Blessing of the Shining Star Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Blessing of the Shining Star

Mythology & Lore

Followers of the Blessing of the Shining Star believe that long ago, before Devorn had seen a single sign of life, Dullesa, Goddess of the Midnight Star shone brightly on the world from her throne across the dark. When Eridos, God of the Shining Sun came forth from the dark and created the Sun, he stole the grace of Dullesa from the daylight hours and relegated her to the night. Once the Shackles were created even the nightly visits from Dullesa ended and Devorn was without her presence until the Great Unshackling.

Divine Origins

The Blessing of the Shining Star originated in the Darheller Slopes of The Corsan Peaks from the beliefs of Umbarin tribes in the region who prayed nightly to Dullesa, Goddess of the Midnight Star. These beliefs spread steadily across the Kingdom of Aspua and much of Xocrusia over the first couple of centuries of the Post Unshackling.    On the 26th of Noor-Kel, 293 P.U. a young Hellkin man who would come to be known as Prophet Azza of the Blessing received the first of many visions that he claimed were given to him by Dullesa. Prophet Azza proceeded to use the prestige granted to him by the visions to galvanise the faith of the Blessing and following the conclusion of the Reckoning War helped formed the Divine Republic of Aspua from the remnants of the Kingdom of Aspua. Prophet Azza would become the first Pontifex of the Blessing of the Shining Star on the 26th of Noor-Kel, 299 P.U. and lead the church until his death in 318 P.U..

Tenets of Faith

  1. Dullesa, Goddess of the Midnight Star guides the truth.
  2. Magic is forbidden to all outside of the church.
  3. Followers of the Blessing may not lie while the Midnight Star is visible in the sky.
  4. The Pontifex speaks with the authority of the Midnight Star.
  5. Eridos, God of the Shining Sun and his followers are villainous and should be treated as such.


Common acts of worship for the Blessing include whispered prayers on cloudless nights always in the direction of the Midnight Star, meditation within a specially prepared dark room that permits no sunlight, and only cutting ones hair on the Day of the Prophet each year.


The head of the Blessing of the Shining Star is the Pontifex who oversees the church while also acting as the head of state for the Divine Republic of Aspua. The word of the Pontifex is sacrosanct and to go against their will is the height of blasphemy. The Pontifex serves for life and is chosen by the High Priors of the Blessing from amongst all followers of the religion, though most often a Prophet is chosen.   Beneath the Pontifex are the Prophets who are capable of receiving visions from Dullesa and are thus considered a direct link to her throne in the dark. Prophets seem to be born with their capabilities and are thus quite rare and highly revered. Prophets are somewhat outside of the normal hierarchy of the church and are not promoted normally promoted from another position.    Beneath the Prophets are the High Priors of the Blessing who are responsible for ensuring the tenets of the Blessing are followed and that those who stray from the path are punished accordingly. High Priors renounce all their worldly possessions and personal relationships on ascending to the position as signs of their devotion to the faith. Any Prior who has served the Blessing for at least 10 years is eligible to become a High Prior of the Shining Radiance.    Beneath the High Priors are the Priors of the Blessing who make up the majority of the majority of the church and act as both priests and educators in the local diocese. It is the responsibility of the Priors to ensure that each subsequent generation properly worships both Dullesa and the Pontifex. Priors generally join the hierarchy of the church from    Beneath the Priors are the Inquisitors of the Shining Radiance who are the elite soldiers of the Blessing and act as the executioners of blasphemers and traitors. Inquisitors are chosen from the most skilled and devout members of the Divine Republic's soldiers. Trained to hunt Mages, rogue Priests, and the monsters that roam the lands.

Guided by the Light

Founding Date
299 P.U.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Radiant Blessing
Permeated Organizations


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