War of Light Military Conflict in Devorn | World Anvil
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War of Light

The War of Light began in 930 P.U. following years of tension between Gollaca and the Divine Republic of Aspua, the Crusade of Light was called by Pontifex Ellyjoybell Bilbron seeking to spread the influence of the Blessing of the Shining Star across Devorn.   The war began in earnest when the Divine Republic besieged Fortress Dissen in Northern Gollaca capturing the fortress briefly, before the Zhodron Stalkers under the command of Lord Protector Thorath of Zuidehall scaled the walls in the dead of night to retake the strategically important castle. The war has entered a stalemate over the last year with the hit and run tactics of Gollaca managing to hold off the Divine Republic advance for now.

The Conflict


Though the Divine Republic of Aspua has not felt the presence of a Prophet of the Blessing in some years, the reigning Pontifex Ellyjoybell Bilbron has called for the Republic to convert all of Devorn. The first step on this wider crusade are the lands of Gollaca to the immediate south of Aspua.

Conflict Type
Start Date
930 P.U.



26,000 Soldiers, 3,200 Inquisitors, 240 Knights, 80 Priors
10,800 Soldiers, 1,600 Zhodron Stalkers, 120 Knights, 45 Mages


3,909 as of the 3rd of Mier, 934 P.U.
2,112 as of the 3rd of Mier, 934 P.U.


To spread the faith of the Blessing of the Shining Star across Devorn starting with Gollaca.
Defend against the Crusade of Light and seek outside help to maintain control of their lands.


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