Session 030: The Siblings Affair Report

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Around... Fellnight 6, 2020KC, Late Afternoon (☣️Feywild Time☣️)

  Meenlock Caverns Skola Vale, Feywild Side, Feywild, Skola Vale The Dark Rain Forest, Kampos     Story so far
So what has the party learned?   Long ago an Archfey dedicated himself to Tharizdun, and had some machinations to have his personal Domain of Delights in the Feywild to straddle the Material Plane and the Darkfell. These plans were disrupted by a band of adventurers working with other Archfeys to kill him and then made the Domain, aka the Skola Vale, now straddle the Material Plane and the Feywild. It also locked up the temple (and airship) below in a pocket dimension.   Not too long ago the Goddess Bast had a purpose, it seems to possibly help a dying pharoah in some nameless City in the Mist. To do so she found a way into this hidden pocket dimension and took the Gem of Tharizdun -- a glowing orb which holds the world of Torill (and its powers). She put it in a magical Brass orb to hide and protect it. This she gave to Sas, a Tortle hermit.   It seems that Bast entering this dimensional pocket allowed some essence or power of the Dead Archfey to escape, and this triggered a few seemingly random events. It brought the Wizard adventurer Pradam to Dierde from what has been called "Venger's Realm". It brought an evil Wizard turned warlock dedicated to the dead Archfey named Bargle from a world called Mystara. He seems to have the orb for his world and seeks another so he can have power. He was working for another warlock, a Satyr dedicated to Tharizdun and they were seeking this other orb.   They had used their resources and those of the Arcane Order to hire mercenaries to attack the Vale which triggered its relocation to the Feywild and it allowed them to search for the orb.   Now the party has cleared out all the threats allowing the Vale to return. They fought a glorious battle with the last of the mercenaries in the temple which it seems Bargle used to 'test' and play with the party. He bailed on the Satyr which the party outnumbered and convinced to "talk". They had a conversation which filled in some holes to this narrative. He then seemed to jump into the dark void below and then the Vale began to return.   Other notes:   Pradam has an orb to his realm, possibly -- in his hat, so the party contacted Lars & Ursa to get word to protect him. Vyerith was to leave Neyer with a contact from "The Road". And many other things that the party has not had time to return to as they are now investigating one of the two possible issues causing the Skola Vale to be stuck here. They were told of an old Hag who might be responsible or at least know of a way to fix it then there was the Meenlock colony in a nearby   They went for the meenlocks and found the caverns. Fighting a lone watchman and then the first batch they were set to explore these winding caverns and tunnels.   Meenlocks create new meenlocks by kidnapping and torturing sentient creatures.

    Hard to be sure about time here. The Feywild amplifies the emotions of those who explore these lands and with the lack of reliable astrological time-keeping it can be hard to gauge time as it relates to the Material Plane. Especially as, the party has previously learned, one leaves the Feywild it can Lead to a different time back on the other plane.   After the fight last session they are ready to explore the caverns. They stealth through and hear skitterings/rustling/and movement in the walls which occasionally tremble in parts. These tunnels twist & turn, up and down and they are able to mostly navigate throught.   It would seem as if the Meenlock were trying to terrify the party. Barlo is sure if he did not have the Cowl of Warding he would succumb.  



The Battle:

  During the fight there are shadow forms of the party's fears and angst that appears to "haunt"them.   barlo's vision
Barlo sees his father and he is disappointed, asking why and throwing accusations.
  shadow's vision
Shadow sees her family in pain
  sas's vision
Sas sees the abbot upset at her, he's pleading and yelling at her
  calliope's vision
Calliope sees her grandmother who is dissapointed in her.
  bastion's vision
bastion sees his parents and they say he should have been the one to die, not them.
☠️ Sas ☠️ Shadow? ☠️ Barlo (1 small, Big One) ☠️(?? 1 Dead, 1 got away)

t Combat Experience: 3600 (720 Each) | Total: 21,558 (Next Goal: 23,000) t
  Two prisoners, one is a Dryad, Deodara (scared and scarred - physically and mentally) which Calliope takes to Heal and help, the other is Brother of Shadow Belly of a Beast.  

  Barlo picks the locks and frees the prisoners. Calliope Galanodel helps the Dryad. She is very exhausted. She speaks in Sylvan to Calliope. Calliope offers water to the prisoners.   Shadow starts to talk, angrily, to the other prisoner. It is Brother of Shadow Belly of a Beast. Beast is surprised, it seems, to see Shadow .   Shadow: "What are you doing here?"   Beast: "I was taken prisoner by some Wizard who I was trying to help get my girlfriend back because he had taken her and he said that I would be good for his plans too. And he brought me here he said his name was Bargle.   I know it's been a while since we last spoke, but I have a girlfriend and she was captured. I don't know why he took her, but when he did, I went to rescue her. I was not very successful though. I think he took Mellow to somewhere with some mercenaries, my girlfriend's name is "Mellow", she's a Tabaxi."   The party thought the Dryad was the girfriend, but Barlo thought it might be his sister.   Shadow: "So, your poor decisions got someone else in trouble again!"   Beast: "no, I don't think so. It seemed more like he wanted her and then he thought that I would be helpful too.   At least that is the impression I got from what he had said.   And it's not like he told me his master plan anything but I picked up on a little bit here and there, and especially after he captured me, I feel like I learned more. But then after that, it was all just torture."   Shadow: "How about your friends they're not helping you."   Beast: "OK, so you have problems with my friends, and then you want to know about my girlfriend over there?"   Barlo: "What was her name?"   Beast: "Mellow. She's a Tabaxi from the Bronze Canyon"   Shadow: "OK, what else did you do, Beast?"   Brother of Shadow Belly of a Beast: "I didn't do anything. I got captured."   Barlo speaks up, about how he is related to Mellow Robin "Mellow"   Beast: "Oh, so you're Barlo. Sorry, Smiles."   Note: No one in the party knew his Tabaxi name.   Shadow pushes her brother. She's angry.   Beast: "Oh, I have been tortured for some time. Some nice flavored dust.   He says, thank you since. And I don't know how long it's been. I just know it's. It feels like years, but I'm sure it's been closer.   I mean, I don't know what the date is or anything, but I'd have to. I can't remember when it was. It all happened. It's it's. It's been an endless nightmare."   Shadow continues to pepper him with questions, but he says:"Once we get out of here, I've taken some rest. I can tell you guys more gladly. He looks over at Bastion, who's been searching the area and says that and kind of points off to the Northeast Room where the the boss was and he says, If you look over, since you're looking for something, if you look over there, you'd probably have better luck"   That last bit was to Bastion who was searching the rooms, he had rolled a 21 and so after digging under a few feet of dirt he sees a box.   Beast: "It's not important right now. Shadow what's important is getting some rest and then trying to get her back something."   Barlo works on the lock and breaks a glass vial releasing a green gas. Barlo is protected though.   As Barlo pulls out the items, Beast says the book is his.   He looks to Shadow and says it is the "thing". She says that was about a book?   Beast: "It's a very important book. What honestly I don't know the whole history of it, but this Bargle character, he it was important before him, obviously, because that night was before I had ever heard of him. But he seemed to also be interested.   I'm telling you, though, that it had nothing to do with what I don't think it had to do with this but it's like, can we just get out of here? And we could talk about it later. It's the book is mine. We'll talk about it all later. We can figure this all out and well, let's let me get some rest you're out."   Shadow: "My stupid brother..."   Beast speaks about how Bargle was interested in the book. then says: "I'm saying that he was interested in that as well. He was interested in her, but he wasn't like the book says the book was something else. And it's just a strange coincidence with this. So, I mean, I know it always seems like it's coincidence, but in this time, it is a coincidence."   Shadow: "Don't know why I was surprised."   Beast: "I think it's because he he knows about you guys. I heard him talking when he brought me here, and he helped these meenlocks. I heard him. He I heard your names come up and I didn't ... I was too weak to realize he was talking about you as when he said shadow. But I've heard other names. I've heard the names; Calliope, Bastion, Barlo -- which that I guess now it makes sense, like...   Well, I think Mellow was taken to punish Smiles and I think that's why he took me was when he realized that I was related to you. He if anything, this is actually you're ... it's your fault. I was captured, not him."   Shadow: "Oh, don't blame this on me -- you are the reason I left."   Beast: "Yeah, but what I'm saying though, is he when he realized that I was related to you, he figured this is a great way of torturing somebody that was close to you."   He says how much he needs rest and the Dryad obviously needs rest too.  
  A Wizard took Beast after he tried to help his girlfriend, Mellow Robin "Mellow" (Barlo's Sister). She was taken "months" ago. This all has to do with the book that Shadow in the Snow and Beast seem interested in, the book that Beast pointed out was buried to Bastion Bladesinger.  

the chest contained:
  The book was wanted by Bargle it seems. He knows about the party and family members.  
The party took 4 Meenlock into the Bag of Colding, two mandibles of the big guy, and the Gem in his head  

Fellnight 7, 2020KC (☣️Feywild Time☣️)

  Sometime in the caves it would technically have hit a new day...   Made way back after some hours-- and a re-up of Darkvision spell. Followed all of Shadow in the Snow's marks. it was well over 14 hours since they entered these caves (they believe)   Outside they did a Leomund's hut for a long rest   during the night the entire place went "dark" for a very quick moment.   During another shift they saw 15 flying Pixies fly by in the distance. This was Shadow's watch (the first one).    
**Left at entrance to Meenlock Caverns Skola Vale, Feywild Side planning to go to the Village of Skola Vale or the Hag**

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 3600 (720 Each) | Total: 21,558 (Next Goal: 23,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Cleared out the Meenlocks.
  • Found Shadow's brother and a Dryad, freed them.
  • Killed a large Meenlock with a mysterious Crystal.
  • Shadow left her village after an incident with her brother and a book. Seems he stole it.
  • Connected to Bargle & Mellow, Barlo's sister. She is a prisoner.


  • Why Shadow's brother?
  • what is with the book?
  • What about this Crystal?
  • Mellow?
  • What happened with Shadow and Beast?
Area Map | Kampos (Feywild)
The Feywild is technically an echo of the material plane, but due to many factors time and space can stretch and bend. So it is near impossible to truly map the Feywild, as well as how the plane will affect people differently so a map for one person might not totally work for another.   this is a rough idea of how it affects The Mighty Menagerie during their travels in 2020 as they sought to help the Village of Skola Vale

Session 30: The Siblings Affair Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
30 Apr 2022
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie