Session 029: The Feywild and Meenlocks Report

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Fellnight 3, 2020KC

  Village of Skola Vale, Skola Vale, The Dark Rain Forest, Kampos   Story so far
So what has the party learned?   Long ago an Archfey dedicated himself to Tharizdun, and had some machinations to have his personal Domain of Delights in the Feywild to straddle the Material Plane and the Shadowfell. These plans were disrupted by a band of adventurers working with other Archfey to kill him and then made the Domain, aka the Skola Vale, now straddle the Material Plane and the Feywild. It also locked up the Ziggurat of Tharizdun (and Adventurer Class Airship) below in a pocket dimension.   Not too long ago the Goddess Bast had a purpose, it seems to possibly help a dying pharoah in some nameless City in the Mist. To do so she found a way into this hidden pocket dimension and took the Gem of Tharizdun -- a glowing Orb which holds the world of Toril (and its powers). She put it in a magical Brass orb to hide and protect it. This she gave to Sas W.T. Rayce, a Tortle hermit.   It seems that Bast entering this dimensional pocket allowed some essence or power of the Dead Archfey to escape, and this triggered a few seemingly random events. It brought the Wizard adventurer Pradam Estorich to Dierde from what has been called "Venger's Realm". It brought an evil Wizard turned warlock dedicated to the dead Archfey named Bargle from a world called Mystara. He seems to have the orb for his world and seeks another so he can have power. He was working for another Warlock, a Satyr dedicated to Tharizdun and they were seeking this other orb.   They had used their resources and those of the Arcane Order to hire mercenaries to attack the Vale which triggered its relocation to the Feywild and it allowed them to search for the orb.   Now the party has cleared out all the threats allowing the Vale to return. They fought a glorious battle with the last of the mercenaries in the temple which it seems Bargle used to 'test' and play with the party. He bailed on the Satyr which the party outnumbered and convinced to "talk". They had a conversation which filled in some holes to this narrative. He then seemed to jump into the dark void below and then the Vale began to return.   Other notes:   Pradam Estorich has an orb to his realm, possibly -- in his hat, so the party contacted Lars & Ursa to get word to protect him. Vyerith was to leave Neyer with a contact from "The Road". And many other things that the party has not had time to return to as they are now investigating one of the two possible issues causing the Skola Vale to be stuck here. They were told of an old Hag who might be responsible or at least know of a way to fix it then there was the Meenlock colony in a nearby cave.   They went for the Meenlocks and found the Caverns. Fighting a lone watchman and then the first batch they were set to explore these winding caverns and tunnels.

    Table Talk
Cleaned up a lot of Roll20. Front Page gives better information. Dramatis Personae has the people involved, Gods brought up, etc... Some of the NPCs who are Dead, believed Dead, etc were also brought up.   New Tokens for some of the characters as well as Macros.   New Spell Rulers.   HP Checked.   Shadow is out of ink, except for the glowing ink from the CQ. Reminded them of free proficiency/skill from the Elder  
  As it got to be night (in the Material Plane) the party could see that the night/day cycle can still be seen in a strange way in the village as it continues to exist in a strange pocket of the Feywild with it's occasional links to the Material Plane.   The party returned to the Keep and got a Long Rest.    

Fellnight 4, 2020KC

  They then spoke to someone who told them about how the points of egress are all leading to the Feywild whereas it used to be random portals around the edge of the Village which would lead one to the Feywild. She said they could surely find a way if the party "had" to leave, but the Adventurer Class Airship is still undergoing repairs and it might take some time.   Then the Elder of the Dawngreets returned and Shadow in the Snow asked about the problem of leaving and the time lost -- it was tied to how they flew through the Feywild and the Material Plane in a strange way as they left the caverns.   She also speaks of why she finds it so important to fix the situation to what it was like before -- she fears how it might affect the The Dark Rain Forest (and her village's economy of course). She has people investigating the situation.   Shadow in the Snow takes her up on her reward and chooses the proficiency of Tattoo Kits as her pick. She puts her hand over Shadow's hand and it has a glow around the edges, she then touches her head and now Shadow is proficient with tattooing.   She draws the designs that form in her head, and now has in her Tattoo Sketchbook:  
  • Eye of Darkvision
    Eye of Darkvision (Head, Small Average) Ink + 2,500 gp   Your eyes become accustomed to total darkness. You can see into the darkest corners of the world.   Once per long rest as an action, the wearer can gain the ability to see in the dark, and has Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet for 8 hours. If the wearer already has Darkvision, this increases the range of their Darkvision by 60 feet, to a maximum of 120 feet.   An Ornate version of this tattoo exists, which applies a permanent effect, instead of a temporary one.
  • Mark of the Anchor
    Mark of the Anchor (Anywhere, Small Simple) Ink + 1,000 gp   Your body feels heavier, feet more firmly planted on the ground. The wearer gains advantage against effects that would move them, or knock them Prone.
  • Mark of the Archer
    Mark of the Archer (Arm, Medium Average) Ink + 2,000 gp   Your bow feels natural in your hand, and moves almost without thought to aim at your targets The wearer has a +1 bonus on ranged attack rolls with ranged weapons they are proficient with.
  • Mark of the Pufferfish
    Mark of the Pufferfish (Arm, Small Average) Ink + 3,000 gp   Venomous spines protrude from your skin, seeking flesh to corrode and infect with the pufferfish’s natural defense. When the wearer enters a grapple with another creature, the wearer may use their reaction to extend sharp poisonous spines from the tattooed area. If the other creature is still in physical contact with the wearer (i.e. part of the grapple) at the end of its turn, the spines deal 1d4 poison damage. The spines remain extended until the grapple ends.
  • Mark of the Spider
    Mark of the Spider (Leg, Medium Simple) Ink + 2,000 gp   Your feet feel firmly planted on every surface they touch, allowing you to even run up vertical walls.   As an action once per long rest, the wearer gains the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving its hands free. The wearer also gains a climbing speed equal to its walking speed. These effects last for 1 hour, or until the wearer loses concentration.
  • Tattoo of Protection
    Tattoo of Protection (Chest or Back, Large Simple) Ink + 3,500 gp   A design of overlapping chain rings, or of leather-looking patches, covers your torso. The wearer has a +1 bonus to AC and to all saving throws.
  • Tattoo of Striding
    Tattoo of Striding (Leg, Medium Average) Ink + 3,000 gp   A design of leaves or flowing wind spirals around your leg.   The wearer's walking speed is increased by 5 feet. This tattoo may be applied to the other leg for an additional +5 feet of movement.   If made using three-dimensional ink, the tattoo instead increases movement speed by +10 feet.
  5+Int Mod simple designs as well as she had put the Darkvision one in her book (she failed the first time she copied it, but on the second try she got it done right).   Sas W.T. Rayce takes on Herbalism Kit.   Bastion Bladesinger asked about learning spells, and she suggested buying a Spell Scroll.   Barlo asked for the Weaver's Tools's proficiency.   Shopping questions:   north of the Village Center & Stage for Skola Vale is a shopping district.   The Griffon's Emporium, shopkeeper a male Dragonborn named Anammit (won't overcharge if they drop the Elder's name and he prefers PP to GP.)   and Mirabelle Wheatflow (Human) at The Illustrated Woman, a Magic Tattoo shop in Skola Vale Village.   and Hilde & Eofar's Scrolls, a small shop for Spell Scrolls.   Table Talk on Dancing Swords
Calliope Galanodel brought up how she would like a Dancing Sword. When it comes to any magic item in this game that the party learns might exist and they would like:
  • A. Try to find one. Using connections, or paying for people to find the location of an item could Lead to some way to find such items.
  • B. Learn how to craft it -- and either find the time/money to craft it or hire someone to craft it (also time and money).
  Every item needs: specific items. money. someone(s) to do it that takes time and money. Always let me know what items you are interested and they MAY come into the story or you can always find a way to get them crafted.   Currently, the party has Lars Heyton and Ursa to assist in many ways.
    The party asked about the Ziggurat of Tharizdun, below Skola Vale and they were told no one is allowed down there, but if they felt they really needed to then the Elder of the Dawngreets could be willing to trust them.   The party then leaves, goes north and sees a Satyr leave the Feywild Traveling Fair Mushroom all jazzed and in a good mood with his prizes. They also spot the Pixie that was at the fair.   Another block -- single story, timber block building with a griffon silhoutte sign.   The Dragonborn greets them. He says he is not stocked on scrolls, but suggests next door. A small "box" next door in the alley.   They ask about "items" and he shows his boots, Boots of Striding and Springing (he says came from the body of a Lich decades ago) as well as a Moon-Touched Sword (belonged to a Dwarf archer named Gomorrah), a Staff of Flowers, a Potion of Animal Handling, 5 Arrows of Ice (20gp each), 3 Arrows of Glass (10 gp each) which can hold a poison or something, 5 Arrows of Sleep (30 gp each).   Across the street is a normal "weapon" and adventuring shop.   The party spent 280 gp for the arrows and was given a free quiver with them... Shadow talked about the quivers and asked if she could get a quiver for 40 arrows. 2gp and it could be ready by the end of the day. She agrees.   Barlo asked about Moon-Touched Sword, 65 gp. He purchased it.   Boots are 400gp   Asked about magic armor, nothing right now -- he needs time, but is willing to ask for suggestions. (bastion asked and I didn't get notes on what he wanted.)   Shadow in the Snow was asking about Armor for Arktos.   Bastion Bladesinger goes to the scroll shop -- anything below 3rd level, no problem for a couple copies of a scroll. Anything above that is give or take.   Bastion Bladesinger purchases Find Familiar, 60 pg, and was reminded he would need 10gp of materials for each casting, a brazier was given with the scroll. A reminder that wizards need ink and materials for any spells they put in their book -- which also needs time and a DC to verify.   another 50 gp.   Asked about fabrication Spell Scroll, cost of 1000 -- it's 4th level and more rare. He bought that, and the necessary ink.   At the shop across the way Calliope Galanodel got a hand crossbow and bolts. Shadow in the Snow asked about the Armor. 45 gp and it'll be ready the next day.   someone bought a 10 gp Shield.   Shadow in the Snow bought some ink (at cost) from the tattooist who was happy to meet someone new to the craft.   shopping is done.   The party sleeps with Bastion Bladesinger spending the night and part of the next day to work on his Spellbook. Shadow in the Snow retrieved the Armor and it fit perfectly on the Owlbear. Bastion Bladesinger checked on studded Leather Armor - standard Magic Leather Armor +1 for 600 gp is for sale. no one bought yet.   Bastion Bladesinger used 950gp for scrolls Shadow in the Snow used 200gp for ink  


Fellnight 6, 2020KC

  Breakfast and the Elder comes down. Says she doesn't know exactly what is going on, but there are rumors.  
Nearby is a nest of Meenlock. These things kidnap people and torture them to create more meenlocks as they spawn from the mental torture they put people throught.   There is also a rumor that a Hag is nearby.
  NSWE doesn't exist here, but the level of day/light. if you travel towards the "Twilight" of the Feywild.   This Hag might be using her magics -- since hags use a unique magic unlike other types of magic and sometimes they can pervert reality and do all types of things. Some work with the courts of the Feywild because of their abilities, but most are recluses. They are generally vile.  
  • Traversing the Feywild is ingrained in those of the Feywild, and hard to explain to outsiders. It helps to know where you are going and you will tend to hopefully find it. Time and space is odd here.
  • The Adventurer Class Airship is still being repaired, but if they want to use it, of course it is their ship.
  • The party decides to investigate the Meenlocks, going out the "Eastgate" the light gets dimmer and then follow "the fear".  

      The party discussed their options for some time and then asked the Elder for more info on how to find the Meenlocks. They leave and traverse the lands. They hear music, see endless fields, and begin to travel. They do have rations, but of course they have an Alchemy Jug, a Wood Yummy Knife, and a Bag of Infinite Dust to ensure they should not die of starvation or dehydration -- as well as Shadow in the Snow's Ranger abilities.   They travel for hours and the sky doesn't change, but slowly they see the sky is getting a bit darker and then come upon a tree in the distance. Bastion Bladesinger performs the Find Familiar spell and brings Princess to "life" and ahead near the tree they see A two-foot tall hideous being with a deformed body. Underneath thick bristles of hair that are more like spines, is a body covered in cysts and sores. It stands hunched-over and drags its claws along the ground. It has an insectoid head with several sets of twitching mandibles, two long antenna-like feelers and a pair of yellow, pupil-less eyes.  


    The Battle:

    ☠️ Shadow  

    t Combat Experience: 450 (90 Each) | Total: 20,478 (Next Goal: 23,000) t
      After the fight, Shadow in the Snow finds a hole hidden with leaves. They enter the cavern and realize how nearly impossible it might be for most of them to just climb out. As they begin to investigate they hear strange skittering. The caves are, on average, about 8 feet high.  



    The Battle:

    ☠️? Bastion ☠️? Shadow

    t Combat Experience: 1800 (360 Each) | Total: 20,838 (Next Goal: 23,000) t
    **Left at the start of Meenlock Caverns Skola Vale, Feywild Side about to explore it**

    Rewards Granted

    • Shadow’s Tattoo Sketches
      • Eye of Darkvision
      • Mark of the Anchor
      • Mark of the Archer
      • Mark of the Pufferfish
      • Mark of the Spider
      • Tattoo of Protection
      • Tattoo of Striding
    • Sas has Herbalism Kit Proficiency
    • Barlo has Weaver’s Tools Proficiency
    • Boots of Striding and Springing
    • Moon-Touched Sword
    • 5 Arrows of Ice
    • 3 Arrows of Glass
    • 5 Arrows of Sleep
    • Free Quiver
    • Large Quiver
    • Owlbear armor
    • Find Familiar Spell Scroll, and Materials
    • Fabrication Spell Scroll
    • Shield
    • Tattoo Ink
    • Perception Skill Proficiency 'gift' for Bastion.
    • Calliope upped her performance skill and went to expertise.

      t Combat Experience: 450 (90 Each) | Total: 20,478 (Next Goal: 23,000) t   t Combat Experience: 1800 (360 Each) | Total: 20,838 (Next Goal: 23,000) t  

    Missions/Quests Completed

    • Shopping and a few days of downtime
    • The Elder found out some rumors, there is a Meenlock colony and a Hag which might be connected.
    • Got to the Meenlocks and began to clear it.


    • Rumors of a Hag and a Meenlock colony.
    • Hags have a unique style of magic
    • Meenlocks make new offspring by torturing humanoids mentally
    Area Map | Kampos (Feywild)
    The Feywild is technically an echo of the material plane, but due to many factors time and space can stretch and bend. So it is near impossible to truly map the Feywild, as well as how the plane will affect people differently so a map for one person might not totally work for another.   this is a rough idea of how it affects The Mighty Menagerie during their travels in 2020 as they sought to help the Village of Skola Vale
    City Map | Village of Skola Vale
    Just referred to as the Village of Skola Vale, or even Skola Vale it is the village in this wide green valley. This vale exists both in the Feywild and the Material Plane in The Dark Rain Forest on Kampos.

    Session 29: The Feywild and Meenlocks Report

    Table of Contents

    The Wild Cards
    Bastion Bladesinger
    Sas W.T. Rayce
    Calliope Galanodel
    Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
    Barbarian 8
    85 / 85 HP
    Shadow in the Snow
    Report Date
    26 Mar 2022
    Secondary Location
    Wild Cards
    Organization | Aug 22, 2024

    The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

    Timeline of The Wild Cards
    Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

    A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie