Session 051: Skola Vale Errands Report

The party gets some things done around Skola Vale

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 14, 2023 KC, Early Afternoon

  At Ambush site north of Village of Skola Vale, Skola Vale, Kampos   Adventure Recap
Lots going on, but immediate issue was hunting a Beholder so Shadow could commission a saddlebag of holding. The party was able to find and kill the Beholder, learning much in the process. Another orb, this one was cracking around the equator with purple energies and shadows with tentacles trying to escape from the cracks. He had received it from a Tiefling who seemed to have been working with the Arcane Order. The ability of a Beholder to transform the reality around them seemed to be affecting the Black Obelisk in some ritual and even the reality around them as they saw the solid ground act as if a liquid at one point.   They took them down, with the assistance of Ratlok Darksky who was hired by Morenars Neyers to investigate the issues of his miners unable to work. They seem connected, and the Beholder might have been making them go mad.   The party left and saw that one of their horses was killed, but a Blink Dog had come along and help protect the other one. The party then came into an ambush on the road. And they were just about to loot the bodies and investigate the cart nearby.  
  Bastion and Shadow investigate the bodies.   None of the gear or weapons seem to be magical or impressive. They gather about  

450 gp, 5 sapphires, 7 emeralds
  Seems they've been camping out here, looting and attacking others on the road.   Beat up cart. Horse is very weak, dying. not fed.   two people, one is Dead. roughed up bad. the one in a chair looks like he might possibly still be alive, but barely. At his feet is a lockbox 1' x 8". Full Metal, well-built. Broken Metal all over, improvised lockpicks. Sigil of "M" with the shape of Eushia.  
  Barlo wondered if it was something of Meklan's but doesnt recall it. Calliope gives some inspiration to Barlo who is going to pick the lock, which he does. It was very difficult. He slowly peers in as he investigates for traps. There are large green rocks inside. Very rough emeralds of various sizes, fresh from the mines.   Now the party looks at the two half-orcs.   Shadow thinks she might recall a small brooch that Morenars Neyers had on with this Symbol.   This is very fair amount in value for the emeralds, but no one in the party has any real background in gems. Bastion tries to recall if anything was in the Rocks, Crystals, And Gemstones book... no recall.   Barlo asks if anyone can help the dying guy, calliope gives him Healing Word and Sas gives a good berry (as well as one to the horse).  

"dont hurt me..." the Horse says   Shadow talks with the Horse and says they can help.   The Half-Orc eats his, spits out some blood, and peers through his one half good eye. He asks for them to untie him. He holds his wounds. He sees Barlo "I have to say, I really hope you don't take that."   "Why?" The party asks.   Guard: "Because that was our charge. We need to get it back to Morenars, these guys had hoped we could open it. We can't. Now that you have openned it, they know it's open. They have an assistant who uses spells to know when they are open."   He asks for it back and if he could travel with them. He then takes a sword off the Half-Orc, gets on the wagon "I'm ready..."
  Arktos is munching on one of the Dead ambushers.   Back on the road to the Vale. They get more of a chance to see purple flowers that eat bugs, leaves which change color based on the time of day...   and as they get close to the Village, Bastion realizes they haven't seen that Blink Dog since before the battle.   On the road, they learn of the Half-Orc's name, Shakwort, and he has been in the employ of Morenars for quite some time escorting between the mine and the village. They've had some problems and it has stopped a lot of production with miners going insane or manifesting strange things. He is very impatient to get the box to its destination.   The party goes to the office, a nice small building. The receptionist says he isn't in town, but they can give her the box.   He should be back in a few hours. They give over the box and their names, a guy with a cloak comes out, puts the box in a bag and takes it back.   Shakwort goes to take a bath and says he needs to get his partner's body.   They return to their cart and people are curious about the Owlbear and Beholder. The party goes to Grumminfiz Finklebottom. They bring in the Beholder. It will be ready in a week.  

He leads them through a beaded door to an open room with a table and tools for such work. He investigates the corpse.   Then he measures Arktos. Puts some notes on his notepad. He also says he would like to share drinks and hear the tale at some point...   Barlo asks if there are other things he can make with it. Grumminfiz says he does have other commissions he had signed up and expected to use the Beholder for. he wouldn't tell them the clients.   Bastion asks if he would be able to enchant his Armor. Grumminfiz says he needs stones to enchant. Bastion wants a +2. based on the roll, Grumm says he would have to start from scratch to do it and it would take a few years to do (along with a high cost).   As for +1 he says he might have what he needs to do that...2,000 gp for +1 Leather. Bastion asks if he could also get a bit of "extra" on it too, when asked what he meant he said something like a pocket of holding. That would add like 20 days, for 500gp -- pocket 20 lbs, 2 cubic feet of material, adds NO weight.   well-cut gems, and 500gp... will take 20 days. Orders a +1 studded Leather with a pocket of holding.   Shadow is asking for bracers of archery. 1500 gp. he has the parts in process. will take 10 days. She isn't ready.   they ask if there is some way they can help speed it up. They discuss Lars being able to do stuff too. Grumm talks about how he does it an "old school" method with charging up stones that then is used, but some people just enchant stuff.   shadow asks if there is something they can do to help speed it up, there are suggestions of bringing him special hides. There was a discussion of how Grumm can't really divulge his secrets, "proprietary knowledge"   Bastion asks "what about this Beholder?" Grumm asks to examine it, saying it is a bit "small"... then he asks where they got the jar and Bastion and Shadow say at the same time, "not really, propriety knowledge..." to which Grumm replies "yes, my point exactly. I know the one who makes such things. Been a while since I've seen him though..."   Bastion asks if there is something specific one could use all these specific creatures for...   Grumminfiz Finklebottom: "the only one I know who does these kinds of things is a botanist named Chlyoris. Sometimes he collects these things for collectors and others for those who use them for Crafting."   Bastion: "A Wizard correct?"   Grumminfiz Finklebottom: "often his clients are wizards, yes."   Bastion: "I meant him.   Grumminfiz Finklebottom: "He is a unique individual. I know he works with magic, not sure what schools. He's very well known in our circles for using Gem Magic in this way. For each one of those jars you give me, I could use them to make the armors in 20 weeks. Sorry, for how long it takes, but it's a whole process. I have heard some talk of crafters cutting that time down in serious numbers. " it would still be 25k gp   The party brings up Lars   Grumminfiz Finklebottom: "that is a name that has come up in such discussions. I've heard of some things at his research facility."   Shadow: "that's our house."   Grumminfiz Finklebottom: "yeah, it's Weird, I heard he has a whole floating kingdom down there. I've been meaning to check it out."   Bastion cancels his order. was 2500 for the Armor...   Shadow asks if they would be able to connect with them. to get the bags sent. Discussions of Sending the package. Ready in 10 days.
  Then off to the Elder.   Ship is not there.  

  Same guards as before, asking if they have an apointment. Barlo asks about their airship.   Guard: "Yeah, they took care of that. Let me go ahead, she's really busy but she said if you show up there is someone you can talk to." Sends for the "assistant".   Rhine, the elder's assistant is a Faun. She is here to assist them, some things are ready. Jeets is working at the keep. They need to get bank accounts, titles -- a Ceremony in two weeks. The deeds paperwork (Contract for Keep Reconstruction and Management, Contract for Loyalty and Servitude to Appoint Lady and Lords, Deed to Plot of Land at River’s Edge, Contract for Settlement Banking Services). If they are not going to retire they need to find an assistant... oh the ship... follow me.   she takes them north of the keep to a very large tree, with a stairwell leading up to double doors in the side of the tree. Above you can see landings and railings. Like a treehouse and above in the canopy is the ship.   Rhine: "Now that you are more official, you have access to these premises when you are in town. These are for important visitors and when you get an assistant you can assign someone to stay here as an intermediary between you and the elder.   There are rooms here for you to stay anytime you are in town.   They party enter and see that there is a grand staircase on both sides to a mezzanine on the opposite side.   "Jeets has an assistant here already."   Shadow asked about the ship.   They were told the situation is wrapping up, there are some intellectual property concerns, but should be wrapped up in a couple of weeks.   They go up the stairs, onto the mezzanine. Then the rooms, they all get a key. As they go up it goes up to a common recreational room. hot tub area, entertainment. a deck all around outside, that is where the ship is. this is a very secure room and this is where they will park it when they come and go.    

each member has a key to the embassy
    They need to find representation.   The Elder likes them because they are adventuring and helping the area. This tree house is a sort of an embassy. Reginald even stays here when he visits, but he has been busy with problems up there.   As lords/ladies the members will represent the Elder and Skola Vale when they go about...   Then she asked if they had tried a T.W.I.T.T.E.R.   Shadow asks if you eat them.   Rhine: "Oh I don't think so, they are these blue paper origami birds which Fly and send Message.   "Traveling Winged Information Transport through Telepathic Enchantment and Retrieval"   Kind of a new thing, expensive I hear. It's a magic experiment that Morenars has been using."   Barlo: "Ridiculous, won't take off."   she goes a bit into a digression on other methods of long-distance communication, but brings up again how they need to find someone as a representative.   Jeets is opening an adventure guild/tavern. resource to help adventurers, as he has a lot of respect for themenagerie.   in 2 weeks, the Ceremony and all contracts. Need at least 1 bank account for purchasing and taxes. They are getting land and responsibilities, but it will give them wealth and prestige.   Everyone is getting a 100' x 100' plot of land for personal use, hopefully to also generate revenue.   The members receive a "pin" from the assistance with the insignia of the Vale "a large tree with large roots and a large canopy  

each member has a pin representing trust from The Vale
  These are important and not transferable. It will let all in the vale know they are chosen of the vale, even with a statue in the courtyard this is helpful.   additionally, there is the resource at Stronghold Calculator at Thieves Guild to help for building the settlement, keep, etc...   She pulls out a map, and they start looking at it to figure out what they want to do...   They can choose to build the keep up more, or keep it as a one floor for military. They get a plot to do with as they see fit. They are responsible for building up a military presence and resources.
She sends a Message to Jeets, he says it will take 3 days to return. She asks if they should just wait until the Ceremony..   He will see them in 2 weeks.   She says let her know if they need her or need assistance finding an assistant.

they return to Morenar's office. In a long table room. He comes in   They bring up the box, he thanks them. He has sent off to retrieve the body. He gives a bag of 10,000 gp as a reward.   Bastion brings up the mine, but it seems there is a new Beholder (or the same?) Ratlok Darksky gave him a report. There is now a Beholder in the caves attacking people. The issue was, previously, a Beholder nearby messing with reality in the area. Now this one is killing people.   Shadow asks if they kill this one, he says there could be a reward.   pulls out a map, shows how the vale is a valley and leads north. The caves being affected are about an hour north of the mines they were in.   this is a green scaled Beholder. This has no intelligent. Only animalistic.   origimi blue bird flies in. Twitter ding. turns into a note and he takes. He talks about how it is very expensive, but helpful. "Like Message spell, but with pizzazz.." He claims it is global. Not a lot of others using it, yet. He got the recent Message from Dyrt.   Barlo asks about cost of T.W.I.T.T.E.R. 1000 gp a month for access. 100 gp per Message.   cost. 44 billion gp to start the company.   The party says they will look into fighting this Beholder.   more discussions on wealth... trying to figure out if anyone knows about beholders in the town. It is getting nightfall. There is a bar upstairs in common room, no bartender. Downstairs is a dining area with food attendants.   Show proof to receptionist and she'll handle the reward.
  They return to the Treehouse, fireflies of various colors and pixies everywhere. There are meals which they can have delivered to rec room or their rooms.   reminder: bank account needs 1000gp in settlement account, and 100gp in personal account. cost of 100 gp. He does loans too. The Vale Vault. the keep is building barracks behind the keep. The area is mostly unsettled in the area.   Barlo discusses building walls at the settlement. They discuss fighting the Beholder.  
Bastion writes a letter to Lars about creating a +2 studded Leather and about the jars... (rolls) -- He has what he needs to make a studded Leather 65,000 gp in 1,000 days. ... 15,000 gp in 10 weeks.   gonna go with 50,000 in 15 weeks.   concerning jars: "if you understand how these works and if they can be useful for you."   "I can get that to you... as far as the jars, I would like to learn more. I will see you in 2 weeks so I would love to see them then."
  Shadow checks the Beholder in the jar looking to see if she can see a green scale. no green scale. She shakes it up and it shoots rays.   Bastion wants to copy into his book. Transfers 'mirror image' into his book.   It would take about 8 hours to get to the Beholder...  
Bastion goes to Gnome about Gem Magic. It is propriety, so he is not willing to teach outsiders he barely knows how to do this magic Crafting that is unique to his homeland.   He does speak about how there are many ways to use gems for magic items, and he then brings up socket items. Bastion asks if similar to his brooch, it is similar to how wealth equals power so some items can sacrifice gems or coins of value similar to material components of spells and so it helps fuel the spell. The socket is similar to how these socket items work.   The Gnome is looking to open a shop in town, he needs gems... A steady Gem supply. Bastion is willing to donate/sell. The Gnome explains it is tricky and so the gems need to be a bit more specific. Bastion pushes for apprenticeship if he can secure a more steady supply of Gem. Bastion tells him of his unique lineage. If Gnomengraad finds out he is teaching it then he can get in trouble. Bastion asks if he can push for help on finding a source to learn more of it.   Learned about Crafting and Using Gem Socket Items.   Currently available:
  • Ring, 5000 gp
  • Armor (light/shield) with one socket, 700 gp
  • Shield with one socket, 700 gp
  • Gauntlet with one socket, 700 gp
  • Weapon with one socket, 700 gp
  • All of the ability Gems, 500 gp ea.
  The others have a low chance of being in current production, but can be made based on the duration chart as listed on the first page and will cost the price listed.

t milestone Experience | Total: 62,000 (Next Goal: 64,000) t
**Left at Grumminfiz Finklebottom -- about to ... **

Rewards Granted

  • They gather about 450 gp, 5 sapphires, 7 emeralds
  • asked about: 2,000 gp for +1 Leather, grumm has ready...
  • asked about: a pocket of holding. That would add like 20 days, for 500gp -- pocket 20 lbs, 2 cubic feet of material, adds NO weight.
  • Shadow is asking for bracers of archery. 1500 gp. he has the parts. will take 10 days. She isn't ready.
  • Currently available:
    • Ring, 5000 gp
    • Armor (light/shield) with one socket, 700 gp
    • Shield with one socket, 700 gp
    • Gauntlet with one socket, 700 gp
    • Weapon with one socket, 700 gp
    • All of the ability Gems, 500 gp ea.

  t milestone Experience | Total: 62,000 (Next Goal: 64,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed



City Map | Village of Skola Vale Base Map Image
* Dierde World Map (Biomes, Equirectangular) | MAIN *
Dierde World Map | Equirectangular (Biomes)

Session 51: Skola Vale Errands Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
13 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie