Ratlok Darksky (/ˈræt.lɒk ˈdɑːrk.skaɪ/)

You meet Ratlok Darksky, a yellow bugbear with black stripes. He exudes determination and a primal strength as he searches for a way to escape his captor, a powerful beholder. His loyalty and willingness to take risks make him a formidable ally.
  Ratlok is driven by a fierce determination to survive and escape his captor. He is constantly searching for ways to outsmart the beholder, and will not hesitate to take risks to achieve his freedom. He is also fiercely loyal to those he trusts, and will do anything to protect them  
I will do whatever it takes to be free   I will never forget the people who helped me in my time of need   I am too eager to take risks, which could lead to my undoing


Ratlok was once a slave of a powerful beholder, forced to use his sorcerous powers to do its bidding. But Ratlok has a strong will and has been trying to find a way to escape the beholder's grasp. He has been searching for allies and planning his escape ever since, and has become a master of subterfuge in the process  


Ratlok stands 7 feet tall, with thick brown fur covering his body. He has a charcoal grey mane of hair and a pair of large yellow eyes. He has a wide nose and an angular jaw, and his pointed ears give him a feral look. He wears a simple set of black robes and carries a staff  

Speaking Style

Ratlok speaks with a gruff and low voice. He often uses creative metaphors and colorful language to express himself, and he has a habit of over-enunciating certain words to emphasize his points  
The Menagerie met Ratlok in the Beholder Lair found in Kampos. He said he was sent by Morenars Neyers to investigate why the Emerald mines were having issues.   It seems the Beholder and his use of the Gem of Tharizdun with the Black Obelisk has been messing with reality in the area and it has been messing with the miners.   He said he had been trapped here by the Beholder's powers for months and would be willing to help the party fight the beholder.
Character Location
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Current Status
Working for Morenars Neyers
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1997 KC 26 Years old
Current Residence
Yellow and red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Yellow with black stripes
215 lbs.
Aligned Organization