Session 024: Dead Archfey Relic Report

The Mighty Menagerie find that the Vale is gone and a giant dead corpse lies there instead.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Leafall 23, 2020KC

  Forlione, The Dark Rain Forest, The Majestic Empire of Enond, Kampos     The party continued to deliberate on their options. The party goes to sleep hoping to figure it out in the morning. This night Bastion Bladesinger does his first meditation, and it worked.    

Leafall 24, 2020KC

  The party decides to go to the Skola Vale first and then to the Orc Outpost, before they leave, Reginald Ivoryclaw serves breakfast that gives them another Heroic Feast Bonus.   Reginald Ivoryclaw claims his mages have the recipe for the Troll Heart Amulet.    
To make this, they still need Shaped Fire Opals (Flawless), and it is very expensive. Reginald Ivoryclaw is willing to invest a bit to help them. They just need the Fire Opals and 4,000gp
  (a bit of tabletalk discussion on crafting, and Lars Heyton involvement).   Bastion Bladesinger asks for the hearts back and the party puts them back into the Bag of Colding.  
  Tabletalk (Multiple Amulets)
tabletalk: a question was asked about multiple amulets:  
Multiple Items of the Same Kind
Use common sense to determine whether more than one of a given kind of magic item can be worn. A character can't normally wear more than one pair of footwear, one pair of gloves or gauntlets, one pair of bracers, one suit of Armor, one item of headwear, and one cloak. You can make exceptions; a character might be able to wear a circlet under a helmet, for example, or to layer two cloaks.   An item can be attuned to only one creature at a time, and a creature can be attuned to no more than three magic items at a time. Any attempt to attune to a fourth item fails; the creature must end its attunement to an item first. Additionally, a creature can't attune to more than one copy of an item. For example, a creature can't attune to more than one Ring of Protection at a time.
  The members who never tasted the draughts went ahead and checked their potions:  

Shadow in the Snow

  Noggenfogger Elixir
Potion, uncommon   When you drink this Potion, you must roll a d20. If you roll an odd number, you shrink one size category. For example, a large creature becomes medium. If you roll an even number, all of the clothes and flesh on your body become transparent and you appear as a Skeleton. The effects of this Potion last 10 minutes.

Sas W.T. Rayce

  Potion of Light
Potion, uncommon   When you drink this Potion, you magically emit bright Light in a 5- to 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional number of feet equal to the chosen radius for 1 hour. You can alter the radius as a bonus action. This Potion's white liquid flickers with light equivalent to a small candle, though it requires no air or fuel of any kind.


  Bard's Cheat Sheet
Potion, rare   A good bard has to be able to play an instrument and also needs to know how to sing. This Potion gets rid of the need to be able to do either.   The Bard's Cheat Sheet gives you the ability to sing and play any instrument for 1d4 hours, or more precisely, it gives you proficiency with all instruments and advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks for the duration. It is highly looked down upon in the world of a musician and those found using it are highly discriminated.
    While the party was tasting they checked the Scroll of Telescription as they realized it probably doesn't work if it is in the Bag of Holding (meaning it is on a different plane).    

Messages sent when the Scroll is pulled:

  "there is a Letter for you in the Enderbox"   "Um, I sent a Message yesterday. Haven't heard back. Letter is still in box."   "I hope you guys are okay, haven't heard from you. By the way, don't put the Scroll in any extraplanar place"   These ones were mental, as if a Sending spell.
    In the box was a Letter.    

The Letter, from Ursa and Lars Heyton:

  Dear Heroes,   We did not find the Troll Heart Amulet recipe yet, but due to it's rarity it is quite hard to find. We'll keep looking.   The whip +1 we already more or less had, and so it is a 4 week project and 1500 gp for the materials. We can get the commission pro bono if you cover the cost.   The Cloak of Displacement was an expensive recipe, costing 10,000 gp -- but we were hoping to find this one for our own purposes anyways. So don't worry about that cost. It is looking like 50,000 gp worth of materials and commissions it looks like, due to its rarity. If you can cover it -- we can get it done in 8 weeks, 2 if we want to risk it possibly not working.   By the way, we have noticed an occasional bonus in some items we've crafted, we think it is due to the Far Realm's connection to our Mystical Forge. So that has been interesting.   We are good on reagents currently, but if you do come across anything interesting -- let us know. We may be willing to purchase some of the beastly reagents you come across.   Stay safe,   Lars & Ursa
    Reginald Ivoryclaw overheard the discussion. He has an assistant bring over the paper and quill they need:    

Response sent to them:

  To Ursa & Lars   The scroll was in the Bag of Holding. Ooops.   Thank you for finding the recipes.   What do you mean by occasional bonuses? We're doing good.   We are on the way to the vale.   Reginald Ivoryclaw found a recipe for the Troll Heart Amulet.
As Bastion Bladesinger penned the letter he looked at the Ring of Mind Shielding and said: "Speak now or this ring will be destroyed along with your mind."
  He unattuned to the ring. Then put it in the Bag of Holding.    
  Sas W.T. Rayce "sends a message":   "Letters in the box"
  Reply: "Okay, I'll check the box."   Then: "Good to hear you're good. We'll take care of those things. We'll talk to Reggie to see if he'll help."   "Using my own spell now. Replying to bonuses. Something to do with Far Realms influence. So far, nothing bad."
    They finish breakfast and they are now under a new Heroic Feast benefit.  
Reginald Ivoryclaw asks: "So you guys are going to check out the Vale and then the Orc Outpost? I'll go ahead and send some of my men to check out with the individual at Wide Berth."   Elder of the Dawngreets: "If you are going to the Vale, I'll go with you. I don't know how much my power can help, but I can help get us to the Vale. Calliope, not sure if you noticed with all the commotion as we left -- but we got here quickly because we walked through the trees."   Calliope had done this before, but hadn't noticed that night.   "If you are all ready, we can go see how things are in the vale." In the courtyard is a large tree and she begins to do an incantation, "We need to be quick. .. Now!"
    The party runs through and the Elder of the Dawngreets: goes in last.   The party is now in an empty field. They are near a few lonely ones still here. The lands are barren and brown.    
Barlo asks how large is the Skola Vale, and the Archfey says: "It is quite large. What I know of the Vale is that sometime before I was, I guess, born. The Vale was in the Feywild and sometime before I came along it had taken its place as a conduit between the Feywild and the Material Plane.   Shadow in the Snow: "You say your powers are waning because it is gone."   Elder: "Yes, I feel that my powers are not totally working since it left."   Shadow in the Snow: "So, before when the vale was centered in the Feywild -- would it also cause someone from there to lose their power if they come here."   Elder: "The way it used to work was there were random portals all through the Village of Skola Vale where you could go back and forth between the two planes. Skola Vale was originally a Domain of Delight -- a domain in the Feywild, like a pocket universe. Similar to how the Domain of Dread work in the Shadowfell. And both mirror the world of the Material Plane, but with many deviations and pocket universes. Skola Vale was created by a powerful Archfey before I was created. He was somehow corrupted and so banished from the Feywild, as far as I know. Then I was born in a way to protect the Skola Vale and that has been my whole life to protect the Skola Vale."
  Some of the party began to see movement all along the strange hills here. The party began to notice how odd the shapes were and trying to figure out a way to scout the area.   Shadow in the Snow began to sneak towards the "rock"    
Elder: "I've never seen this before. This is where the village should be, and I've never seen this landscape. It should be flatlands here."
    Shadow in the Snow notices the Rock is textured like skin and not like Marble. Her arcane background was not helpful in studying the Rock. She has heard of creatures that can turn beings into stone, but that is all she knows. She takes a chunk back to the party.    
She gives the Rock to Bastion Bladesinger and the Elder of the Dawngreets puts her hand over the Rock, as she does it her eyes go wide and the right hand gets disfigured. "I don't think I can read that Rock, nor should I try. I can tell you that that is the Archfey and the corruption is still here."   Her left hand goes into the air and pulls out a white Light out of nowhere, and as she pulls it down she presents a white thin glove of Light to Calliope Galanodel "I can't follow, but I think you can use this. My ability is learn lore and so I will trust this power with you. If you put that glove on you can have my power to some limited ability."   "I cannot go with you, and I will wait for your return. I will return to the Feywild and I wish you luck. I would just say to not use the glove on 'that'" as she points to the rocks. One last hug and she walks behind the tree… where she disappears.
    Calliope Galanodel asked the party if she should put it on and decides to put it in a pocket.   Barlo tried to think of what he knows about Goblinoids, he knows they speak Common and Goblin Language. They tend to run in large packs, and Bugbear will tend to Lead parties of Goblinoids that are smaller than them.   Barlo says they can walk slowly and see what happens.   At this point the party notices that both Arktos & Barlo have been getting a bit more "swole".  



The Battle:

  Combat Round 01
  Combat Round 02

  Combat Round 03

  Combat Round 04
  • Bastion Bladesinger bonus action: bladesong. Cast Haste. Stabbed a Goblin to death
  • Shadow in the Snow shoots an arrow w/ a swarm and hunters mark -- kills a Bugbear
  • The Goblins moved and missed on their turn
  • Calliope moved with her high jumps. Another Feint, and this time she distracted some
  • One of the distracted dies as Barlo attacks and misses on the other.
  • Sas W.T. Rayce chill touches and kills a Goblin

  Combat Round 05

  Combat Round 06
  • Bastion Bladesinger's Haste moved him up to the Goblin Boss and he used his double attack to kill him. Then using the rest of his movement and a dash to get that way also.
  • Shadow in the Snow sprinted that way also.
  • Barlo's intimidation was enough to scare the Bugbear to say "look, you've killed my party. This isn't worth it.. No… Let me go and I can … just let me go and I'll tell you what you want to know."
  • Barlo "alright."

☠️ Barlo (Goblin, Bugbear, Stopped Hobgoblin) ☠️ Bastion (2 Goblins, Goblin Boss, Bugbear) ☠️ Sas (Goblin) ☠️ Shadow (3 Bugbears) 1 Goblin fell into the hole, 2 unsure

t Combat Experience: 1350 (270 Each) | Total: 14,270 (Next Goal: 23,000) t
So, out of combat and Barlo waited for the rest to catch up. Shadow in the Snow moved the Hunter's Mark to this guy.    
Shadow in the Snow: "why are you here?"   Bugbear: "we get paid money. I have been meaning to find a better group anyways, these guys here -- I guess they're even getting into the slave trade. Back at the base they got a few of yous' guys."   Shadow in the Snow: "what do you mean us guys?"   Bugbear: "a couple of tortles, a Tabaxi in the prisons up there. I'm not into that. I'm fine with jumping and killing people on the roads for Gold, but not this. It's gotten to be too much. Anyways -- this guy, a warlock of some sort -- he paid us to come down here and attack."   Shadow in the Snow: "what's his name?"   Bugbear: "I don't know his name. I'm not high enough rank. I just know he paid a lot of money a month ago or whatever and he has spent this whole time at the temple down there. "   Shadow in the Snow: "Temple?"   Bugbear: "If you look in the chest of the Dead Archfey, that's what they say it is -- and there is a temple down there. A temple and I guess he's just been in the temple. We've just been up here keeping watch -- as I understand it, as long as we're here, the town won't be coming back."   Shadow in the Snow: "The warlock is in the temple?"   Bugbear: "Yeah. In the temple down there, since we scared the village off to some place."   Sas W.T. Rayce: "You were involved in sending the school back to the Feywild?"   Bugbear: "Well that's what we got paid to do."   Sas W.T. Rayce: "What's the warlock want?"   Bugbear: "That's above my paygrade. We got paid to come here, and guard while he's been down there. We shift guards around, so I've been down there. Saw the black temple and the ship down there.   Sas W.T. Rayce: "Ship?"   Bugbear: "Yeah, it's weird. It's all sand down there and this ship sitting in it off to the side."   Shadow in the Snow: "How do get there? Any traps? Any mazes?"   Bugbear: "We haven't set any traps. We're coming and going too much fer that. Guarding down there and up here. If you go to the steps by the left leg. There are some steps."   Shadow in the Snow: "How many guards with the warlock?"   Bugbear: "Last I checked, he's been thinning the ranks. I think he's close to whatever he wants. He has a few with him though."   Shadow in the Snow: "less than up here?"   Bugbear: "yeah, this was the majority left. He had some orcs, some troglodytes, and a Satyr who has been hanging out with him."   Shadow in the Snow: "So the point of scaring off the Village was to get access to this temple?"   Bugbear: "that's what I'm guessin'. My understanding is we being here is keeping it away. Some sort of security. If you got what you need.. I'd like to leave. I have a family. I need to find a new gang…"   Shadow in the Snow persuades her and says "drop yer weapons" with Barlo onlooking and he does so, with a grunt and a sigh. "You good?"
    The party discuss if they are good to let him go… Barlo and Sas W.T. Rayce says he gave enough info, Bastion Bladesinger pulls out the Basalt's Magic Ball from the Bag of Holding.    
Basalt's Magic Ball
  Question: "-- is this creature telling the truth?"   Answer: "Signs point to yes"
    And they let him go, so he runs off to the West.    
"Apparently we have to deal with a warlock now" Bastion Bladesinger says   Shadow in the Snow: "at least there are less numbers down there." Bastion Bladesinger: "how much you want to bet they are stronger down there…"   Barlo suggested if it is too much they can ask Reginald for help.
    They discussed next moves and then investigated the Dead bodies.   These guys didn't have any patches or group insignias. Shadow in the Snow investigates more on the rocks, no runes but lots of rot.  

145 gp, 1800cp, 10 ep, honey bottle, a vial of perfume

t Milestone Experience: 4050 (810 Each) | Total: 15,080(Next Goal: 23,000) t
**Left at Dead Archfey of Skola Vale looting the bodies**

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 1350 (270 Each) | Total: 14,270 (Next Goal: 23,000) t   t Milestone Experience: 4050 (810 Each) | Total: 15,080 (Next Goal: 23,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed



  • Bastion's Soul was "touched" by that of an Elf before he was born, this has given him some "features" it seems. It is why he can study and utilize the Bladesong. It also has allowed him to forego an 8-hour rest and take a 4-hour trance instead. This trance opens him up to visions of his past.
  • There are three who may assist in this situation for the Vale.
    • The Vale itself may hold clues.
    • There is an outpost with Orcs & Goblinoids that might be involved
    • There is an individual in Wide Berth that tends to have all types of information about that which happens on Kampos.
  • Learned that Scroll of Telescription will "store" all incoming messages when kept in the Bag of Holding. Where it will download all the messages to that person who pulls it out, when they hold it. It will allow a response as message spell as well.
    • Lars' crafting may cause "unexpected" outcomes on occasion.
    • Reggie checked Ring of Mind Shielding for a Soul again.
  • Meals at Reggie's can grant a Heroic Feast benefit.
  • The elder answers some questions
    • The Village in the Vale existed in both the Feywild & the Material Plane and one could traverse between the two planes at almost any point.
    • Before the Elder was "born" it existed in the Feywild and the Elder "came along" after it took its place as a conduit between the Feywild and the Material Plane.
    • Her powers on the Material Plane seem to be waning with the Vale gone.
    • The Vale was originally a "Domain of Delight" (a domain in the Feywild, like a pocket universe) - similar to Domains of Dread in the Shadowfell
    • They mirror the world of the Material Plane, but with many deviations and pocket universes.
    • The Vale was originally created by a powerful Archfey, before the Elder was "created".
      • He was somehow corrupted and banished from the Feywild (as she knows it).
      • The Elder then was "born" in a way to protect the Vale and that is her life.
  • Intel from Bugbear:
    • Paid money, they are mercenaries for hire
    • The mercs have been getting into slave trade
    • Seems there were some tortles and a Tabaxi at the prisons they have at the outpost
    • The contract to attack the vale & then guard it
    • He has been in the "temple" below the vale since they got here.
    • The dead Giant is an Archfey.
    • As long as these goblinoids remain here, they keep the Vale from returning.
    • There is also a ship down there, in the sand
    • He had some orcs, some troglodytes, and a Satyr with him
  • Bastalt's Ball:
    • Q: "-- is this creature telling the truth?"
    • "Signs point to yes"
      Troll Heart Amulet. 1. Recipe 2. Ingredients: Shaped Fire Opals (Flawless) Reginald Ivoryclaw is willing to invest a bit to help them. They just need the Fire Opals and 4,000gp  
      The Cloak of Displacement was an expensive recipe, costing 10,000 gp -- but we were hoping to find this one for our own purposes anyways. So don't worry about that cost. It is looking like 50,000 gp worth of materials and commissions it looks like, due to its rarity. If you can cover it -- we can get it done in 8 weeks, 2 if we want to risk it possibly not working.  
      The whip +1 is a 4 week project and 1500 gp for the materials. We can get the commission pro bono if you cover the cost.
City Map | Village of Skola Vale
Just referred to as the Village of Skola Vale, or even Skola Vale it is the village in this wide green valley. This vale exists both in the Feywild and the Material Plane in The Dark Rain Forest on Kampos.
Area Map | Kampos (Simple & Color)
Kampos, much of the land is not fully explored and that which has been exploited has been settled by the more anthropomorphic species of Dierde.

Session 24: Dead Archfey Relic Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
01 Jan 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie


This article has no secrets.