water sources in Beregan. Home to the illustrious Trion Sorcerer College situated in the city of Alcombey, Thermark has often been a safe haven and home for many Mages.   Thermark is one of, if not the wealthiest nation in Beregan with large deposits of valuable minerals within The Corsan Peaks and fertile land covering the majority of the country. The innovative nature of many Therians have led to many inventions being developed within the nation and the sale of these inventions or their blueprints have brought much wealth to Thermark. Thermark trades heavily with neighbouring Otril while also providing food to the Bastion of Fomenko. In recent years the relations Thermark shared with the Estarin Empire and Divine Republic of Aspua have worsened leading to numerous border skirmishes.


The people of Thermark are known for their curiosity and determination. The many innovations that have been developed in Thermark are points of pride for the nation and new developments are keenly followed by the citizenry of the nation. Perhaps because of their inquisitive nature, a well kept secret is very rare within Thermark and considered something to be treasured. A coming of age ritual common throughout Thermark is the Rite of Discovery whereby a child on the cusp of maturity is tasked with creating something new, whether that is an actual new invention or simply a new technique for something already discovered.


Thermark was formed at some point during the Darkened Years. Once a part of the then much larger Estarin Empire the region that would become Thermark was released in 11987 S.Y. shortly before the Great Unshackling. Thermark is ruled by the Council of Thought a collective of the brightest minds from across the nation. The Council of Thought has between 3 and 13 members at any one time, with members chosen from among the best and brightest of Thermark.    Three positions of note within Thermark are guaranteed places on the Council of Thought. These positions are: The Dean of the Trion Sorcerer College, the Factorious of the Therian Artisans Guild, and the Overseer of Therian Mining Association. Additional members to the Council are appointed based on merit and must receive a vote of confidence from every other sitting member of the Council of Thought. Every twenty years the Council elects one of their number to take the role of the Arbiter of Thermark, the nominal head of the nation though most decisions are made by the Council as a whole.   Thermark has had since its creation a non-aggression policy towards its neighbours. This has not stopped Thermark from defending itself when attacked as was the case during the Reckoning War between 296 P.U. and 314 P.U. against the Estarin Empire and Aspuan Kingdom that became the Divine Republic of Aspua. Beginning in 924 P.U., Thermark has been warding off small border incursions from both the Divine Republic of Aspua and the Estarin Empire.

Strength and Insight

Founding Date
Unknown Date, the Darkened Years
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Thermark accepts the use of Mestor Crowns, Oasian Drin, and Aspuan Cleansed Silver.
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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