
An artist.  

  Shadow wants to find a place with stuff from Coralhaven, so does Sas. There are merfolk and sea elves from there. they find Enchanted trinkets of Coralhaven where a Sea elf is working. Various corals and Pearl artwork and jewelry. Carved scrimshaw, some with animated art. Before Shadow enters she casts Detect Magic from her Ring of Alertness. Lots of slight Illusion magic on the items here. The black etchings have movements like waves, or hair moving. She is looking for a crazy turtle or kraken one...   Perception 27, finds one that is a large tusk. It was carved with movements on the sides. about 1' with intricate carvings and a kingdom drawn on it with swimming people and a large castle with a kraken behind it. the top of the water, off to the side looks to be a coastline and it looks like it is probably representing Thornwinds with the kraken coming for it. You could see the legs and the statue -- but appears above water.  
  Shop keep was surprised it was out. It has a shaky pedigree as the artist is not well known on land. 5gp.   shadow looks for bright Coral necklace or something... she finds one that the pearls have no magic, but are shifting colors a bit with a slight glow. green and purples. not bright, but can be seen from a distance. 15 gp.   she pulls out a necklace with sharks teeth -- big enough for an Owlbear? 10 gp for that.   gives her 35 gp.   The artist was Seraphina, not a big fan of landwalkers. Tend to keep the art out of store due to his views.   Calliope wanted two scallop sea shells. Sas wonders if there are other shops. This seems to be the main one, some pieces might be in other stalls and shops though. This would be the main shop for stuff from there. Food can be found in other places. Sas is wondering about herbalism.   This has a bit of a hippy shop vibe, so there are various "treatments" and herbs. They also suggest she check out the Bard guild for new songs...   Sas (investigation 27) finds a table with all the herbalism stuff. Some interesting incense. also wants an amulet.  