Session 052: Downtime in Skola Vale Surprises Report

The party enjoys some downtime

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 14, 2023 KC, Evening

  Village of Skola Vale, Skola Vale, Kampos   Adventure Recap
Lots going on, but immediate issue was hunting a Beholder so Shadow could commission a saddlebag of holding. The party was able to find and kill the Beholder, learning much in the process. Another orb, this one was cracking around the equator with purple energies and shadows with tentacles trying to escape from the cracks. He had received it from a Tiefling who seemed to have been working with the Arcane Order. The ability of a Beholder to transform the reality around them seemed to be affecting the Black Obelisk in some ritual and even the reality around them as they saw the solid ground act as if a liquid at one point.   They took them down, with the assistance of Ratlok Darksky who was hired by Morenars Neyers to investigate the issues of his miners unable to work. They seem connected, and the Beholder might have been making them go mad.   The party left and saw that one of their horses was killed, but a Blink Dog had come along and help protect the other one. The party then came into an ambush on the road. And they were just about to loot the bodies and investigate the cart nearby.  

Lowsun 15-27, 2023 KC, Evening

a +2 studded Leather i 50,000gp and 15 weeks shadow apprencticed with tattoo shp to learn more designs... she was to choose 4 potentials mark of elemental mark of armsman tattoo of warding tattoo of flame   also earns 100 gp apprencting and she tattoos on her wrist a captain tusktooth   bracers 1500gp saddlebags   paid for the inn, in full 22,400gp will be ready in 1 month  

Barlo was followed by a Shadow Thieves operative and so he hid in an alley and ambushed him.   After grabbing him, Barlo: "Who are you?"   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE (later learned his name was Garret): "I'm a shadow thief and if you don't let me go there will be 200 more that will be on your back in a second."   Barlo: "Why are you following me?"   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "To gauge whether or not you deserve a second of respect or a knife in the back. Once again, I wiill ask you to let go and we can talk.. otherwise I will give a signal and there will be 200 on your back."   Barlo takes a look around. As he does so he does see some shadows moving in unnatural ways, it sure does seem that way. Barlo spins them both around so their backs are to the walls   Barlo: "What do you want to talk about?"   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "It's the cowl you wear, it's not yours. And you are not allowed to possess that."   Barlo: "Well, I killed the one who wore it before, so I guess it's mine"   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "If the one who wore it before was one of ours, we have all rights to kill you. If it was someone who stole it from us that doesn't mean you get ownership."   Barlo: "so, you work with Jacoby ?"   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "I don't work with no jacoby. If this jacoby character is the one you stole it from, then he is the one who stole it from one of ours."   Barlo: "What proof do i have of this organization"   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "besides that I wear the same cowl?" he then puts his arms up and behind him on a rooftop another humanoid appears out of the shadows wearing the same cowl   Barlo: "listen, I've never heard of you guys or your group before and i've dealt in some shady shit."   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "We've done some research and we know some roads you've traveled. Some of them know who we are, but for the most part we stick to the shadows. In the past, when we let too many know who we were we were hunted. "   Barlo: "So, you're not sure how Jacoby got the hood?"   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "no, and we're very curious on that. We were not aware of losing any in our ranks." Barlo: "I did kill him in combat, there's no claim that comes to me for killing him in combat?"   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "Not when it comes to our cowls, no. They are strictly our property, and in fact I should say if you continue to posses it, even before we kill you, because honestly killing is too easy. We will first send word to your friends on that ROAD and we can have them blackball you and hunt you down."   **terrible insight** There is no reason to question him, and he does seem very confident. Barlo is picking up that he is unaware of Jacoby and curious about that.   Barlo: "Is there anything I can do to keep this? Because the jacoby that I took it from was actually a Clone or a Simulacrum or some crap like that and that guy is still out there hunting me and my group. This kind of helps protoect me from him finding me specifically"   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "Yeah, that's no concern of ours. I know there are paltry pendants that can stave off such scrys, but what you possess on your head is a sacred gift from Mask himself. "   **Barlo has not heard of Mask** due to his background, he has. The god of shadows and thievery.   Barlo: "so, worshipers of Mask, okay. I don't want to mess with your cult or what have you. Fuck, I really like this thing. Been saving my ass a lot lately. " Hesitates, looks around...   "sucks you have me outnumbered" pulls it off and hands it over "This is so hard to give up, but you got me. Just let me know if there is any way I can earn one"   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "I don't know about earning it, but I'd say you got a little respect. I mean, to be fair, we. We're going to set you up for a murder. "   Barlo: "A murder? "   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "Yeah. We were about to frame you for a murder tonight. "   Barlo: "Wow. "   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "The fact that you've decided to make it a little bit less work for us, that's fine. We will definitely make sure that there's no bad words sent to your Friends and the road you got. "   Barlo: "You know, that's much appreciated. Is there anything if I make contact with my people, is there any name I should give? If you have a name, "   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "I would prefer if you didn't put. " Barlo: "Okay. "   UNNAMED HALFLING SHADOW THIEF OPERATIVE: "Those who are not everybody on your path obviously knows that we are still around and the more we can keep it that way, the better. And with that I will have to. bid you adiouo. "
  And he bends down, just gives you a little curtsey and with that, with a flash of smoke, he's gone.   Barlo give him a little nod as he puts away I can this space where he was. I start, Oh, I rage again and I fucking tick all the smoke, motherfucker.   He goes through the bag and he finds that goddamn medallion and puts it on and hopefully gets it.   Barlo goes back to see if Grumminfiz Finklebottom has a rare Gem. uncommon gauntlet with one Gem and the Gem is a 3,000 gp Bloodstone critical Gem, battle.  

socket gauntlet with 1 slot, Bloodstone Gem
unfortunetly, he does not have one ready. skills/abilities are all available (more or less) For the battle Gem is about 1/2 way done it will be ready in 2 weeks. Has him hold them all. puts a deposit of 2,000 gp. He goes home and rage knits, later he does some Gambling and Pit Fighting. Sas looks to do some herbalism. *** Shadow looks to learn some tattoos *** she did get a 20, so she made some money. Bastion transcribes some spells from Spellbook of a Feywild Botanist into his book.   rapier. bracers. ring.... Bastion realizes someone was trying to scry on him in some way. He was able to stave it off. He realizes it wasn't the first time.   Shadow is looking again at bracers of archery.   Bastion reads The Magic of Stone and the Souls of Mountains Theoderus Stoneblood This thesis is more about mountains and rocks, but also goes into dwarven magics often used in caves and mines.   it's kind of boring. It goes into mountains of rocks. It also goes into, like, some of the dwarven magics that were used. When there are caves and mines. There's a lot of notes throughout, though, that are written. The whole book seems to be handwritten, but there's times where all of a sudden there's like different types of runes and sigils that you you're able to recognize with your intelligence that it's probably in Dwarven. What you learn, though, is, um, and definitely reading this thing, it seems like the the, the author is a little is centric. Um, at times as he kind of goes into the East centricity and minutia of mountain mining and the differences between different types of rocks, but without any other investigation or looking into what the dwarven stuff is, that's pretty much what you get from it.     Calliope is looking to improve her Armor she was looking to get studded Gem Armor, and a constitution Gem 13,000 gp for it all She was reading, writing, playing with glitter   party fund has enough for the Inn construction Barlo is going to plan out layout... 8025 square feet with two taverns and two stables and ten bedrooms and a fancy kitchen and a servant's quarters and a basic storage. And it covers all what she said. upstairs rooms private rooms on 3rd floor ...   goal 416- 420 gp/ mo to make investment bck in 5 year. take back 1,000 gp as they can save due to timber cost the keep and the inn ready in a month. 2 weeks after Ceremony.  
Sas... one night she has difficulty sleeping. She is in the pyramid place. In the sky where the "milky way" is the sky has the purple energy similar to what she saw on the new orb. The pyramids and sphinx are falling and crumbling. she looks around and not in too much danger yet, but the sky now has the tentacles coming through. She screams for Bast Bast comes up "I'm going to need you to help me soon."   She realizes that whenever she has seen Bast lately it seems to be when she is near an obelisk, and there is one below the keep.   She tells Shadow and they talk about talking to the Elder about it. They wake up Barlo. She tells them the Dream. Also how Bast needs them to help one of her pharoahs. they need the airship to get there.
Calliope gets pulled into an alleyway and it is her mom.   calliope "what the heck"   Relia tries to explain how she is here 52 minutes... need to finish...   she gives them the orrery and tells them to not give up the chair.     heard some rumors...     Barlo gambled and did some fighting pits [aloud]

t milestone Experience | Total: 64,000 (Next Goal: 85,000) t   t Group Levels up to Level 10 t
**Left at Vale about to prepare for the ceremony **

Rewards Granted

  • party fund has enough for the Inn construction
  • Calliope is looking to improve her Armor she was looking to get studded Gem Armor, and a constitution Gem 13,000 gp for it all
  • Shadow is looking again at bracers of archery.
  • Barlo goes back to see if Grumminfiz Finklebottom has a rare Gem. uncommon gauntlet with one Gem and the Gem is a 3,000 gp Bloodstone critical Gem, battle.
  • unfortunetly, he does not have one ready.
  • a +2 studded Leather i 50kgp and 15 weeks
  • shadow apprencticed with tattoo shp to learn more designs...
  • she was to choose 4 potentials
  • mark of elemental
  • mark of armsman
  • tattoo of warding
  • tattoo of flame
  • also earns 100 gp apprencting and she tattoos on her wrist a captain tusktooth
  • bracers 1500gp
  • saddlebags
  • paid for the inn, in full 22,400gp will be ready in 1 month

  t milestone Experience | Total: 64,000 (Next Goal: ) t  
t Group Levels up to Level 10 t

Missions/Quests Completed



City Map | Village of Skola Vale Base Map Image
* Dierde World Map (Biomes, Equirectangular) | MAIN *
Dierde World Map | Equirectangular (Biomes)

Session 52: Downtime in Skola Vale Surprises Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
09 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie