Session 023: Red Dragon Ambush Report

The Mighty Menagerie are ambushed by a Red Dragon as they head out to the Vale

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Leafall 16, 2020KC

  The Yawning Portal, Wide Berth Castle Ward, Wide Berth, Kampos.     The party has had a few hours to prepare for their journey, a 5-7 day trek to Reginald Ivoryclaw's kingdom, Forlione. The party had talked to the Elder of the Dawngreets, she asked for them to come with her. They got Magic Tattoos , and visited an apothecary, Wild Mother's Grace   Retcon: Shadow in the Snowbought some Leather (pigskin) for Tattoo Kit practice.   It is nightfall as the party returns to the The Yawning Portal and Shadow in the Snowrealizes they should deliver the Mysterious Red Liquid package to Durnan before they leave.   Shadow in the Snowgoes to Durnan and gives him the Mysterious Red Liquid package, says they found it on a Dead Dwarf. In a tree.   He opens it up, seems happy, and thanks her. "about time I get this" he says and rewards them with  

10 gp
  She tries to ask what it was, but Durnan keeps it his rightful secret. "Let's just say it's important enough you sent it, but I could have gotten another one."   She also gets a free beer on the house.  

1 Free Beer
  The Elder of the Dawngreets & her Leonin guards are outside attending to their fancy Carriage.   Bastion Bladesinger opens up the Enderbox, it is empty. They are probably still working on the requests sent in the morning. As the Sun is beginning to set the Elder says it might be best to travel in the morning, but due to the weather the party should leave soon to get some distance as the snow will begin to fall.   So the party discusses how they might want to prepare for cold weather -- at that the Elder says that the carriage is actually Reginald's Royal Carriage that can perfectly keep them warm and has surprises. They realize it might be a bit too inconspicuous for this travel, but she tells them it will be fine (one of the surprises), but this reminds her that she wants them to be protected about being watched. Since they are being tracked by Scrying orbs she has a guard go into the carriage and he returns with an amulet for each.  

5 Amulets of Proof against Detection & Scrying
  The Elder & Guards already had these on.   Calliope Galanodelyells an unfamiliar term "shotgun!" as she jumps in. The interior is much bigger and fancier than the exterior. Comfortable and refined.   Sas W.T. Rayce speaks of Abbot Grok, rainbows & rain. And she gets in.   The guards are on the reins. Shadow in the Snowwalks beside the wagon.   **Barlo reacts for some reason**   Barlo ONLY
Barlo has a "message" come in from the contact he hired telling him has a lead on the target at Port Menagerie
  As the carriage leaves the town its appearance changes so the exterior looks more common and poor with the guards also taking on a Human poor traveler appearance.   After some time of travel the party goes into a side clearing as the snow begins to fall a bit faster, not a LOT but enough to cause some concern. The Horse are tied to the side of the road and everyone leaves the carriage so she can transform the interior into a sleeping quarters.   They set up a fire ring as the snow falls around them.   Bastion Bladesinger is curious about the magic used and the Elder speaks of how there is a glamour and Mordenkainen magic to the carriage so it can be used for espionage or other purposes the royals may deem necessary. Most royalty have similar items.   Then "at some point, we still need to talk. I have something to share with you." because she had said previously she wanted to speak to him.   For guard they had Bastion Bladesinger first.   As Shadow in the Snowputs Arktos back in -- the carriage is still big inside, with a warm temperature and enough beds for all. Barlo, Arktos, and Calliope Galanodel sleep inside.   Shadow in the Snow practiced her Tattoo Kit and Bastion Bladesinger read. Then the Elder of the Dawngreets looks to Bastion Bladesinger  
Elder: "what do you call your vocation?"   Bastion Bladesinger: "what do you mean?" Elder: "you carry a sword and practice magic, not that usual."   Bastion Bladesinger: "I didn't always want to be a Wizard, but I was raised by a Wizard. I wanted to be a fighter, so I learned how the elves have this special thing they c..."   Elder: "They call it Bladesinging. No one outside of the elves should be able to do it, but I can tell you why you can do it."   Bastion Bladesinger: "Why?"   Elder: "Well, when an Elf dies -- and elves don't really die, they are reincarnated. Part of their curse. When they were kicked out of their heavens. So when they come back, sometimes they are not always put into the right vessels. I am not saying this happened to you or that you are an Elf. But before you were born your Soul became entwined or touched with an elven Soul. And that was enough to give you this. It's very rare. I knew of one -- a Human too, he was so long ago during what some call the Last Awakening or the Great Sacrifice. When heroes and gods died to put down the Dragon that was cracking the Earth as he woke. This is the Dragon That Slumbers.   He had a sword, named Whistler. It is said that those who learn the Bladesong during the times it has no owner will be called to it. So that is something to be aware of."   Bastion Bladesinger: "interesting"   Elder: "So, if it ever calls for you -- you are a true Bladesinger and no one wields it at that time. It is always looking for the most powerful Bladesinger of the time."   Bastion Bladesinger: "Do you think I could be a descendent of this Human?"   Elder: "I don't know about that. Let me see your hand."
  And he reaches out. Her right hand is over the top of his hand and it seems to shift back and forth similar to how a Displacer Beast works.  
She says "No, I don't think. You are related to him. You have an interesting family background, nonetheless." Bastion Bladesinger: "could you tell me more? I am an orphan."   Elder: "I'm a little hesitant to tell you too much right now. Especially since you being an orphan, you don't know about your parents."   Bastion Bladesinger: "They died when I was very young."   Elder: "What I can tell you is that they were very powerful in their own ways, and they worked for a King. That king had something to do with their death. I don't think you know all about their death. They died from a sickness, true -- but not a natural sickness. And I think that's all I can tell you right now. But it's something you might want to look into."   Bastion Bladesinger: "Thank you."
  She gets up and stretches.  
As the party rests, and the two by the fire study their works we see the Elder stand and she looks strange as she stares into the sky "I think we might have a problem."
  As the snow still continues to fall they see a red flash in the white with an order of sulfer and pumice that gets into their noses. They see the swept-back horns and spinal frill in the silhouette of a young Red Dragon.  



The Battle:

  Sas W.T. Rayce's skeletal hand spell sizes up based on the size of the opponent it seems. During the combat Arktos was so scared from the Dragon it tried to book it, but luckily Calliope Galanodelgrabbed him and calmed him down.   The Dragon begins with a fire attack and as Shadow in the Snowis able to avoid the full brunt of damage we see both Sas W.T. Rayce and Bastion Bladesinger both go Unconscious.   The Elder also notices her magic seems to be wavering a bit, in fact her Power Word Kill failed.   After the Dragon flew away, with the party throwing off parting shots we see the Elder who uses her hand to do the magic trick to learn about the blood of the Dragon.  
NO ☠️, retreated
  Shadow in the Snow took some blood of the Dragon (ice and blood into a flask). Scales were found by Calliope Galanodel, Bastion Bladesinger.  

Some Red Dragon Scales and some ice & blood in a flask
The Fey "He was asked to attack us. Let us come to the fire and we can talk. He won't be back, he was seriously injured and this was not personal."   As the party comes to the fire she says "I have a power that allows me to read people and things a bit. I could read his blood a bit. Now, in that battle I realized that I couldn't use all my powers and I think the vale missing is causing me to not have my powers. This is now very important. Whoever caused this is who paid the Dragon with promises…"   Shadow in the Snow: "You could divine that?"   Elder: "You carry your history with you. With his blood I could pick up some about his history and recent events and those who he came in contact with."
  Shadow in the Snow does an insight (23)   The party began to whisper amongst themselves about the elder's abilities.   Then Shadow in the Snow asked about the ability and this stranger. The Elder said she had seen his signature in many things she had researched about the missing Vale.   The party then took a long rest.   Shadow in the Snow took first shift. The snowfall begins to lift. It is very quiet as the Dragon seemed to scare off all other natural life here.   The Elder then speaks with Bastion Bladesinger about his Dreams and he speaks about how he has dreamt of being an Elf. He wonders how they may speak to his Soul.  
She says "when an Elf 'sleeps' they go into a trance. This trance is their moment to relive some of their past life or their life in their heaven. Elves are of a god - Corellon Larethian -- he crafted them. Some say of his blood or other sources, but they are of him. They were free in how they lived their life. They then revolted with Lolth and another. They were convinced to stay in their elven forms, like the ones they have now. This caused a major strife where the god Corellon banished them to live these lives. They then get these trances to live a bit of that heaven until Corellon accepts them again. It is said that when Elf births rise in numbers it is because Corellon needs more elves for what lies ahead.
  All this said -- I think you can try to do this trance the next rest you have."  
"Will this affect my well-being"   "A four hour meditation can give you the same benefits as an 8 hour rest for others."

Leafall 17-22, 2020KC

  The travels continue.   Shadow in the Snow works on the Tattoo Kit, Barlo on the lockpicking and at one point Sas W.T. Rayce asks the Elder about the learn the Lore ability. She responds how she was born of and for the vale so this is was a power she was born with as a Fey. How all her powers are for the Vale. She is an Archfey, like a god. How they are all born with their powersets and abilities.  

Leafall 23, 2020KC

  As nightfall begins to creep across the land the party gets to Forlione, The Kingdom of Lights, Reginald's kingdom. The road had patches of dirt or more established, and it's width changed -- but there was always a road.   As they got close they saw the mountain range and waterfall off in the distance. They would also see glimpses of the castlesque city that is Reginald's kingdom.   This place is mostly Leonin, with some other races. There are lights floating everywhere.   There are Harendon, Aarokocra, and other animal-type races throughout the place. Still mostly Leonin. Some Tabaxi as well. (Reminder: the party's two Tabaxi both live north of this place).   As they enter, one of the guards jumps off the carriage and speaks to another guard. They go to the main gates.  
Elder says "let's go talk to Reginald".
  The party dismounts and the carriage is taken off and the guards notice the burnt damage on the back.   Shadow in the Snow thinks of the Dragon and how it flew North. She thinks of her survival in these lands -- she and Bastion Bladesinger speak of where the Dragon may have gone. Bastion Bladesinger speaks of how Red dragons tend to live near volcanoes or where Magma may be deep in the earth. Shadow in the Snow knows there are some volcanoes in the waterfall's mountain range.   Elder hears them and she tells them the blood told her the name of the Dragon is Almandine. He is a cocky Dragon who craves power & wealth. He was promised knowledge about an Orb of Dragonkind from the warlock if he did this.   An Orb of Dragonkind is believed to be myth, an artifact Bastion Bladesinger had learned of while in his studies. If it is true, it is buried in history. They can summon evil dragons -- unlike the Crystal at outding which was an impromptu item to control that Dragon. These orbs are sentient, if they are real -- according to the myths. Each of these spheres are believed to be individuals. The Archfey admits she doesn't know if they are real -- but she knows it isn't where the warlock believes it is. A mining community on Eushia.   And they go to speak with Reginald Ivoryclaw.   He comes down, looking a bit more aged (some greys), but finely dressed. He greats them all and gives hugs.   They discuss the bag Bastion Bladesinger was in, how you can find people in bags, and how the party met on the ship. He then offers them dining and conversation inside.   He leads them to a great feast **grants a Heroes Feast Benefit**   The party discusses the Dragon, but Reginald suggests they try to fix the Vale first.   He speaks of some options:  
  • An outpost of orcs which are related to those who attacked the vale.
  • Actually investigate the Vale, his people haven't gotten too close yet.
  • Also in Wide Berth there is Skullport where a gentleman keeps his ear to the ground and seems to know all that goes on in Kampos.
  These are some of the most likely next steps for the Vale situation.   Shadow in the Snow suggests clearing out and interrogating the Orcs.   Reginald says he will also send some of his people to do whatever they don't do.   He also brings up and apologizes for his uncle's interference.   Bastion Bladesinger asks if his uncle sent the Dragon. Reginald says not according to the Elder, even though the uncle has taken advantage of the situation -- he isn't responsible.   The outpost is about 3 days ride near the Vale.   Around 12 hours to Vale, and they are on the other side.   He also says if they come up with something they can do that too.   Bastion Bladesinger asks about the size of the Kingdom. Reginald says as far as the walls, but his responsibility extends past with his control waning as it passes.   Bastion Bladesinger asked about crafters, he wants to see if any of Reginald's people can help create the Amulet of Health. He goes off to speak to one of his mages.   Bastion Bladesinger's persuasion in these matters -- as Reginald says one of his wizards might be able to figure it out, he has heard something about it.   Shadow in the Snow asked about cost.   Reginald says if it is too expensive, he can cover it -- but if it is expensive he can let them know. Reggie is willing to take some of the cost if not too much.   They hand over the two hearts hoping at least one will work.   The Mage says he has never done this, but knows some resources that might help.   Shadow in the Snow asks where they are staying and Reggie says he has rooms available in the Castle.   During the night -- Bastion Bladesinger attempts his first trance as he relives memories of this Elf his Soul is entwinned with. He can now do this instead of an 8 hour rest.  

t Milestone/Combat Experience: --- | Total: 14,000 (Next Goal: 23,000) t   t Group Levels up to Level 6 t
**Left at Forlione**

Rewards Granted

  • 10 gp
  • 1 Free Beer
  • 5 Amulets of Proof against Detection & Scrying
  • Some Red Dragon Scales and some ice & blood in a flask
  • Bastion can rest in just a 4 hour trance

  t Milestone/Combat Experience: --- | Total: 14,000 (Next Goal: 23,000) t  
t Group Levels up to Level 6 t

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Fought a Red Dragon.
  • Got to Forlione.
  • Learned about Dragon Orbs, the Vale, and crafting.


  • Magic Tattoo
  • Enderbox
  • Reginald's Royal Carriage
  • Whistler
  • Human
  • Archfey
  • Leonin
  • Red Dragon
  • Elf
  • Forlione
  • Great Sacrifice & the Human who Wielded Whistler
  • this is The "Best" Bladesinger Created Whistler Many heroes and gods died to put the Dragon back down.
  • The Elder has an ability to pick up the lore, history, and such of things she touches.
  • Sas's skeletal hand spell sizes up based on the size of the opponent it seems.
  • Elves don't die, they reincarnate. They don't sleep, they go into a trance to relive past lives -- especially the ones in their heaven.
  • The elder's powers are waning, possibly due to the situation in the Vale.
  • The Red Dragon was "paid" with promises of an item's location. It seems to be whoever is involved in the Vale situation.
  • She says "when an Elf 'sleeps' they go into a trance. This trance is their moment to relive some of their past life or their life in their heaven. Elves are of a god - Corellon Larethian -- he crafted them. Some say of his blood or other sources, but they are of him. They were free in how they lived their life. They then revolted with Lolth and another. They were convinced to stay in their elven forms, like the ones they have now. This caused a major strife where the god Corellon banished them to live these lives. They then get these trances to live a bit of that heaven until Corellon accepts them again. It is said that when Elf births rise in numbers it is because Corellon needs more elves for what lies ahead.
  • Forlione, The Kingdom of Lights
  • Eushia
  • lder hears them and she tells them the blood told her the name of the Dragon is Almandine. He is a cocky Dragon who craves power & wealth. He was promised knowledge about an Orb of Dragonkind from the warlock if he did this.
  • An Orb of Dragonkind is believed to be myth, an artifact Bastion had learned of while in his studies. If it is true, it is buried in history. They can summon evil dragons -- unlike the Crystal at outding which was an impromptu item to control that Dragon. These orbs are sentient, if they are real -- according to the myths. Each of these spheres are believed to be individuals.
City Map | City of Wide Berth (Districts, c. 2020KC)
Area Map | Kampos (Simple & Color)
Kampos, much of the land is not fully explored and that which has been exploited has been settled by the more anthropomorphic species of Dierde.

Session 23: Red Dragon Ambush Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
18 Dec 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie