Session 034: Planting a Seed Report

The Menagerie plant a mysterious seed in the Feywild.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Around... Fellnight 9, 2020 KC, Late Afternoon (☣️Feywild Time☣️)

  Spider Forest of the Feywild, Feywild, Skola Vale The Dark Rain Forest, Kampos   The party wakes up from their rest in the forest and notice it looks as if there are at least three paths that might lead to the cottage, as well as two other paths. Shadow in the Snow gets a 24 on her perception and she peers through the brush. It looks like the center one goes to the cottage, the other two seem to turn towards the house.   Bastion Bladesinger hands over the Basalt's Magic Ball to Shadow in the Snow.   Shadow asks the Basalt's Magic Ball about the trails.  
Basalt's Magic Ball
  Question: "Is the Hag we're looking for to the path straight ahead?"   Answer: "Outlook good"
  Before the party begins to move down the path, they realize they are a bit overencumbered and do a bit of inventory changes.   As they followed the trail they came across a Bear trap, it would seem the forest has a few surprises around here -- including a bunch of statues. All around the fence and in the space between the fence and forest they see white stone statues of all types of adventurers and woodland creatures. Fear and battle poses. There is a large tree between the fencework and the cottage.   A bit of discussions about the types of Hags and their unique magic. There is also a discussion on how 3's & 8's are important to the Feywild, including how Hags tend to be in covens of 3 granting them even more power than them outside of such a situation. There is also a type of Hag which is a fiend and not a fey. (much of this comes from Calliope Galanodel's history and Barlo's studying of the Monster Hunting Guide.   Hag Info, NTO
Will put more about Hag convo... See: Hag & Green Hag.
  As the party comes out of the forest they see very large lizards, which seem to be looking at the party. These are Basilisks and a fight ensues.  



The Battle:

☠️ Barlo ☠️ Bastion ☠️ Sas

t Combat Experience: 2100 (420 Each) | Total: 25,650 (Next Goal: 34,000) t
  Shadow went around and squished all of the eyes. They went over the Monster Hunting Guide and realized that there were no high value items right now...   note about taking reagents off creatures not said in-game
note to players if they read this:   Many parts of the creatures can be worth it to someone in the world, even if not in the lists I have...   You never know when the lungs of a Behir might be a component in some magic item down the road...  

  Conversation with Elf maiden...   Agree to help
    Travel to Darkstone, Corrupted Feywild near Cottage on Kampos.   Fight with Behir  



The Battle:



t Combat Experience: 7200 (1440 Each) | Total: 27,090 (Next Goal: 34,000) t t Crafting Experience: 1150 (230 Each) | Total: 27,320 (Next Goal: 34,000) t

1 horn worth 300 gp 1 large bag of scales 55 gp
  While they took the time it took to take those parts they planted the seed.  
**Left in the Shadowfell tainted part of the Feywild -- about to return -**

Rewards Granted

  • 1 horn worth 300 gp
  • 1 large bag of scales 55 gp

  t Combat Experience: 2100 (420 Each) | Total: 25,650 (Next Goal: 34,000) t   t Combat Experience: 7200 (1440 Each) | Total: 27,090 (Next Goal: 34,000) t   t Crafting Experience: 1150 (230 Each) | Total: 27,320 (Next Goal: 34,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The party defeated the Behir.
  • The party planted a seed

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

12 (Fellnight)

  • Around... Fellnight 9, 2020 KC, Late Evening (☣️Feywild Time☣️)
    • The Menagerie Killed the Behir in the Feywild



Items of Note







Area Map | Kampos (Feywild)
The Feywild is technically an echo of the material plane, but due to many factors time and space can stretch and bend. So it is near impossible to truly map the Feywild, as well as how the plane will affect people differently so a map for one person might not totally work for another.   this is a rough idea of how it affects The Mighty Menagerie during their travels in 2020 as they sought to help the Village of Skola Vale

Session 34: Planting a Seed Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
16 Jul 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie